Dr. Mercola

McDonalds, a poster child for the average fast food diet, has yet again been exposed for selling foods containing far more hazardous ingredients to American customers.

Repeatedly, we find that processed foods—which are bad enough even without added chemicals—contain far more hazardous ingredients in the US compared to other nations, most notably Europe.   Continue reading “The Big Food Discrepancy: Why Are American Foods Routinely More Toxic Than European Versions?”

ABC News 7

The Marines were taken to the Robert E. Bush Naval Hospital and are in stable condition.

According to a defense official, the Marines were inside an Assault Amphibious Vehicle and were affected by a fire extinguisher malfunction. No explosion resulted from the malfunction.   Continue reading “22 US Marines injured during training exercise in Twentynine Palms”

McClatchy DC – by LINDSAY WISE

WASHINGTON — If you’ve been remiss in cleaning out your email in-box, here’s some incentive: The federal government can read any emails that are more than six months old without a warrant.

Little known to most Americans, ambiguous language in a communications law passed in 1986 extends Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure only to electronic communications sent or received fewer than 180 days ago.   Continue reading “Government wonders: What’s in your old emails?”

Common Dreams – by Nadia Prupis

A federal judge ruled in favor of the National Security Agency in a key surveillance case on Tuesday, dismissing a challenge which claimed the government’s spying operations were groundless and unconstitutional.

Filed in 2008 by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the lawsuit, Jewel v. NSA, aimed to end the agency’s unwarranted surveillance of U.S. citizens, which the consumer advocacy group said violated the 4th Amendment.   Continue reading “NSA Spy Program So Secret Judge Can’t Explain Why It Can’t Be Challenged”

Bibles could be removed from rooms at Aberystwyth University after more than half of students surveyed said the compulsory inclusion of the book from Gideon International was 'uncomfortable' or 'unacceptable'Daily Mail – by Gemma Mullin

Thousands of bibles could be removed from university accommodation after they were branded ‘inappropriate’ in a multicultural environment.

More than half of students surveyed at Aberystwyth University said they felt the compulsory inclusion of the book from Gideon International was ‘uncomfortable’ or ‘unacceptable’.   Continue reading “UK: Bibles could be removed from university halls of residence”

pregnantCounter Current News – by Reagan Ali

A new lawsuit, filed by a Georgia woman, claims that Albany police officers beat her so badly, and sat on her noticeably pregnant belly that it caused her to have a miscarriage.

Lawyers for Kenya Harris filed the case in federal court recently, according to Courthouse News. Harris explained that the incident happened when she went to the Albany Police Department back in May of 2011. She was there to pick up her son – a minor – after he had been arrested.   Continue reading “Cop Sits On Pregnant Woman’s Belly, Beats Her Until She Has Miscarriage”

US-CANADA-CONGRESS-OILDaily Finance – by Erik Sherman

Barack Obama has promised a veto on the bill that would enable construction of the Keystone XL pipeline without a presidential permit. Without enough support for an override in the House, let along the Senate, passage of the measure seems unlikely. Given the political calculus was clear at the start, you might wonder why so many Democrats as well as Republicans voted for the measure.

The answer may be money. Senators and representatives who voted for the measure received far more in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry than those who opposed it, according to an analysis by watchdog group MapLight.org. Working from public contribution data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics, the organization matched votes on the bill to the money received by members of Congress from the oil and gas industry.   Continue reading “Keystone XL Votes, Big Oil Contributions Connected”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

One week ago, when previewing what may be the first lockout of the West Coast Ports since 2002, we cited the Retail Industry Leaders Association who, realizing that failure to reach an agreement between the dockworker union and their bosses, the Pacific Maritime Association representing port management would lead to devastating consequences for the US retail industry, had several very damning soundbites:   Continue reading “The “Catastrophic Shutdown Of America’s Supply Chain” Begins: Stunning Photos Of West Coast Port Congestion”

Gun ProtestSipsey Street Irregulars

We aren’t “influencing” gun control legislation, we’re NEGATING it.

David Codrea comments:

What makes you think “politics” is their primary goal? They’re here, they’re determined, they’re growing and they’re fed up. You can continue condemning them, as most no doubt will, but you’re not going to stop them without overwhelming police state force attacking the exercise of the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms.   Continue reading ““Spooking lawmakers with guns isn’t political genius.””

