
Four people, including two 15-year-old teenagers, were shot in a park in Jersey City, New Jersey amid a large basketball court party. This is the third mass open-air shooting to target partygoers in the US in the space of two days.

Police are looking for a silver minivan following the incident, which took place at Ruby Brown Place near Mercer Park, NBC 4 New York reported citing investigators.   Continue reading “2 teens, 2 adults injured in Jersey City public shooting”

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A Taliban suicide bomber struck the entrance to the Afghan parliament on Monday and gunmen tried to storm the heavily guarded compound, setting off a gunbattle with police that left two people dead as lawmakers were meeting inside to vote on the appointment of a new defense minister.

Afghan security forces managed to repel the attack, killing all seven gunmen and ensuring that no members of parliament were harmed. But the audacious assault came as the Taliban captured two districts in as many days in the country’s north, displaying their ability to operate on multiple fronts.   Continue reading “Taliban suicide bomber, gunmen attack Afghan parliament”

obama-martial-lawSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

What is the purpose of Jade Helm? How does it relate to the political and economic environment facing the United States? And what are some possible scenarios that may take place in coming months and years?

If you think this massive military operation is just another exercise to prepare American soldiers to face a foreign threat on foreign soil, then we urge you to watch the following interview from The Daily Coin with Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show.   Continue reading “They’re Waiting For A Provocative Incident: “Obama Is Trying To Force A Confrontation So That He Has A Pretext To Declare Martial Law””

Russia Insider

In Riyadh, there’s a new king in town, and he is a very different man than his brother before him. After shaking up the government and replacing the chief executives of Saudi Arabia’s two biggest corporate behemoths (SABIC & Saudi Aramco), his new majesty seems to have the right people in place to carry out what appears to be an entirely new set of policies.

Case in point was this past Thursday’s meeting in St. Petersburg where President Putin received the Deputy Crown Prince and Saudi Defense Minister Muhammad bin Salman (a son of the current King Salman), along with Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir and the all-powerful Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi. The two sides signed a total of six new cooperation agreements that included the nuclear and military spheres.     Continue reading “Saudi Arabia and Russia Ink Six New Deals, Embark on New ‘Petroleum Alliance’”

Political Vel Craft

China‘s Executions procedure:

The execution protocol is defined on the criminal procedure law, under article 212:[6]

Before a people’s court executes a death sentence, it shall notify the people’s procuratorate at the same level to send personnel to supervise the execution.
Death sentences shall be executed by means of shooting or injection.  

Continue reading “China Sentences 6 Bankers To Death For Looting.”

Person in a wheelchairThe Daily Sheeple

Did we just cross over into the Twilight Zone?

This is what our politically correct society has wrought.

Now we don’t just have men or women who want to be respected as the opposite sex, or white girls who want to be thought of as black girls because they feel they were born the wrong race, but we now have otherwise completely healthy people who feel inside as if they are really disabled people. Some have gone as far as to cut off their own limbs to really be the disabled person they feel they are inside (and get that handicapped parking tag).   Continue reading “Transgendered? Transracial? Now It’s the ‘Transabled’: Able-Bodied, Healthy People Who “Identify” as Disabled People”

Sent to us by a reader.

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts’ address to the Conference on the European/Russian Crisis, Delphi, Greece, June 20-21, 2015

Paul Craig Roberts, formerly Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy, Associate Editor, Wall Street Journal, Senior Research Fellow, Stanford University, William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.   Continue reading “Paul Craig Roberts’ Address to the International Conference on the European/Russian Crisis Created by Washington”

The Hill – by Kevin Cirilli

FBI Director James Comey declined to label the Wednesday shooting at a predominantly black church in Charleston, S.C., as a terrorist act.

“Terrorism is act of violence done or threatens to in order to try to influence a public body or citizenry, so it’s more of a political act and again based on what I know so more I don’t see it as a political act,” Comey said at a press conference Friday in Baltimore.   Continue reading “FBI head won’t call Charleston shooting a terrorist act”

Cat Named Dog of the YearPatch – by Paige Austin

There was a stunning surprise today when the local chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals presented its annual National Hero Dog Award.

The winner was a cat.

Tara, a 7-year-old tabby from Bakersfield, bested “man’s best friend” to claim the award and its accompanying prize — which was adjusted from a year’s supply of dog food to 12 months’ worth of cat chow, courtesy of PurinaOne.   Continue reading “Cat Named Dog of the Year”

Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez

Throughout nature it is well known that species will experience changes in its DNA and adaptations in its physical expression and behavior solely for the purposes of surviving in its environment. There are numerous examples in nature of species genetically and physically adapting to its environment for survival reasons. So it’s not a far-fetched suggestion that humanity itself may now be experiencing a physiological mental and cerebral transformation which is changing its behavioral pattern and environmental response to the phenomenon of government.   Continue reading “Humanity is Developing Survival Resistance to Government Lies”

big-bucks-876-barn.jpgFox News – by Jeff Peek

Sally Kosmatka tried to find the words, but she had to pause mid-sentence.

“When I think about it for too long …,” she said as tears welled in her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

Her husband, Jack, reached over and patted her leg. Without saying a word, his gesture said everything. Jack knew Sally’s pain as well as anyone could. This would be a tough day for the Kosmatkas. They were about to see the most precious members of their classic car family go to new homes.   Continue reading “Sale of Texas barn find collection filled with memories, tears, and a sense of relief”

flag-ani.gifBATR, March 5, 2004

Gordon Thomas writes in the American Free Press: “President Clinton’s close friend, a billionaire and fugitive from justice, was a top Mossad source”. The saga of Marc Rich will go down in the annals of betrayal as proof positive that the United States government is a tool of Zionist policy. Since this verdict is so painful for the apologist’s of Israel to confront, those who dare speak out, risk the wrath of cowards. Well, what’s the point of an existence of serenity, if it is founded upon a malicious lie? The canard that drives our country into continuous hell, is based upon a ridiculous premise – that Israel is a friend of America.   Continue reading “Justice Demands NO Tolerance”

Karl Rove (Getty Images)Daily Caller – by Christian Datok

Republican strategist Karl Rove said on “Fox News Sunday” the only way to stop gun-related violence, like the Wednesday massacre at Emmanuel African Methodist Church in Charleston S.C., was to repeal American citizens’ Second Amendment rights.   Continue reading “Karl Rove: Only Way To Stop The Violence Is To Repeal Second Amendment”


The Justice Department will fast track the sending of $29 million to South Carolina to help families of victims of the mass murder of nine churchgoers at a historic black church in Charleston, a Justice Department spokesman said on Friday.

An unspecified portion of the money, allocated under the government’s national Crime Victim Assistance Formula Grant program, can be used to provide services to the families of victims of the shootings at Emmanuel AME Church, spokesman Kevin Lewis said.   Continue reading “U.S. to fast track $29 million to help Charleston shooting victims’ families”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown, January 23, 2015

I have to tell you that I like this sheriff! Fulton County, New York Sheriff Thomas Lorey volunteered his county to participate in a pilot program that asked gun owners to go online and register each of the guns they own. However, Lorey did so with a specific purpose and that was to send a message to the bureaucrats in Albany, including the governor. What message did he want to send? “We will not comply.”

“I’m asking everyone that gets those invitations to throw them in the garbage because that is where they belong,” Lorey said to a group of conservative activists. “They go in the garbage because, for 100 years or more, ever since the inception of pistol permits, nobody has ever been required to renew them.”   Continue reading “New York Sheriff on Gun Registration Letters: Toss Them in the Trash”