Year: 2013
Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown
While acting as if they are holier than the rest of us when it comes to gun control, the Obama administration defended agents of the Drug Enforcement Agency’s use of force against the 11-year-old and 14-year-old daughters of Thomas and Rosalie Avina. The “excessive” force included putting a gun to the youngest girl’s head. Attorney’s for the Obama administration defended the actions of the agents arguing that “the DEA agents’ conduct was plainly reasonable under the circumstances,” under the Bush administration in 2007.
What kind of circumstances would lead one to think it was “reasonable” to put a gun to an 11-year-old girl’s head?
Continue reading “Obama Admin Defended Agents Putting Gun To Little Girl’s Head”
One of the most dangerous things about the current law enforcement paradigm is that it removes decision making responsibility and empathy from the people who work in that field and spend their days with their boots on peoples necks.
Regardless of what kind of extenuating circumstance you are dealing with, “tell it to the judge “always seems to be the attitude that police officers hold.
Continue reading “Police Take Pregnant Woman Out of The Hospital Then She Dies in Jail”
News Sentinel – by Tom LoBianco of The Associated Press
INDIANAPOLIS — While some national lawmakers eye new limits on access to guns in the wake of last month’s school shooting in Connecticut, two Republican state senators are trying to expand who can carry guns and where in Indiana.
Sen. Jim Banks of Columbia City has proposed allowing students to carry firearms on Indiana’s public university campuses. Sen. Dennis Kruse of Auburn wants a bill that would exempt guns made exclusively in Indiana from federal rules and regulations.
Continue reading “2 Indiana Republicans want expanded gun access”
The Extinction Protocol – by Matt J.
January 9, 2013 – CALIFORNIA – The loud explosion that jolted North Hollywood on Tuesday night remained a mystery the next morning, authorities said. An officer at the Los Angeles Police Department’s North Hollywood station said police searched the area for a half an hour Tuesday night but had no luck in determining what caused the sound. The officer said police received numerous calls about the noise. At about 9:30 p.m., numerous people began tweeting about a loud explosion. Continue reading “They’re back: Unexplained ‘booming noises’ reported from South Carolina to California”
Huffington Post – by Sam Stein
WASHINGTON — Taft Union High School in Taft, Calif., normally has an armed guard on campus to help officials with problems that go “beyond the scope” of the administration.
But on Thursday morning, as a student showed up with a shotgun and fired two to four shots at a teacher and a classmate, the officer was nowhere to be found.
Continue reading “Taft High School Armed Guard Was ‘Snowed In,’ Not Present During Shooting”
With the national debate focused on civilian gun control, is perhaps the biggest armed threat within the U.S. being minimized?
According to the FBI, criminal street gangs – mostly comprised of illegal aliens – are acquiring high-powered, military-style weapons to potentially engage in lethal encounters with law enforcement members and citizens alike.
Continue reading “Real Gun Threat: Illegal-Alien Street Gangs”

Lew Rockwell Blog – by William Gregg
Auburn, Washington resident Dustin Theoharis was asleep in his bed on February 11, 2012 when two armed strangers entered his room and started to give him orders. Understandably startled, Theoharis reached for a flashlight. This prompted the two intruders to open fire. Theoharis – who was still in bed —was shot sixteen times, but survived.
Continue reading ““Justified”: Uniformed Invaders Shoot a Man 16 Times in his Bed”
Huffington Post – by Sam Stein
WASHINGTON — Vice President Joseph Biden will deliver his recommendations for comprehensive gun violence legislation on Tuesday.
“There is really a very tight window to do this,” he told the press corps during his announcement Thursday.
Continue reading “Joe Biden Gun Control Recommendations To Come Tuesday”
Huffington Post – by Amanda Terkel
WASHINGTON — As Vice President Joe Biden held a press conference announcing the progress of the White House’s gun violence task force on Thursday, news broke that there had been two people shot in a school shooting in California. The news grimly underscored the urgency — and difficulty — of addressing the problem of mass gun violence.
Continue reading “Joe Biden School Shooting Press Conference Collides With News Of Another School Shooting”
We hear from many people that they are “stuck in their jobs” and feel that they will be trapped in that rat race forever, afraid to join the growing ranks of the unemployed and those displaced from their homes. They believe that they will forever – or as long as the current paradigm holds out – have to face that daily commute, with their income fixed by whatever future raises of which their employers feel they are worthy. But we are here to tell you that there are many ways to free yourself from that grind.
With the institution of “Obama-care” many employers are cutting employees’ hours – or just closing their doors altogether – because they can’t afford the required “benefits package”. Continue reading “Breakin’ Away”
HARTFORD, Conn. (CBSNewYork) – One Connecticut woman’s idea of a political statement has landed her in handcuffs.
86-year-old Estelle Margolis of Westport brought a BB rifle with ammunition to a town hall meeting on Tuesday evening.
She said the whole idea was to demonstrate how easy it is to buy a gun.
Continue reading “Elderly Woman Arrested For Bringing BB Rifle To Westport Town Meeting”
Huffington Post – by Harry Bradford
We all know the feeling of ripping open your fast food drive thru, order only to find it’s missing sweet and sour sauce, or ketchup or cheese on your burger. But it’s rare that that missing small fry leads to a violent altercation.
Continue reading “McDonald’s Mistaken Order Leads To Shotgun Blast, Police Standoff”
Chicago’s illustrious Police Chief, Superintendent or SuperNintendo (whichever you wish to call him) got on a local radio station in Chicago and told it like he perceives it.
He said that citizens licensed to carry could be, and indeed predicted they would be shot by Chicago Police Officers.
Continue reading “Chicago police chief: We’ll shoot licensed civilians with guns”
The stage was set at the Communist News Network for Round 2 of Piers Morgan vs Larry Pratt. Morgan, being the lobster back commie imbecile he is, showed up at this battle of wits completely unarmed. On the other hand, Larry Pratt, representing the best in our people, was loaded for bear, pun absolutely intended.
Mr. Pratt had obviously studied Piers Morgan’s one dimensional style which involves turning a phrase to twist the truth. Pratt hammered Morgan with fact after fact that dismissed Morgan’s position built upon lies as it was established that Britain has indeed become one of the most violent first world nations in the world since gun bans have been instituted there and, per capita in comparison, the United States is in reality an armed Utopia.
Continue reading “Larry Pratt Retains his Title in Round Two, K O-ing Piers Morgan yet again”
At least two people were shot at Taft High School in Kern County, Calif., Thursday morning, and authorities have the alleged shooter in custody.
“TAFT HIGH UPDATE: Officials say at least 2 shot; shooter now in police custody,” the Twitter account for KABC in Los Angeles tweeted around 9:32 a.m. local time.
Continue reading “Taft High School Shooting: 2 Shot In Kern County, California; Alleged Shooter In Police Custody”
What you are about to read is astonishing. I’m not even sure what’s the right conclusion to draw from it. But here’s what we know so far:
John Noveske is one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers in America. His rifles, found at are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces of American-made hardware ever created. (I own one of his rifles, and it’s a masterpiece of a machine that just keeps on running.) Sadly, John Noveske was killed in a mysterious car crash just a few days ago, on January 4, 2013.
Continue reading “Prominent rifle manufacturer killed in mysterious car crash days after posting psych drug link to school shooters”