But many Congressional Democrats want to force us to use small magazinesExaminer – Kurt Hoffman

United States Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) has never seen a proposed new infringement on that which shall not be infringed that he hasn’t liked, so it should come as no surprise that he is enthusiastically on board with a pair of bills recently introduced in Congress that would impose a five-year prison term for acquiring an 11-round magazine. S.407/H.R. 752, the “Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2015,” introduced by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Representative Elizabeth Etsy (D-CT) respectively, would even ban the practice of attaching two of the “acceptable” capacity magazines together:   Continue reading “U.S. Senator says millions of Americans are ‘arming against the government’”

IRS-apologizesSovereign Man – by Simon Black

Twenty-seven years ago at the 1988 Republican National Convention in New Orleans, George H. W. Bush accepted his party’s nomination to run for President of the United States.

(This was when he announced Dan Quayle as his running mate, to which Senator John McCain later remarked “I can’t believe a guy that handsome wouldn’t have some impact.”)   Continue reading “Surreal: IRS apologizes for seizing bank accounts”

Newsplex – by Stephon Dingle

ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA (NEWSPLEX) —  “On Saturday and Sunday it may be busy in here, but for a lot of businesses, being busy two days a week just doesn’t cut it,” said Adam Huffman, a kiosk retailer at “iFixt.”

Many retailers have noticed slower traffic over the past couple of months in the Fashion Square Mall off of Route 29, as a string of stores have closed its doors. When you enter the mall, you’ll notice many empty kiosks and and closed store spaces with no name on the front.   Continue reading “String of Store Closures, Less Foot Traffic Plague Malls”

c7YvfwcDaily Stormer – by Michael Slay

Jews have been known to fake attacks on themselves in order to generate sympathy (and shekels) from the stupid goyim. This latest example comes from France, which is a country that the Jew-run media has been focusing on a lot recently as a center of “resurgent anti-Semitism.”

Here, we have one such case of this terrifying resurgent anti-Semitism.  Feel sorry for these Jews, goyim.   Continue reading “France: Police Catch 73-Year-Old Jew Spray-Painting the Word “Jew” on 20 Cars”

kidde fire extinguisher recallDaily Finance – by Mitch Lipka

Nearly 5 million Kidde fire extinguishers sold over the past two years are being recalled because a defective valve could cause them to fail when used to put out a fire, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said Thursday.

The massive recall involves 31 different models of disposable fire extinguishers — the type that aren’t made to be refilled. Most were sold between August 2013 and November 2014 for $18 to $65 at stores including Home Depot (HD) and Walmart (WMT), but one model, the XL 5MR, sold for $200, the CPSC said.   Continue reading “Kidde Recalls 4.8 Million Fire Extinguishers That Could Fail”

Photo - On the day he criticized sniper Chris Kyle, NBC reporter Ayman Mohyeldin posted a photo of him on Instagram with Miss Universe on the set of "Morning Joe."Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Already under fire from Iraq War veterans for making up events, NBC is taking new flak today from former military brass over a correspondent’s claim that sniper hero Chris Kyle was a “racist” on “killing sprees” while protecting troops in Iraq.

Some 22 retired generals and admirals, including a former deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, joined with dozens of other officers and the press watchdog Media Research Center in a letter to demand an apology from NBC parent Comcast after the network refused to acknowledge the comments.   Continue reading “Brass demand NBC apology over claim sniper Kyle was ‘racist’ on ‘killing sprees’”

Contra Corner – by David Stockman

The mainstream narrative about “recovery” from the financial crisis is a giant con job. And nowhere does the mendacity run deeper than in the “banks are fixed” meme—an insidious cover story that has been concocted by the crony capitalist cabals that thrive at the intersection of Wall Street and Washington.

So this morning comes yet another expose in the Wall Street Journal about the depredations of Bank America (BAC). Not surprisingly, at the center of this latest malefaction is still another set of schemes to grossly abuse the deposit insurance safety net and enlist the American taxpayer in the risky business of financing high-rolling London hedge funds.   Continue reading “Shoot Bank Of America Now—-The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming”

Erika Zambrano holds a 2010 photo of shooting victim Antonio Zambrano-Montes on  Wednesday while standing outside City Hall in Pasco. A rally was held in support of Zambrano-Montes, who was shot and killed by Pasco police officers during a confrontation at a  busy intersection. Seattle Times – by Mike Carter

The videotaped deadly shooting by Pasco police of a homeless man who had reportedly been throwing rocks on a busy downtown street has raised numerous questions and prompted a protest Wednesday outside City Hall.

More than a dozen people apparently witnessed Tuesday’s rush-hour confrontation between 35-year-old Antonio Zambrano-Montes, who had gotten out of jail on Monday, and three officers. The officers had tried to arrest him after witnesses reported he was throwing rocks at cars outside the Fiesta Foods supermarket in downtown Pasco.   Continue reading “Protest in Pasco after officers kill rock-throwing man”