As I reported on Wednesday, a deal was worked out in the U.S. Senate on the early afternoon of May 13th to “Fast-Track” through to approval U.S. President Barack Obama’s proposed trade deals, TPP with Asia, and TTIP with Europe. (It should have been reported on the nightly TV news programs, but most of them ignored it then, and reported the news only the next day when the Senators made it official.)

TPP and TTIP have been represented in America’s press as ‘trade’ deals, but instead they’re actually about sovereignty. They’re about America and the other participating countries handing their democratic sovereignty — on regulation of the environment, consumer protection, worker protection, and finance — over to panels, all of whose members will be selected by the large international corporations that for years have been working with U.S. President Obama’s Trade Representative to draft these “trade” treaties.   Continue reading “How America’s ‘News’ Media Killed America’s Democracy: TPP & TTIP”

Courtesy WBTVFox News – by Todd Starnes

Folks who live around York County, South Carolina are a patriotic bunch. They drive pickup trucks and they fly American flags – and sometimes they do both – at the same time.

And that’s the sort of behavior that got 18-year-old Peyton Robinson in a bit of hot water with administrators at York Comprehensive High School.

Peyton drove his pickup truck to school on Wednesday with Old Glory and the POW-MIA flag hoisted in the truck bed.   Continue reading “Old Glory to keep on trucking after school reverses ban”

Washington Post – by William Booth

As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.   Continue reading “Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison”

Jade – by Leada Gore

The Pentagon has done its best to assure Texans the Jade Helm military operations in the state are nothing more than a training exercise. It turns out not only are those in the Lone Star State not convinced, neither are a lot of people nationwide.

A poll by Public Policy Polling released today found that 32 percent of GOP primary voters nationwide believe the military operations are an effort by the federal government to take over Texas. Forty percent dismissed that notion; 28 percent weren’t sure.   Continue reading “Jade Helm 15: 32 percent of Republicans think feds trying to take over Texas”

Oregon Live – by Amy Wang

Oregon is leading the way in making communities and families safer with its new law expanding gun sale background checks to include private transactions, according to former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her retired astronaut husband, Mark Kelly.

“This week, Oregon took a very positive step,” Kelly said Wednesday in Salem, referring to Gov. Kate Brown’s signing Monday of Senate Bill 941, “and over time we’re going to see less people die in the state of Oregon.”    Continue reading “Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly seek tougher Oregon, U.S. gun laws for domestic abusers”

Whiteout Press – by Mark Wachtler

May 7, 2015. Phoenix. (ONN) Ever since we began publishing horror stories from parents about how the Department of Child Protective Services unjustly took their children away, we have been inundated with requests from other wrongly victimized parents. They ask us to shine a light on their plight because nobody else will. Their children have been stolen from them for no legitimate reason and they can’t get them back. There are thousands of them and they need help. Here are just a sampling of letters we received over a six-week period.

Continue reading “10 more desperate Letters from Parents – “CPS stole my Kids””

Kim Dotcom just called out Clinton with Assange’s untold secretsSlash Gear – by Chris Burns

Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom speaks up about the 2016 Presidential Elections in the United States, suggesting that Julian Assange will call out Hillary Clinton with some “potential roadblocks.” In an interview about a wide range of internet-related topics, Dotcom spoke with Bloomberg’s Emily Chang this week on “Studio 1.0.” This interview called upon Dotcom’s earlier suggestion that he would be “Hillary’s worst nightmare in 2016,” while Dotcom suggested further that he’d “have to say it’s probably more Julian,” but that he was “aware of some of the things” that will inhibit Clinton’s road to the White House.   Continue reading “Kim Dotcom just called out Clinton with Assange’s untold secrets”

gun forcedSilver Doctors – by Dave Kranzler

You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality – Ayn Rand

Beware of the leader, who strikes the war drum in order to transfer the citizens into patriotic glow, patriotism is indeed a double-sided sword. It makes the blood so boldly, like it constricts the intellect. And if the striking of the war drum reached a fiebrige height and the blood is cooking and hating, and the intellect is dismissed, the leader doesn’t need to reject the citizens rights. The citizens, cought by anxiety and blinded through patriotism, will subordinate all their rights to the leader and this even with happy courage. Why do I know that? I know it, because this is, what I did.   And I am Gajus Julius Cäesar.

Continue reading “Are The Elites Slowly Waging “War” On The U.S. Population?”

North Carolina Woman Being Evicted From Her Own Land For Living in TentPatriot Net Daily – by John PND

Ingred Larson received an eviction notice from the county today. Why? For living in a tent on her own property. Yes. Really. She is being evicted for living in a tent on her own land.

