Obama Still Refuses to Halt Flights From Ebola Hot ZoneInfowars – by Kit Daniels

After U.S. officials disclosed another potential case of Ebola in Dallas, Texas, this morning, the question remains whether the Obama administration will finally stop flights from Ebola-stricken countries as multiple nations did over a month ago.

In mid-August, Korean Air and Kenya Airways announced they were halting flights to the West African countries ravaged by Ebola, and British Airways and Air France also decided to suspend service to the Ebola hot zone a few weeks later.   Continue reading “Obama Still Refuses to Halt Flights From Ebola Hot Zone”

John Owen Brennan is a traitor.Patriot or Traitor

CIA Director John Brennan:

In mid-December 2013, Judicial Watch obtained and released the full transcript of a May 7, 2012, teleconference between then-White House top counterterror adviser (now CIA Director) John Brennan and various TV terrorism consultants in which Brennen revealed that the U.S. and its allies had “inside control over any plot” in its efforts to thwart a May 2012 terrorism bomb plot, thus blowing the cover on undercover agents within al Qaeda.   Continue reading “John Owen Brennan is a traitor”

bullet Wallpaper__yvt2The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Mississippi Business Journal:

Winchester Ammunition, which has manufacturing facilities in Oxford, has won a five-year contract to produce ammunition for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Olin Corp. and its Winchester division have been awarded a contract worth up to $50 million to produce ammunition at its Winchester Centerfire Operations in Oxford for two DHS agencies. Continue reading “Winchester Lands $50 Million Ammunition Contract With DHS”

KHON 2 – by Kristine Uyeno

The Department of Health has confirmed a patient is currently in isolation and undergoing testing in Honolulu.

The Hawaii Nurses Association said the person is being treated at The Queen’s Medical Center.

Officials told KHON2 Ebola is a possibility, however the patient has yet to be specifically tested for the virus.   Continue reading “Patient in isolation at Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, officials say Ebola a possibility”

ebolaThe Weekly Standard – by Daniel Harper

White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters today that, after the Ebola case in Dallas, the Obama administration reminded border law enforcment agencies of “protocol” to deal with people that appear to have symptoms of Ebola. Earnest also said that there “are screening procedures in place at our border.”

“[I]n light of this incident,” Earnest said at his daily briefing, “the administration has taken the step of recirculating our guidance to law enforcement agencies that are responsible for securing the border, to those agencies that represent individuals who staff the airline industry, and to medical professionals all across the country to make sure that people are aware that there is an important protocol that should be implemented if an individual presents with symptoms that are consistent with Ebola.”   Continue reading “WH: ‘Screening Procedures In Place At Our Border’”

John Rappaport’s Blog – by John Rappaport

Now that the US has its own “Ebola case number 1” in isolation at a Dallas hospital, it can swing into gear tracking his/her contacts, and the contacts of those contacts.

Never mind that “case number 1” is unproven as an Ebola carrier (see my previous piece, “Is 1st US Ebola patient a hoax?”).

Who cares? It’s hunt and search and isolate in America. And if this campaign gains real steam, the Surveillance State will be deployed, as a “friend of the people.”    Continue reading ““Tracking Ebola contacts”: call in the Surveillance State”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas — Twenty-two defendants are facing federal charges for allegedly having a role in a massive web of drug rings extended from Mexico all throughout the United States. The interconnected drug rings apparently dealt in the supply and distribution of hard narcotics, specifically cocaine and heroin, in numerous U.S. states and Mexico.

The charges come on the tail of a large bust at a home in Park Ridge, Illinois, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). During the raid, officials seized $3.9 million in cash as well as “dozens of kilograms” of hard narcotics.    Continue reading “Web Of Mexican Cartel Connected Drug Rings Busted Across US”

Breitbart – by Merrill Hope

DALLAS, Texas — Alben Tarty, spokesman for the Liberian Community Association of DFW told Breitbart Texas, “The CDC has the situation under control,” he added, “we don’t want to panic people unnecessarily,” admitting that the local Liberian community has been shaken by the first reported case of Ebola in Dallas. Tarty is one of the community leaders rallying the families.

He told Breitbart Texas that tonight they intend to hold a community conference call to better inform and unite the approximately 10,000 strong Liberians who live across the Dallas Fort Worth area.  While he is hopeful that more information becomes available from the CDC (Center for Disease Control), he wants to allay some of the very rattled nerves.    Continue reading “Liberian Community In Texas Unites Over US Ebola Case”

Breitbart – by Caroline May

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi took issue with the term “illegal aliens” during a Wednesday press conference.

Reacting to a question from a reporter about whether President Obama’s planned executive actions should also deal with Iraqis living illegally in the United States, Pelosi corrected the reporter who used the term “illegal aliens.”

“Are you referring to undocumented people who are in the United States?” Pelosi questioned.

“Illegal aliens, yes ma’am,” the reporter responded.

“Undocumented people, OK,” Pelosi said again.   Continue reading “Nancy Pelosi Chides Reporter For Using Term ‘Illegal Aleins’”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

HOUSTON, Texas — Liberian government officials have identified the patient who brought the Ebola virus to the United States as Thomas Eric Duncan. Duncan lives in Monrovia and is said to be in his mid-forties. Duncan is the first person to bring an undiagnosed case of Ebola to the United States.

Duncan had direct contact with an Ebola patient in Liberia shortly before his departure to the United States according to a report on Wednesday in the New York Times by Norimitsu Onishi. Duncan helped to carry a pregnant woman who was near death from the Ebola virus back to her home after the family was refused treatment by hospital officials because of overcrowding in their Ebola treatment ward.   Continue reading “Liberian Government Identifies Dallas Ebola Patient”

Obama Signs Executive Order to Allow Detention of Americans With 'Respiratory Illnesses'Info Wars – by Paul Joseph Watson

As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, President Barack Obama has signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of “respiratory illness.”

The executive order, titled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends executive order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”    Continue reading “Obama Signs Executive Order To Allow Detention Of Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’”

The New York Times – by Thomas Kaplan

Continuing the parade of Albany politicians accused of misbehavior, an assemblyman from Queens was arrested on Wednesday and charged with stealing from the state by seeking reimbursement for nonexistent travel expenses.

The assemblyman, William Scarborough, a Democrat, was also accused of using campaign money for personal expenses. He faces charges in both state and federal court.

Assemblyman Scarborough’s arrest was the latest in aseries of scandals involving New York State legislatorsand raised fresh questions about the effectiveness of efforts to combat ethical lapses by lawmakers, even on mundane matters like hotel-room allowances.   Continue reading “Queens Assemblyman Is Charged With Inflating Travel Expenses by $40,000”

Ebola day2 001Star Telegram – by Bill Hanna

Parents on Wednesday were removing their children from a Dallas school where a student may have had contact with the Ebola patient diagnosed Tuesday.

A letter to parents of children at L.L. Hotchkiss Elementary School,6929 Town North Drive, says in part:   Continue reading “Dallas parents fearing Ebola remove children from school”

EbolaNatural News – by Mike Adams

All the disinformation being spread about Ebola by the U.S. government and the complicit mass media will unfortunately make the Ebola pandemic far worse. That’s because the public isn’t being told the truth about how Ebola spreads and how individuals can help prevent transmission of the disease.

At every level of media and government, protecting the financial interests of drug companies appears to be far more important than protecting public health. So people aren’t told the truth about how Ebola spreads and how they can increase their ability to survive a global pandemic.   Continue reading “The five biggest lies about Ebola being pushed by government and mass media”