Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez

Hollywood calls it jumping the shark, it’s that moment when all has been done and peak has been obtained. The point when the beginning of the end has just begun. The journey of the word “conspiracies” and the phrase “conspiracy theory” has reached its glory days. The trigger word worked for a while. For long we were led to believe that if someone was accused of being a conspiracy theorist they were automatically wrong and automatically a lunatic.

Not proven wrong or proven a lunatic, but simply wrong and lunatic. Remember those days?   Continue reading “Has the “Conspiracy” Trigger Word Finally Run Its Course?”

At the UN, Obama urged countries to help fight terrorism, while his government creates and supports terror groups in the Middle East.  Image credit: www.tampabay.comThe Real Agenda – by Steven J. Lendman

A separate article discussed it. He didn’t surprise. Demagogic mumbo jumbo Big Lies drowned out truth.

Not according to media scoundrels. The New York Times finds new ways to lie, distort and misreport.

It substitutes managed news misinformation rubbish for hard truths. It’s longstanding Times policy.   Continue reading “Reactions to Obama’s UN Address”

military-resignInfowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Republican members of Congress are urging military officers to rebel against the Obama administration’s middle eastern foreign policy by resigning “in a blaze of glory,” according to U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn of Colorado.

During a liberty group forum on Wednesday night in the basement of a Colorado Springs bar, Lamborn, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, answered a question from a member of the audience who urged members of Congress to “support the troops” in the absence of leadership from the White House.   Continue reading “Republican Congressmembers Urge Military Officers To Rebel Against Obama”

Brigham and Women’s Hospital was sued over a policy mandating nurses to get flu shots if they want to keep working there.Boston Globe – by Felice J. Freyer

The Massachusetts Nurses Association sued Brigham and Women’s Hospital this week, seeking to block a policy not yet in effect that would require nurses to get flu shots if they want to keep working there.

The action in Suffolk Superior Court comes as state public health officials are leaning on hospitals to improve the influenza vaccination rate among health care workers, which varied in hospitals from 62 percent to 99 percent during the most recent flu season.   Continue reading “Brigham and Women’s nurses sue over flu shot mandate”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff, Steve Straehley

Law enforcement plays no role in stopping the majority of “active shootings” in America, a new federal report shows.

Active shootings are defined as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.” The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says that 60% of the time, active shootings end before officers arrive on the scene. In 23% of the incidents studied, the shooter committed suicide before police responded and in 13% of the incidents, unarmed bystanders subdued the shooter. Return fire accounted for few of the resolutions; 3% ended with armed civilians returning fire and in 1% of the cases, armed off-duty law enforcement personnel killed the shooters.   Continue reading “60 Percent of “Active” Shootings in U.S. End Before Police Arrive”

Opposing Views – by Jonathan Wolfe

It’s common for a delivery man not to be able to drop off a package – usually because no one is home. But in the wild world of Vancouver, Canada packages go undelivered for much more exotic reasons. Like bears.

A Canada Post delivery man left a note on a man’s property with a very reasonable explanation for why his package wasn’t at his door.   Continue reading “This Is A Perfectly Good Reason For Not Delivering A Package”

Law enforcement personnel continue their search for Eric Frein.The Guardian

Authorities pursuing a survivalist accused of the fatal ambush at a state police barracks in Pennsylvania are looking for him in an abandoned hotel in the Pocono Mountains.

A state police spokesman says trackers were sent Friday morning to the Buck Hill Inn, close to the main search area in Barrett Township.

Trooper Tom Kelly says 31-year-old Eric Frein (freen) was known to visit the hotel when it was open. The 400-room hotel, built more than a century ago, has been closed since 1991.   Continue reading “Manhunt for Pennsylvania ambush suspect closes in on abandoned hotel”

US has highest percentage of immigrants in 93 yearsNew York Post – by Chris Perez

The United States has returned to its melting-pot glory days — it is now home to 41.3 million legal and illegal immigrants, the highest percentage in 93 years, according to a new report released Thursday.

Census Bureau data has revealed that one in six adults currently residing in the US were not born here, the Center for Immigration Studies reports.   Continue reading “US has highest percentage of immigrants in 93 years”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

According to a report by PressTV , an Iraqi official is claiming that the United States will soon station 13,000 troops inside Iraq in the near future.

PressTV refers to the Vice President of Iraq’s Saladin Province as stating that the troops, along with their vehicles, would be stationed at Speicher airfield in Tikrit, a city that is located 87 miles northwest of Baghdad.   Continue reading “Report: Iraqi Official Claims U.S. To Station 13,000 Troops In Iraq”

The New American – by Bob Adelmann

In response to a challenge posed by his Republican opponent for the governorship in November, California Governor Jerry Brown said:

A lot of people forget the mess that California was in just four years ago. There were 1 million jobs that had been lost. Our budget deficit was astronomical: 27 billion. We hadn’t had a budget on time in probably 10 years.   Continue reading “California Governor Being Challenged by Republican Upstart in November”

The Weekly Standard – by Daniel Harper

A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.

Here’s a chart showing those in that age group currently employed (95.6 million) and those who aren’t (28.9 million): Continue reading “1 in 4 Americans 25-54 Not Working”

Breitbart – AP

WASHINGTON (AP) — For nearly three months this summer, the Obama administration carefully avoided answering questions about what happened to tens of thousands of immigrant families caught illegally crossing the Mexican border and released into the United States with instructions to report back to immigration authorities.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and others said they faced deportation. But it turns out that tens of thousands of those immigrants did not follow the government’s instructions to meet with federal immigration agents within 15 days. Instead, they have vanished into the interior of the U.S.   Continue reading “US: Most new immigrant families fail to report”

Bastogne Soldiers get hero's welcomeMeanwhile, they are starting to recruit illegals. Makes perfect sense.

Army Times – by Jim Tice, May, 2014

Nearly 30,000 soldiers must be removed from the active rolls in the next 17 months if the Army is to make the first waypoint in a drawdown that eventually will reduce the force to 450,000, or even 420,000, soldiers.

As of April 1, there were 519,786 troopers on active duty, according to the most recent accounting of Regular Army strength by the Defense Manpower Data Center.   Continue reading “10K soldiers must go this year, 20K next year”

90 Miles from Tyranny – by Mike Miles

I watched the first few minutes of Thursday Night Football Last Night. It was absolutely OFFENSIVE to listen to these politically correct JERKS say the incredibly offensive word “Washington”. It is time that they drop the word “Washington” and only refer to the team as “The Redskins”.

What does Washington stand for? Waste, corruption, theft, tyranny, creeping socialism, creepy socialism, lies, lawlessness, did I say waste, corruption and theft?   Continue reading “The Washington Redskins IS An Offensive Name..”

Ships without crew set for the seasLew Rockwell – by Gary North

The free market is relentless in cutting costs. Next up: cargo ships without crews.

Think of what this will do to Somali pirates. They can’t steer the ships. They can’t kidnap anyone. Their little boats cannot carry huge containers.

Think of the unemployment this will create in Somalia. Here is a Third World nation, desperately poor, and this technology now threatens one of the few areas of high-profit entrepreneurship.   Continue reading “Bad News for Somali Kidnappers: Cargo Ships Without Crews”

Yahoo News

MOORE, Okla. (AP) — A man who had been fired from a food processing plant in an Oklahoma City suburb beheaded a woman with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official, police said Friday.

The 30-year-old man, who has not been charged, stabbed Colleen Hufford, 54, severing her head in Thursday’s attack at Vaughan Foods, Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said.

“Yes, she was beheaded,” Lewis told The Associated Press before a Friday news conference.   Continue reading “Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace”