AP_EBOLA_67722520USA Today – by Liz Szabo

The Dallas family of a man infected with Ebola has been told to stay home and not have any visitors, to prevent the potential spread of the disease.

Health officials said they have issued the order “out of an abundance of caution,” rather than because of a high risk. No one in the patient’s family, which has identified the patient as Thomas Eric Duncan, is showing symptoms. Ebola can only be spread when someone is showing symptoms, through direct contact with bodily fluids such as blood.   Continue reading “Family of Dallas Ebola patient told to stay home”

Photo from pamelageller.comRT

A pro-Israeli group has filed a lawsuit against New York’s transportation authority after it refused a bus advertisement campaign that includes the phrase “Hamas Killing Jews.” It was rejected because of fears it could incite violence.

The lawsuit was filed Wednesday in the Federal Court in Manhattan by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which was founded by activist Pamela Geller. They want the Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA) to reconsider the ban on using the slogans such as “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah – Hamas MTV,” as it is in breach of the 1st and 14th amendments.   Continue reading “‘Killing Jews’: Pro-Israeli activist sues MTA after anti-Hamas ads turned down”

Reuters / Brendan McDermid RT

Worried about the outstanding number of American visas held by people in Ebola-stricken countries, a controversial immigrant studies group thinks the Obama administration should restrict travel to the United States.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) says there have been 13,500 visas issued to people in the three countries primarily affected by Ebola – Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leon – and worries that contagious residents could potentially use those visas to seek medical help in the US and possibly trigger further outbreaks.    Continue reading “‘Thousands’ of US visas issued to residents in Ebola-stricken countries”


SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Utah woman is accused of driving her teenage son by a convenience store to shoot at rival gang members he had been fighting with at school.

Prosecutors said Lisa Egersdorf picked up her 17-year-old son from his Salt Lake City school and was behind the wheel when he fired several shots at the group. Charging documents show she asked, “Did you get them?” after he fired at their car. No one was hurt in the Sept. 22 drive-by shooting.   Continue reading “Mom accused of helping son in drive-by shooting”


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — A Florida man who opened fire on a carload of black teenagers in an argument over their loud “thug” music was convicted Wednesday of first-degree murder.

Prosecutors said Michael Dunn, who is white, was shooting to kill when he fired 10 times into a sport utility vehicle outside a convenience store in November 2012. Jordan Davis, 17, was in the backseat and fatally shot. His three friends in the SUV were not hurt.   Continue reading “Man convicted of murder in killing over loud music”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

In a dramatic video from Maine, a neighbor uses his shotgun as a club to drive off Pitt bulls attacking a neighbors Basset hound.   It is a bad idea to use your firearm as a club.   The firearm may be damaged, and not operable when you need it.   In the video, the man in the blue shirt (MIBS) is showing clubbing the attacking dogs with the shotgun, then shooting one of them.   Continue reading “ME:Don’t use your Shotgun as a Club… Unless you must”

K.C. Hufford, Colleen HuffordMail.com

NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — An Oklahoma prosecutor said Wednesday he will seek the execution of a man accused of beheading a co-worker in a fit of rage after being suspended from his job at a food processing plant.

Alton Nolen, 30, was ordered held without bond during a video arraignment Wednesday from the Cleveland County jail. He’s been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Colleen Hufford, 54, and with two counts of assault. Prosecutors said Nolen was stabbing a second employee when he was shot by a plant manager who stopped the attack last Thursday at the Vaughan Foods plant in the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore.   Continue reading “Prosecutor to seek death penalty in beheading”

Outsider Club – by Nick Hodge

A few words on government logic…

Today in Outsider Club’s home state of Maryland, the possession of 10 grams or less of marijuana becomes decriminalized.

The intention, most likely, is to reduce arrests, jail time, and the resultant costs and destroyed lives that arise from possessing or smoking a plant.   Continue reading “Government Logic (an oxymoron)”

ebola follow the moneyDC Clothesline – by Dean Garrison

Almost two months ago, in a radio interview, Republican Congressman Todd Rokita(Indiana) asked the question that was on a lot of minds. He questioned whether or not ebola could be entering through our open Southern Border. The interview didn’t get much publicity and is now buried in the archives of low rent blogs like D.C. Clothesline.

