Month: February 2015
According to Tablet Infographics, the best way to walk on ice is to waddle like a penguin.
Have you slipped and fell on ice yet? I know my neighborhood was completely iced over Sunday morning. If you have, and even if you haven’t, we’ll let you in on a little secret.Yes, the birds that can’t fly know a thing or two about walking on ice. After all, they do live in Antarctica, the continent where the world’s lowest temperature was recorded, and the continent with 90% of the worlds ice. It’s cold and icy there, that’s for sure. Continue reading “Walk like a penguin to stay safe on ice”
What can be written about Hillary Clinton that has not already been said? HilLIARy fatigue is natural, but ignoring all the lies and sleaze becomes the first goal of her 2016 presidential campaign. What is clear during the preliminary posturing is that hubby “Big Dog” Bill’s practice of trolling for bitches in heat will dominate the coverage. Poor old Hillary, a pureblood victim among mix breeds. The pretense that she continues in a loving marriage is about as insulting to the voters as the perverse behavior of either of the Clintons. Continue reading “Hillary Express Hits a Wall”
Hundreds of thousands of criminals have crossed the Mexican border into the United States; to boot there are 11 million illegals in this country, most came from Latin America countries where Christianity prevails and the Catholic Church rules.
History speaks of of the brutal killings and mass murders of the Conquistadors in the name of the Catholic Church. Francisco Pizzaro and Hernan Cortez ran rampant through Mexico, Peru and the rest of Latin America. Cortés was part of the generation of Spanish colonizers who began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Continue reading “Has the Pope lost it?”
The Guardian – by Sarah Knapton
Fluoride could be causing depression and weight gain and councils should stop adding it to drinking water to prevent tooth decay, scientists have warned.
A study of 98 per cent of GP practices in England found that high rates of underactive thyroid were 30 per cent more likely in areas of the greatest fluoridation.
The Daily Caller – by GIUSEPPE MACRI
Three days before the Federal Communications Commission is scheduled to vote on the most significant Internet regulations in history, two commissioners are asking Chairman Tom Wheeler to delay the vote and release his proposal to the public.
“We respectfully request that FCC leadership immediately release the 332-page Internet regulation plan publicly and allow the American people a reasonable period of not less than 30 days to carefully study it,” Republican Commissioners Ajit Pai and Michael O’Rielly said in a statement Monday. “Then, after the commission reviews the specific input it receives from the American public and makes any modifications to the plan as appropriate, we could proceed to a final vote.” Continue reading “Republican FCC Commissioners Ask Wheeler To Delay Net Neutrality Vote, Release Proposal”
And what about all of the damages that Israel is liable for after attacking the Palestinians? Yeah, I see how it is.
The latest setback for terrorist finances is a $218.5 million judgment against the Palestinian Authority and Palestine Liberation Organization for their role in injuring ten American families, a judgment tripled to a whopping $655 million under the Anti-Terrorism Act. Continue reading “U.S. Jury Holds Palestinian Authority, PLO Liable for $655M In Damages For Terror Attacks In Israel”
HOUSTON, Texas – A grieving Texas father told Breitbart Texas, “my son is dead because the concept of borders is dead.” Spencer Golvach was senselessly murdered by an illegal alien who had been deported a number of times after being convicted of committing crimes, including as law enforcement officers now tell us, crimes of violence. Golvach was shot in the head on January 31st while sitting in his car waiting for a stoplight to change. Golvach’s father said he wants the “boomerang” of deportation and illegal reentry into the country to be stopped. Continue reading “My Son is Dead Because the Concept of Borders Is Dead”
Breitbart – by Adelle Nazarian
Parents and educators alike have taken exception to the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSS). As California and the United States seek ways to become more educationally competitive on a global scale, educators and people who are pushing the federally funded initiative have sought ways to package it in a manner that appears to benefit all. Yet most teachers say it does not.
Cal State Northridge’s Michael D. Eisner College of Education is hosting a speaker series titled “Education on the Edge.” This week, it is featuring Stanford University Professor of Education Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond. The series is focused on ways in which California’s educational system can improve, placing Common Core at the fore. Continue reading “Common Core: There Will Be Children Left Behind”
In an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” with Bob Schieffer on Sunday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) described Texas’ border security challenges as a “problem [that] is not going away,” as 20,000 people have already been apprehended this year crossing illegally.
