The Crux

If you’re in a pinch… you forgot your glasses… or your vision is blurry… try this trick.

Make a tiny hole with you finger… look through it… and the world will become clear again. This works no matter how blurry your vision is. You can test yourself in this video below.   Continue reading “If your vision has ever been blurry… this is a cure”

Donald SterlingFunny how the mainstream media doesn’t mention he’s a jew or jewish. This is a big publicity stunt by the Jews who own the mainstream media to increase racial tensions.

Haaretz – by JTA

Jewish groups on Monday condemned racist remarks attributed to Donald Sterling, the Jewish owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.

“The remarks attributed Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling are reprehensible,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL national director, in a statement. “If the National Basketball Association’s investigation reveals that Mr. Sterling in fact made these racist and intolerant statements, we expect and anticipate a swift and forceful response.”

Continue reading “Jewish groups condemn Donald Sterling remarks”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Then Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) warned Congress and the American people against arming the Bureau of Land Management, the agency that surrounded the Bundy Ranch with more than 250 armed agents, including snipers a couple of weeks ago. Paul gave a passionate speech on the floor of the House in 1997 declaring the reasons that Americans fear a growing federal government, prompted by the Ruby Ridge and Waco attacks, as well as “many other episodes of an errant federal government.”   Continue reading “Ron Paul Warned about an Armed BLM in 1997”

NORWALK, Conn. (AP) — Paul Simon and his wife, Edie Brickell, were arrested on disorderly conduct charges by officers investigating a family dispute, but the couple held hands in court Monday and said they did not feel threatened by the other.

Simon told a Norwalk Superior Court judge that he had a rare argument with his wife Saturday night at their home in New Canaan. The arrest struck a discordant note for the couple. Simon burst onto the national stage with his former partner Art Garfunkel in the 1960s, adding a gentle voice to the growing chorus of opposition to the Vietnam War. Brickell, meanwhile, gained fame for her songs that blend rock, folk, blues and jazz.   Continue reading “Paul Simon, Edie Brickell arrested in Connecticut”


NEW YORK (AP) — Taking shape on Manhattan’s West Side is a $185 million, federally funded tunnel that leads to nowhere, for now.

The 800-foot-long, 35-foot-deep concrete trench could someday lead to two new commuter rail tunnels under the Hudson River to New Jersey, if the billions needed to build them ever materialize. The access tunnel is being built now because the massive Hudson Yards development with six skyscrapers, the tallest being 80 stories, will soon be built on top of it. Trying to dig such a huge trench through the bedrock after those buildings are completed, officials say, would be an engineering and financial nightmare.   Continue reading “In NYC, a $185M tunnel that leads nowhere, for now”

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — “The Family Guy” is taking on a New Jersey political scandal.

A flier sent to Emmy voters asks them to name the show “best animated program.” It warns, “Vote for us, or it’s time for some traffic problems in Brentwood,” a Los Angeles neighborhood where many Emmy voters live.   Continue reading “‘Family Guy’ flier spoofs Christie scandal”

Yahoo News – by Rick Klein, Jordyn Phelps, and Alexandra Dukakis

An alliance of cowboys and Indians, complete with an encampment of tepees and a horseback protest, have taken to the nation’s capital to stand in opposition to the proposed Keystone oil pipeline.

In this episode of “Top Line,” we visit the tepee encampment that has become a week-long fixture on the National Mall in D.C. to talk to prominent Nebraska anti-Keystone pipeline activist Jane Kleeb, who is leading the effort and has been dubbed the “Keystone Killer” by Rolling Stone Magazine.   Continue reading “Meet the ‘Keystone Killer’: How cowboys and Indians could join to defeat oil pipeline”

Yahoo News

(Reuters) – The following are brief descriptions of the 17 Russian companies against which the United States imposed sanctions on Monday over Russia’s role in the Ukraine crisis.

* Aquanika – A producer of bottled water and 100 percent subsidiary of Volga Group (see below), which is controlled by Gennady Timchenko, a long-standing ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Timchenko was placed on a U.S. sanctions list in March. It was founded in 2007 and has production facilities in the Nizhny Novgorod region with annual capacity of up to 500 million liters.   Continue reading “Factbox: Russian companies on latest U.S. sanctions list”

Yahoo News

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea expressed outrage Monday over a rhetorical attack on President Park Geun-hye by the North Korean government that likened her to a prostitute in a tirade far exceeding even the North’s often strident standards.