What can I say? Our stories are not always “sexy” enough to break into the main stream.   Continue reading “Another Case Against Open Borders: Dallas Ebola Patient May Not Be a U.S. Citizen”

1280px-Barack_Obama_20110501The Anti-Media – by Justin King

On 60 Minutes, President Obama flatly stated the US plan for Syria leaves no room for President Assad, the democratically-elected leader of the country. As Obama backs away from his “no boots on the ground” promise, he drops a bomb on the American people as big as any that have hit Syria. Image credit: wikimedia.org

“We are not going to stabilize Syria under the rule of Assad.”

Continue reading “Obama Admits Plan in Syria is to Overthrow Assad”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

A public tweet from a large government supplier of emergency response products specializing in “high risk events” says that Disaster Assistance Response Teams were told to prepare to be activated in the month of October. The shocking revelation, made on the Goldenstate Fire/EMS Twitter page, suggests that not only did someone know that the Ebola virus would be reaching America, but that they knew exactly when it would happen.

“What we are now hearing is just the tip of the iceburg as we enter October,” noted the company’s Twitter spokesperson. “Ebola virus will cripple EMS and hospitals.”   Continue reading “Report: “Disaster Teams Were Notified Months Ago They Would Be Activated in October””

U.S. Oil Exports Seen Breaking 1957 RecordBloomberg – by Lynn Doan and Dan Murtaugh

U.S. oil exports are set to surpass a record held since 1957 as traders find ways around a four-decade ban on supplies leaving the country.

The U.S. sent 401,000 barrels a day abroad in July, 54,000 shy of the record set in March 1957, according to data compiled by the Energy Information Administration, the Energy Department’s statistical unit. While Canada accounted for 93 percent of the shipments, Italy, Singapore and Switzerland also took oil from U.S. ports. Coupled with Alaskan supplies bound for Asia, total U.S. exports will reach 1 million barrels a day by the middle of 2015, according to Citigroup Inc. (C:US)   Continue reading “Rising U.S. Crude Exports Move Closer to 1957 Record”

Marijuana Salmon ThreatOregon Live

GRANTS PASS — Water use and other actions by the marijuana industry in the Emerald Triangle of Northern California and Southern Oregon are threatening salmon already in danger of extinction, federal biologists said Tuesday.

Concerns about the impact of pot farming were raised by the NOAA Fisheries Service in its final recovery plan for coho salmon in the region. The full plan was to be posted on the agency’s website.   Continue reading “Water use for marijuana-growing threatens salmon in Southern Oregon, biologists say”

newsAnd we’re supposed to believe the CDC about ebola??

Natural News – by S.D. Wells

More vaccines and earlier in life! This is what the USA and the CDC do to babies, and this is why we have a higher infant mortality rate (thanks to disease) than 43 of the other modern countries of the world. Oops. The CDC won’t even admit it, even after their own inside whistleblowing scientist confessed and showed how they all skewed research which reveals that mercury in vaccines causes autism rates to skyrocket, especially in African American boys given the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) combo vaccine before three years of age.   Continue reading “Mercury Spectrum Disorder – neuronal cell damage for life from vaccinations”

Israeli women walk in a Jewish settlement known as "Gevaot", in the Etzion settlement bloc, near Bethlehem (Reuters / Ronen Zvulun)RT

Washington harshly criticized Israel’s decision to move forward with new settlements in east Jerusalem on Wednesday, adding that the plan could alienate Tel Aviv from “even its closest allies.”

US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the development – which calls for more than 2,600 new homes in a highly contested area of east Jerusalem – would make world nations “question Israel’s ultimate commitment to a peaceful negotiated settlement” with Palestinians.   Continue reading “US warns Israel against building new settlements in E. Jerusalem”