Abbott first discussed the recent ruling by Judge Andrew Hanen of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, which held that the plan President Barack Obama announced last November to grant amnesty via executive order to millions of illegal immigrants was not something that he was authorized to do under the law. In his final weeks as Attorney General, Abbott had filed a lawsuit against this executive amnesty, which twenty-five states ultimately joined. Continue reading “Abbott Reaffirms: More Than 20,000 Have Illegally Crossed the Border Since Jan. 1”
National security officials have been notified that an underground tunnel was discovered near a venue for this summer’s Pan Am Games in Toronto, CBC News has learned.
The tunnel was dug in the woods near Toronto’s Rexall Centre and York University’s Keele campus. It was large enough for a person to stand in, at around 2.5 metres in height, and was about seven metres long. The tunnel had lights inside, powered by a generator, and the walls and ceiling were reinforced. Continue reading “Mystery tunnel found near Pan Am Games venue”
With each passing day as vaccine fanaticism spreads like a virus of the mind across the mainstream media, America is marching down the path of genocide and heinous human rights violations in the name of “SCIENCE!”
The very arguments used by today’s vaccine pushers to claim that the government should force everyone to be vaccinated against their will closely resemble the eugenics justifications of Nazi Germany. Continue reading “When MEDICINE becomes MURDER: America’s vaccine narrative now mirrors Nazi eugenics propaganda”
Was watching C-Span Sunday AM …. 65% in favor of WAR with Imitation enemy? DOOM!
GOP…. Obama soft on War? MSM view:
On U.S. policy toward terrorists in Syria dubbed ISIS, President Obama is being handed rare American support for a military attack against the terrorists, according to a new poll. Continue reading “Doomed to repeat history…. Poll: Americans, 4 to 1, want WAR with ISIS”
Huffington Post – by Sebastian Murdock
A 6-year-old Alabama boy was pronounced dead Sunday after a man who had previously set a dog on fire crashed his SUV into the child, police said.
Aiden Howard had been in critical condition since he was struck by the vehicle on Feb. 12th. The suspect, 28-year-old Juan Daniels, remains on the run, WSFA reports.
Police said Daniels was fighting with a man in an apartment complex in Montgomery. The suspect allegedly tried to run over the man, but instead crashed into an apartment, striking the child instead. Police said Daniels then fled on foot. Continue reading “Man Who Set Dog On Fire Has Now Killed A Child, Police Say”
So one guy leaves his post and sides with the enemy and after growing a huge Muslim-like beard is considered a hero by Barry, but this guy leaves his post and goes to Lebanon and is considered a traitor. I’m confused. So we are picking and choosing who is and who is not a traitor if they leave their post?
RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) — A U.S. Marine who vanished a decade ago in Iraq was convicted Monday of desertion for leaving his post there and then fleeing to Lebanon after a brief return to the U.S. Continue reading “US Marine who vanished in Iraq found guilty of desertion”
Independent Sentinel – by Sara Nobel
John McCain, the slightly Republican senator from Arizona, will not vote to shut down the government [that’s 16% of the government by the way]; he’d rather let Barack Obama continue violating the law of the land.
In that respect, he’s right on board with 43% of the Democrats who say the same thing according to the latest polls.
He is very opposed because it hurt Republicans so severely last time that they only won by a landslide. Continue reading “Predictable McCain Is On Board With Letting Obama Do Whatever He Wants”
NBC Philadelphia – by Vince Lattanzio and Kelly Bayliss
A tanker truck, filled to the brim with gasoline, erupted in flames after overturning on a busy Camden County, New Jersey roadway Monday morning.
The TK Transport truck was carrying 8,900 gallons of fuel when it ignited on the Route 90 eastbound on-ramp to US 130 north in Pennsauken, police said.
Pennsauken Police Captain Michael Probasco told NBC10 the truck overturned around 11 a.m. while its driver, 43-year-old Brian Ervin, navigated the ramp. For some reason, he lost control sending the truck into a guardrail before landing on Delaware River Port Authority land. The impact ruptured the tractor-trailer’s tank and the gasoline began to burn. Continue reading “‘Boom, Boom, Boom!’ Tanker Burns on South Jersey Highway, Nearby Homes Evacuated”
The U.S. government asked a federal judge Monday to lift a temporary hold on President Obama’s executive action to protect millions of immigrants from deportation, Fox News has confirmed.
Justice Department lawyers requested a “stay” to delay a federal judge’s decision to block Obama’s immigration order, which legally allows 5 million immigrants to stay in the country. Continue reading “US seeks stay of ruling on Obama immigration action”