The statement issued by the North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea expressed anger over President Barack Obama’s visit to Seoul last week. It said Park was like a “despicable prostitute” with Obama as her pimp.   Continue reading “North Korea ups rhetoric after Obama visits South”


WASHINGTON – Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed legislation to require the state’s Department of Emergency and Military Affairs to prepare materials outlining what citizens need to know to deal with either a natural or man-made electromagnetic pulse event that could knock out the vulnerable electrical grid system over a wide geographical region.

The legislation, SB 1476, was introduced by Sen. David Farnsworth, R-Mesa. It includes the type and quantity of food, water and medical supplies that each person should stockpile in case an EMP occurs over the U.S.   Continue reading “‘No help coming’: State preps citizens for EMP attack”

Paul Craig Roberts

The Obama regime, wallowing in hubris and arrogance, has recklessly escalated the Ukrainian crisis into a crisis with Russia. Whether intentionally or stupidly, Washington’s propagandistic lies are driving the crisis to war. Unwilling to listen to any more of Washington’s senseless threats, Moscow no longer accepts telephone calls from Obama and US top officials.

The crisis in Ukraine originated with Washington’s overthrow of the elected democratic government and its replacement with Washington’s hand-chosen stooges. The stooges proceeded to act in word and deed against the populations in the former Russian territories that Soviet Communist Party leaders had attached to Ukraine. The consequence of this foolish policy is agitation on the part of the Russian speaking populations to return to Russia. Crimea has already rejoined Russia, and eastern Ukraine and other parts of southern Ukraine are likely to follow.   Continue reading “Moving Closer To War”

CandyThe Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

Two days ago, we reported the story about Candy, the Blue Heeler cow dog who was fatally shot when Rains County Deputy Jerred Dooley arrived on her family’s property to respond to a burglary.

KLTV reports that Dooley was fired today – but not because he killed a family pet:   Continue reading “Officer Who Fatally Shot Dog Has Been Fired – For HIS Safety”

Crying Girl - Photo by D Sharon PruittThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

If the economy really is “getting better”, then why are nearly 50 million Americans dealing with food insecurity?  In 1854, Henry David Thoreau observed that “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation”.  The same could be said of our time.  In America today, most people are quietly scratching and clawing their way from month to month.  Nine of the top ten occupations in the U.S. pay an average wage of less than $35,000 a year, but those that actually are working are better off than the millions upon millions of Americans that can’t find jobs.    Continue reading “Epidemic Of Hunger: New Report Says 49 Million Americans Are Dealing With Food Insecurity”

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket attached to the cargo-only capsule called Dragon lifts off from the launch pad (AFP Photo / Getty Images / Joe Raedle)RT News

Space Exploration Technologies said it will take legal action against the US Air Force, in an effort to open up competition in the multibillion-dollar satellite launch market, dominated by just two defense contractors.

SpaceX, which has the distinction of being the first private company to send a spacecraft to the International Space Station, hopes to go where no other start-up company has gone before: In a courtroom showdown with the US Air Force, which presently contracts rocket launches to just two defense contractor companies, Lockheed Martin and Boeing.    Continue reading “SpaceX to challenge US Air Force rocket monopoly, citing Russia sanctions risk”


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Google says it has turned a corner in its pursuit of a car that can drive itself.

The tech giant’s self-driving cars already can navigate freeways comfortably, albeit with a driver ready to take control. But city driving — with its obstacle course of jaywalkers, bicyclists and blind corners — has been a far greater challenge for the cars’ computers.   Continue reading “Google: Driverless cars are mastering city streets”

LIVERMORE, Calif. (AP) — A young mother believed to be suffering from depression admitted to investigators that she stabbed her 7-month-old son to death in a Northern California park, police said Sunday.

Ashley Newton, 23, of San Jose was arrested Saturday on suspicion of murder, the East Bay Regional Parks District Police Department said in a statement. Investigators continue to interview her family and friends in an attempt to make sense of the alleged crime.   Continue reading “California mom tells police she stabbed infant son”