10 years ago the city sewer line flooded her home with 10,000 gallons of raw sewage. There was a settlement, however the city/county wants her to hook back up to the county sewer system, but Larson does not want to, and would rather hook up to the septic tank system on her property. The county doesn’t want that, and is forcing her to hook-up to the city sewer.   Continue reading “North Carolina Woman Being Evicted From Her Own Land For Living in Tent”

Two men are taken into custody by the U.S. Border Patrol near Falfurrias, Texas March 29, 2013. Brooks County has become an epicentre for illegal immigrant deaths in Texas. In 2012, sheriffThe Daily Caller – by Chuck Ross

The Department of Homeland Security does not maintain data on how many illegal immigrants it allows to stay in the U.S. through prosecutorial discretion — a failure that could have national security implications — the agency’s inspector general reported Wednesday.

“The Department’s ability to accurately assess the results of policy decisions and make needed changes is important given its modified approach to immigration enforcement,” wrote inspector general John Roth.   Continue reading “DHS Fails To Keep Track Of Number Of Illegals Allowed To Stay In U.S.”

WISN – by Tom Swigert

MILWAUKEE —An Amtrak locomotive has caught fire near Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point neighborhood.

Fire crews from Milwaukee and West Allis are pouring water on the locomotive near Barclay and Walker.

Milwaukee fire crews were called to the scene around 12:06 p.m. The Hiawatha Line train was arriving in Milwaukee from Chicago.   Continue reading “Amtrak locomotive catches fire in Milwaukee”

Credit: Wikimedia CommonsReason – by Damon Root

In its 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court not only struck down Washington, D.C.’s handgun ban, it also struck down D.C.’s requirement that all firearms kept at home be “unloaded and dissembled or bound by a trigger lock or similar device.” According to the majority opinion of Justice Antonin Scalia, the individual right secured by the Second Amendment voids such requirements because it protects the right of the people to keep a “lawful firearm in the home operable for the purpose of immediate self-defense.”   Continue reading “Supreme Court Weighs Review of San Francisco Gun Control Scheme”

bank occupy protestBusiness Insider

Top executives from the biggest US banks, concerned about anti-Wall Street rhetoric that is already bubbling up on the 2016 campaign trail, are working to push back against the prevailing narrative that “banks are bad,” The Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter.

Senior executives from seven of the biggest US banks gathered at, or dialed into, a lunchtime meeting held in the Bank of America Tower in New York on March 31, The Journal reported.   Continue reading “Bank execs held a secret meeting to prepare for anti-Wall Street talk in the 2016 presidential campaign”

The Daily Bell – by Phillippe Gastonne

The country’s rapidly growing marijuana industry has a tax problem. Even as more states embrace legal marijuana, shops say they are being forced to pay crippling federal income taxes because of a decades-old law aimed at preventing drug dealers from claiming their smuggling costs and couriers as business expenses on their tax returns.

Congress passed that law in 1982 after a cocaine and methamphetamine dealer in Minneapolis who had been jailed on drug charges went to tax court to argue that the money he spent on travel, phone calls, packaging and even a small scale should be considered tax write-offs. The provision, still enforced by the I.R.S., bans all tax credits and deductions from “the illegal trafficking in drugs.”   Continue reading “IRS Enlists in the War on Legal Marijuana”

Mossberg 500 Slug GunAmmoland – by Bob Shell

Apache Junction, AZ –-( For generations many youngsters started out with an inexpensive shotgun to start their activity in hunting.

I was one of those youths that started out with a bolt action Mossberg shotgun.

It was a 12 gauge with a barrel longer then a week but it served for some years until I got a little older. It harvested some rabbits and squirrels among other critters. Years ago if you used a shotgun for large game that was considered a handicap but that is no longer the case.   Continue reading “Slug Ammo Review with a Mossberg 500 Shot Gun & Hawke Endurance Scope”

SIX12 Modular ShotgunHow to Survive It – by Melanie Swick

Chances are you probably have an AR-15 as part of your collection. If you have yet to get your hands on one of these little black rifles, then it’s likely close to the top of your wish list.

That said, you may wonder what could possibly make one of the most popular lightweight firearms in the country any more awesome than it already is. Well wonder no more, because the folks who work at Cyre Precision are now developing just the thing to make the AR-15 stand out in a big way—with a shotgun attachment.   Continue reading “Revolver Shotgun: The Ultimate AR-15 Accessory”

The Organic Prepper

Yogurt is full of good bacteria, and it’s delicious too!  But those little six-packs touting “active cultures” are also filled with other ingredients that you probably don’t want to add to your diet if the purpose of eating yogurt is good health.

Here are the ingredients in Yoplait’s plain yogurt:

Cultured Pasteurized Grade A Nonfat Milk. Contains Less Than 2% of: Corn Starch, Kosher Gelatin, Pectin. Made With Active Yogurt Cultures Including L. Acidophilus.

Continue reading “Two Ridiculously Easy Ways to Make Homemade Yogurt”