Wall Street Journal – by Rani Molla

The recent events in Ferguson, Mo., have raised questions about shootings by police in the U.S. and homicides that are ruled justifiable. Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to answer some of those questions due to incomplete data.

The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program collects data from the more than 18,000 law enforcement agencies to provide statistics about crime and law enforcement in the U.S. From this program, for example, we know that there were 14,827 homicides and non-negligent manslaughters in 2012, the latest year for available data. But, it isn’t required that agencies submit justifiable homicide data—submitted as the Supplementary Homicide Report—to participate in the program. This makes the largest database of justifiable homicides in the U.S. very incomplete.   Continue reading “Why the Data on Justifiable Homicide Just Won’t Do”

Washington Post – by Donna St. George and Ovetta Wiggins

At Julius West Middle School in Rockville, Md., all doors are locked after the morning bells ring. Those who arrive once the schoolday begins must buzz to get in, and they are video-recorded as they speak into an intercom.

It’s but one of many examples of how schools have boosted security as the school year begins across the region and across the country.   Continue reading “Security measures increase as schools open for new year in a new era”

idiotFellowship of the Minds

America: A Country Run by Idiots

1. If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by idiots.

2. If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, you live in a country run by idiots.    Continue reading “11 ways to know when you live in a country run by idiots”

Chuck Norris NRA Trigger The VoteIs That Baloney?

Chuck Norris, known for his kick butt, take no prisoners movies and TV shows, is partnering with the National Rifle Association to launch a new effort called “Trigger the Vote.” I bet you can’t guess what that’s about.

The group’s aim is to promote a national voter registration drive to elect men and women who support our individual liberties and will work to protect the constitutional rights, especially those of the 2nd Amendment, of American citizens.   Continue reading “Chuck Norris Launches His Campaign “Trigger The Vote” to Defeat Anti-Gun Liberals”

These are snippets from various forums I visit:


Anyone in Michigan having your garden die off? Last year this time every good thing was growing great. Within 3 days all is dead. Ours is 3/4 acre? Everything died. Talked to some other people same thing. Everything was normal and it just died off, like late fall. Even pumpkins! We know the weather and have had a garden for a long time. No bugs, no other symptoms. I asked my mother about this and she said she cannot remember a time since she was child. This garden is old. Last year I had so much stuff I couldn’t give it away. The only thing that did well was beans, and they also stopped all activity.   Continue reading “Gardeners Reporting Gardens Dying Within 1-3 Days”

Picture released by the Metropolitan Police of Palmira SilvaSky News

A 25-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after an 82-year-old woman was beheaded in broad daylight in a suburban back garden.

Palmira Silva, a widow believed to be of Italian descent, was found at an address in Edmonton, north London just after 1pm after police received reports of a man with a knife in Nightingale Road.   Continue reading “Woman Found Beheaded In Back Garden Named”

The New York Times – by 

The night Hurricane Sandy struck, Jayme and John Galimi swam out the front door of their home in Broad Channel, Queens, into the rising waters of Jamaica Bay with their five children, the youngest clinging to his father’s back.

Almost two years later, all seven remain jammed into a three-bedroom rental. Their debt is mounting. They applied to a federally funded New York City program for help rebuilding, but that devolved into an unending loop of lost documents, aborted meetings and frustrating exchanges with temporary workers handling their application.    Continue reading “Storm Recovery Program in New York City Was Mired by Its Design”

NYPD unveils cop body camerasNew York Post – by Shawn Cohen and Rebecca Harshbarger

Smile, you’re on cop camera!

The NYPD on Thursday unveiled new cameras that officers will wear on their heads and shirts as part of a sweeping pilot program to test out the new technology.

Commissioner William Bratton on Thursday showed off the hands-free recording devices, which the department had been ordered by a judge to use as part of a federal lawsuit against stop-and-frisk.   Continue reading “NYPD unveils cop body cameras”

New Yorkers who dial 311 to complain about quality-of-life violations can expect a call back from police asking if they’re satisfied with how the problem was handled, the Daily News has learned.New York Daily News – by ROCCO PARASCANDOLA

Has that broken window been fixed, Mrs. Johnson?

New Yorkers who dial 311 to complain about quality-of-life violations can expect a call back from police asking if they’re satisfied with how the problem was handled, the Daily News has learned.

In the wake of the Staten Island chokehold death of Eric Garner during his arrest for selling loose cigarettes, critics have called for the NYPD to abandon broken windows policing — cracking down on minor offenses to prevent more serious crime.   Continue reading “NYPD will call back New Yorkers who complain about quality-of-life violations”

Guilty as Hell and will go scott free.

New York Times – by Stephanie Clifford

For three days, the former chief of the Israeli military’s Palestinian Affairs Department delivered important, if a bit dry, testimony in the terrorism financing trial of Arab Bank in Federal District Court in Brooklyn.

The witness, Arieh Spitzen, had highlighted bank records showing Arab Bank routing payments to people who, he said, were widely known to be terrorists or members of Hamas.   Continue reading “At Trial, Arab Bank’s Lawyer Spars With Witness”

WEB Commentary – by Sher Zieve

Obama is allowing ISIL/ISIS to continue its blood lust of beheadings of Christians across the world. He has done nothing to stop it and, chillingly, has not even mentioned it except for a passing remark or two. Now, this group of Sunni Muslims (BTW…please remember that Obama’s “family” members–save one who is a conservative Christian shunned by the rest of the family–are all Sunni Muslim Brotherhood)–has beheaded 2 American journalists within the last 2 weeks. After a passing remark containing an almost ‘sorry it happened’ to the parents of beheaded journalist James Foley, Obama hurried off to make his tee time. He was later photographed high-fiving one of his golfing buddies and yucking it up on the links.   Continue reading “Obama has No Intention of Stopping ISIS”

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, self-declared Caliph Ibrahim Clarion Project

A US airstrike has killed the top aide to the Islamic State’s “caliph,” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said today. The strike hit the city of Mosul, which the Islamic State has controlled since June. Another Islamic State figure was also killed in the strike.

The Arabic paper Al-Mayadeem reported the death at 11:35am local time. Abu Hajer el-Souri was described as “the right hand of al-Baghdadi.”   Continue reading “Right Hand of ISIS Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike in Mosul”