Bloomberg, allies pouring money into Lyft and UberNew York Post – by Michael Gartland

A year after then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg vowed to “destroy” the yellow-cab industry, his allies and surrogates are pouring energy and cash into ride-sharing ventures fiercely opposed by New York’s hacks and medallion owners.

Lyft — the ride-share startup known for its “suggested donations” and giant pink moustaches affixed to the grills of its cars — got a cool $60 million last year from Andreessen Horowitz LLC, a venture capital firm that counts Bloomberg LP as a key investor. Bloom­berg LP poured “tens of millions” into Andreessen, a source said.   Continue reading “Bloomberg, allies pouring money into Lyft and Uber”

Upper West Side condo has separate entrances for rich and poorNew York Post – by Kate Briquelet

This is rich!

The poor will use a separate door under plans for a new Upper West Side luxury tower — where affordable housing will be segregated from ritzy waterfront condos despite being in the same building.

Manhattan developer Extell is seeking millions in air rights and tax breaks for building 55 low-income units at 40 Riverside Boulevard, but the company is sequestering the cash-poor tenants who make the lucrative incentives possible.   Continue reading “Upper West Side condo has separate entrances for rich and poor”

SilencerCo Salvo 12 Shotgun SilencerAmmoLand

WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH –-( Confirming its place as a trailblazer in the firearms industry, suppressor manufacturer SilencerCo has unveiled the first commercially-viable shotgun silencer ever produced.

The company made the announcement today at an exclusive event near its Utah headquarters.   Continue reading “SilencerCo Announces First Commercially-Viable Shotgun Suppressor”

MH-17 Missile Attack QuestionsVeterans Today – by Harold Saive

previous post exposed the issue of foreknowledge when videos dealing with the aftermath of the alleged missile attack, were revealed to be produced prior to the crash of Flt MH-17.

On July 20th, the Corbett Report published a useful summary that discloses many irregularities in corporate media coverage and international governmental propaganda sources.

Now we look at more media propaganda published as perception management to global audiences.   Continue reading “Wrong Aircraft Identified As Malaysia Flt MH-17 Fuels Doubts”

 Two white flags appeared atop the Brooklyn Bridge July 22, 2014. DNA Info – by Murray Weiss, Janet Upadhye and Aidan Gardiner

MANHATTAN — American flags were removed from atop the Brooklyn Bridge’s two towers Tuesday morning and replaced by white flags, sources said.

Police, including the NYPD‘s counter terrorism and intelligence divisions, were checking surveillance footage from the bridge after images of the white flags hit social media about 7 a.m., sources said.   Continue reading “White Flags Mysteriously Replace American Flags Atop Brooklyn Bridge”

The Hill – by Elise Viebeck

A federal appears court on Tuesday struck down one of the pillars of ObamaCare, ruling that the law’s premium subsidies are invalid in more than two-dozen states.

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals said in a 2-1 decision that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) does not permit the IRS to distribute premium subsidies in the federal ObamaCare exchange, meaning those consumers must bear the full cost of their insurance.   Continue reading “Federal appeals court strikes blow against ObamaCare subsidies”

rteryey57457.jpgFox News – by Mark Murphy

Air travel is getting more expensive. Starting today, the Transportation Security Administration is raising the mandatory security fee put into place after Sept. 11, 2011.   The government isn’t just raising it, it’s more than doubling fees for some travelers — and redefining the definition of a flight.  Read on.

Under the previous security fee structure, consumers paid $2.50 for a single leg and there was a cap of $5 on any one-way ticket, so fliers paid at most $10 for any round-trip flight.  The new fee raises each leg to $5.60 and puts no cap on the total you can pay based on layovers.  Any flight that has a connection with a layover of more than four hours domestically will incur an additional $5.60 fee.  For example, if you booked a round-trip ticket that includes two connections lasting more than four hours, the TSA will hit  you with a total fee of $22.40.     Continue reading “New TSA security fee hike will make airfare more expensive”

Chinese President Xi Jinping visits VenezuelaSent to us by Bob.

BBC News

Chinese President Xi Jinping has signed a series of oil and mineral deals with Venezuela.

They include a $4bn (£2.34bn) credit line in return for Venezuelan crude and other products.

The agreements came on the latest stop of a four-country visit to Latin America.   Continue reading “China’s President Xi Jinping signs Venezuela oil deal”

Yahoo News

Istanbul (AFP) – Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he has stopped talking to US President Barack Obama on the phone, amid growing strains between Ankara and Washington over Syria and the Gaza conflict.

Turkey, a fierce opponent of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and an open supporter of armed rebel fighters, felt betrayed when the United States backed away from military action against Damascus in September.   Continue reading “I no longer talk to Obama: Turkey’s Erdogan”

Star Telegram – by Becky Bohror

The companies pursuing a major liquefied natural gas project in Alaska have applied for an export license with the U.S. Department of Energy.

Securing the authorization is seen as critical for the viability of the mega-project, which the companies say would be the largest of its kind ever designed and built.

The filing was made Friday, but it was announced by the companies on Monday. Participants in the project include BP, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil Corp., TransCanada Corp. and the Alaska Gasline Development Corp.   Continue reading “Consortium in Alaska applies for LNG export license”


The FDA released a press release stating that the Wawona Packing Company of Cutler, Calif is voluntarily recalling certain lots of whole peaches (white and yellow), nectarines (white and yellow), plums and pluots packed between June 1, 2014 through July 12,2014 due to the potential of the products being contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. Wawona Packing has notified retailers of the specific lots being recalled. No other products are impacted by this recall. No illnesses have been linked to this recall to date.   Continue reading “Fresh fruits recalled due to Listeria threat”

medicareWND – by Jane M. Orient, M.D.

Most veterans get most of their medical care from private doctors through Medicare or private insurance. Just think what those secret waiting lists would be like if they didn’t!

Still, a VA-like system for all has been proposed as a replacement for our unsustainable current system – at least until the recent scandals broke.   Continue reading “Will Medicare become like the VA?”

Breitbart – by Daniel Nussbaum

FONTANA — 46 illegal aliens were temporarily sheltered at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on Thursday, where they waited to be driven to bus stations after being released at around 6:45 p.m.

Although the immigrants’ final travel destinations could not be confirmed, San Bernardino Diocese spokesman John Andrews told Breitbart News that the church provided “travel cash” to those headed on long journeys east toward New York or New Jersey.    Continue reading “California Church Gives ‘Travel Cash’ To Illegal Aliens, Sends Them East”

The Importance of Morality in Our System of GovernmentOur Republic was based on Christian morals and ethics … It only works when those elected, or placed in office, are of like mind. When we allow creatures who have the morals of an alley cat into positions of authority, it’s then we end up as we are now. Fractured, unethical, spiritually bankrupt, and lost….. On the way to the dust bin of history!

The only hope this Republic has, is to repent. Turn back to God. Find their moral compass, along with the grit to expel ALL usurpers. Regardless who they may be, or from where they come.   Continue reading “The Importance of Morality in Our System of Government”

WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve

Over last weekend, it finally got out–despite suppression from the White House and the media–that the Mexican drug cartels/human traffickers are now firing .50 caliber ammo at our USBP Agents. These are bullets that can reach their targets as much as a mile away. This is an act of war. Yet, neither the Pretend POTUS and Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama nor any of his minions comment on it at all. Neither does Obama try to stop the thousands of illegals (largely gang members, drug cartels/human traffickers and Islamists…not children) that he has invited into the country as a foreign invasion force to replace US citizens and help him bring down the USA. Besides, he’s already decimated most of the US military, demanded the Border Patrol “stand down” and no longer attempt to stop anyone entering the USA while placing them on diaper and baby-sitting duties for the children coming in with their parents. What difference do some USBP deaths–or any additional US citizen deaths–mean to him? He does, after all, have a one-month vacation in August coming up.   Continue reading “US Government turns fully against Americans and few seem to care”

Washington’s Blog

Video of Rebel Buk Launchers Headed Back to Russia? No – Images From Ukraine-Held Territory Since May

Mish is a highly-respected financial blogger. His Global Economic Analysis site routinely wins awards such as:

Continue reading “Key Piece of Video “Evidence” for Russian Responsibility for Malaysian Plane Shootdown Debunked”

Detroit WaterThe Guardian – by Jon Swaine

When the coast is clear, and the trucks from the contractor shutting off water for the city of Detroit have rolled away, the men with water keys come.

They offer residents whose supply has just been shut off a tempting deal. For $20, they will use their tools to turn the water main back on immediately, and illegally, sparing the household the agonising days spent without showering, cooking or flushing that have already been endured by at least 16,000 of their neighbours so far this year.   Continue reading “Detroit residents fight back over water shutoff: ‘It’s a life-or-death situation’”