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Month: November 2013
Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die
The story excerpted below from the Deccan Herald appears to tell a happy tale of countless sea creatures living inhabiting the shores around Monterey Bay in California. Quite strangely scientists tell us, “it’s all around” and “it’s a very strange year”…but why…why are all the sea creatures now living so close to the shores of the West Coast? Something strange is surely happening in California, but it’s not the $64,000 question they call it in the story below… the name is Fukushima, and sea animals bum rushing the shoreline while millions of creatures perish within the same Pacific Ocean is not a good thing. Continue reading “Something Strange Happening In Cali”
For all the time executives spend concerned about physical strength and health, when it comes down to it, mental strength can mean even more. Particularly for entrepreneurs, numerous articles talk about critical characteristics of mental strength—tenacity, “grit,” optimism, and an unfailing ability as Forbes contributor David Williams says, to “fail up.”
However, we can also define mental strength by identifying the things mentally strong individuals don’t do. Over the weekend, I was impressed by this list compiled by Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker, that she shared in LifeHack. It impressed me enough I’d also like to share her list here along with my thoughts on how each of these items is particularly applicable to entrepreneurs. Continue reading “Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid”
If you have not seen it, the pilot episode of the TV show Lone Gunmen predicted the World Trade Center attack using a remote controlled commercial airliner. This show first aired on March 4, 2001. There were no Arab hijackers on board. This TV show was a spin off of the X-Files show.
The parent show X-Files was a favorite of FBI and CIA operatives. They used to hang out on the set and suggest scripts. They suggested the pilot episode of the Lone Gunmen before George Bush was elected. Alan Greenspan manipulated the money supply and the economy so the Republicans would have a better chance. Ignorant people loved Clinton because the world was awash in FED money and the stock and real estate markets were reaching for the stars. Continue reading “Lone Gunmen TV Episode Predicted 911. Full Version”
To All The Friends and Listeners of Liberty Bible Hour, Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving To You and Yours!
Being truly thankful, naturally, we thank our Lord for his many blessings, which He bestows upon us daily, but even when the challenges of life come, we should never forget His presence, comfort, and His guidance, during these times as well.
So don’t only acknowledge the blessings we receive, be thankful for our Lord’s continual presence in all areas of our lives. Continue reading “Happy Thanksgiving!”
Happy holidays from the Obama administration. Federal agencies are currently working on rolling out hundreds of environmental regulations, including major regulations that would limit emissions from power plants and expand the agency’s authority to bodies of water on private property.
On Tuesday, the White House released its regulatory agenda for the fall of 2013. It lists hundreds of pending energy and environmental regulations being crafting by executive branch agencies, including 134 regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency alone. Continue reading “EPA preparing to unleash a deluge of new regulations”
Crickets are meant to be symbols of luck in many cultures. From ancient Chinese culture, to Native American beliefs, to even Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio, crickets are thought to be wise and bearers of good fortune.
While everyone is familiar with the sound of crickets chirping at dusk in summertime, musician Jim Wilson decided to do a little audio tweaking to the sound of the little creatures to see what they sounded like slowed down. The result is pretty astounding; they sound like a human choir. Continue reading “LISTEN: One man slowed down the sound of crickets chirping, and it’s incredible”
While We’re Out Christmas Shopping
Early next week, as the rest of us recover from our turkey-induced comas, see off our visiting relatives and munch on Thanksgiving leftovers, some Alamance County Commissioners are planning an activity that does not conjure an image of so much Americana. Unfortunately, it appears that a few of the commissioners (Manning, Massey & Smith) are still scheming to sneak an anti-gun ordinance through while their constituents are distracted by holiday travel and Christmas shopping. This is certainly not in the spirit of the holidays. Continue reading “NC: County to Vote on Total Gun Ban”
Inforwars – by Paul Joseph Watson
Cellphone users who attempt to install the Facebook Messenger app are asked to agree to terms of service that allow the social networking giant to use the microphone on their device to record audio at any time without their permission. Continue reading “Facebook Wants to Listen to Your Phone Calls”
Natural News – by Jonathan Benson
An outstanding ban on artificial water fluoridation has been upheld in the Australian coastal town of Byron Bay, located in New South Wales, following a heated encounter among local residents, scientists, dentists and city officials. The Fluoride Action Network reports that the Byron Shire Council ultimately ended up voting five-to-three to uphold the fluoride ban, relying on modern science which shows that fluoridation is both harmful and ineffective.
A group of fluoride-truth activists showed up to the recent meeting, which threatened to undo the ban, and made their voices heard about the outdated practice. Reports indicate that a large crowd, which included many local residents, showed up waving large signs and banners that said things like “We, the people of the Byron Bay Shire, strongly object to having our water poisoned with FLUORIDE!!!” Others brought letters signed by local doctors opposing the practice and delivered them directly to city officials. Continue reading “30,000 more people freed from water fluoridation after Australian town rejects poison”
An Oklahoma jury has convicted a veteran police captain of first-degree manslaughter in the death of an unarmed teenager who was running away after scuffling with the officer.
Del City Police captain Randy Trent Harrison shot Dane Scott Jr in the back on 14 March 2012, following a high-speed chase that began when Harrison tried to pull over Scott’s car. Continue reading “Oklahoma jury convicts police captain of unarmed teen’s manslaughter”
Public Integrity – by Susan Ferriss
Responding to demand for reforms, the nation’s largest school police force — in Los Angeles — will stop issuing tickets to students 12-years-old or younger for minor infractions allegedly committed on or near campuses during school hours.
A memo this month to officers from Los Angeles Unified School Police Department Chief Steven Zipperman outlined the new policy, which goes into effect in December. The announcement comes in the wake of community demands for the school district to “decriminalize” minor school disciplinary matters and use more discretion when involving law enforcement personnel. Continue reading “Nation’s largest school police force, in L.A., will stop ticketing kids 12 and younger”
The Obama administration has announced another delay to its healthcare law, this time to online medical insurance for small businesses.
The marketplace website allowing employers to buy health coverage for their workers will be put off by one year until November 2014.
Ongoing problems with, beset by glitches since its 1 October launch, were blamed for the delay. Continue reading “Obamacare: Small-business enrolment delayed by one year”