Las Vegas Review Journal – Editorial, March 18, 2015

The more a government seeks refuge in secrecy, the less credibility it has with the people it serves. The longer a government refuses to answer basic questions about public business, the more suspicious taxpayers become.

We first published those exact words last year, when the U.S. Bureau of Land Management refused to answer important questions about the April 2014 blowup at the Bundy ranch in Bunkerville. The BLM, in attempting to end a decades-long grazing dispute with rancher Cliven Bundy, dispatched an armed force and air support across northern Clark County to round up his cattle. The overdone, militarized response to a civil dispute rallied Mr. Bundy’s rangeland allies and anti-government types, creating a confrontation that was a single trigger pull from becoming a bloodbath. The BLM pulled back, and the public demanded answers.   Continue reading “BLM hiding records on Bundy ranch standoff”

legal-corruption-judge-sovereigntyThe Freedom Articles

Legal corruption in the US has been exposed by a brilliant woman whose name is Tamah Jada Clark. She recently served a most unusualnotice upon the courts in Georgia. It is highly unlikely you will ever have seen something like this! Clark’s legal Notice, entitled “To F*ck This Court and Everything that it Stands For“, is a highly entertaining and knowledgeable piece of writing.   Continue reading “Brilliant Woman Sticks It to Judge with Mix of Education and Expletives”


CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said Monday the Confederate flag should be removed from the grounds of the state capitol, reversing her position on the divisive symbol amid growing calls for it to be removed.

The Republican’s about-face comes after nine black church members were gunned down, allegedly by a young white man who embraced the flag as a symbol of white supremacy.   Continue reading “SC governor calls for Confederate flag to come down”

Activist Post

Police and Child Protective Services in Maryland twice removed the Meitiv children, 10 and 6, from their parents for child endangerment because they played alone at a nearby park.

The generation that grew up as latchkey kids is now being called “free range” parents if they let their children play outside unattended. And they’re being charged with neglect.   Continue reading “Free Range Parents Cleared: CPS Declares Kids Playing Outside Alone is Not Neglect”

The Virginia Flaggers

Message from Past Commander-In-Chief Michael Givens. Please read and share…

“Compatriots and friends of fairness—your help is needed!

The shooting that took place this past Wednesday night at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston is horrific on every level. The perpetrator is obviously insane to have committed such a cold-hearted crime as this. Apparently his stated motives were to set off a race war, the same heinous hopes of the infamous murderer—Charles Manson.   Continue reading “A message from The Virginia Flaggers”

The Hill – by Kevin Cirilli

The Senate is poised to vote a second time on granting President Obama fast-track trade authority.

The House revived the president’s trade agenda on Thursday, passing trade promotion authority (TPA), also known as fast-track, and sending the bill to the upper chamber. Previously, a package combining fast-track with a Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) measure was derailed in the House. House Democrats voted against TAA to keep the entire package from moving forward.   Continue reading “Week ahead: Fast-track back before Senate”

Activist Post – by Amanda Warren

With another recent mass shooting having taken place last week in Charleston, South Carolina – such a crisis is the perfect opportunity for the President to yet again stop just short of using the “C-word” – confiscation. Or “C” for the gun Control he promoted.

Before any victims were even in the ground, he exploited the tragedy for politicized gun control agendas.    Continue reading “Police Killed More Americans In 2014 Than All U.S. Mass Shootings Combined”

The USS Carl Vinson arrives in Hong Kong, May 22. (Photo/Xinhua)Want China Times

The United States Pacific Command has stationed more than 1,200 special forces troops in the Asia-Pacific along with the latest advancements in weapons technology to contain China’s rising presence in the region, reports the Beijing-based Sina Military Network.

The article points to comments made by the US defense secretary, Ashton Carter, during his recent 10-day tour of Asia-Pacific countries and attendance at the 14th Asia Security Summit in Singapore, during which he stressed the importance of the Asia Pacific to US interests, insisting that Washington is determined to create an atmosphere of trust, assist in resolving territorial disputes and ensure stability and safety in the region.   Continue reading “US stations 1,200 special forces in Asia-Pacific”

Richard Matt, David SweatUSA Today – by Matthew Diebel

A surge of activity in the search for escaped New York state killers Richard Matt and David Sweat was ongoing Monday after their DNA reportedly was found in a burglarized cabin.

The attention on the cabin, about 20 miles west of the prison they escaped from, came after a witness saw someone running into the woods on Saturday, WPTZ in Burlington, Vt., reported.. Officers subsequently flooded tiny Owls Head in Franklin County, where a command post was established and police arrived with ATVs, CNN reported.   Continue reading “Reports: DNA of escapees found in burglarized cabin”

tn-bb-gun-shooting-volleyballCounter Current News – by Reagan Ali

A police lieutenant in Tennessee was not arrested after shooting at a group of 20 children playing volleyball hear his home.

The children were not on his property, but the mere sound of them playing at a nearby church was enough to enrage Michael Wilson, 58, to the point of opening fire on them with a BB gun.   Continue reading “Cops Refuse To Arrest Officer Caught Shooting At 20 Children Playing Near His House”

Politico – by Nick Gass

President Barack Obama did not mince words in discussing race in a recent interview, going so far as to use the N-word in talking about America’s complex racial history when speaking to Marc Maron on the comedian’s “WTF” podcast in Los Angeles last week.

“The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow, and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on. We’re not cured of it,” Obama said in the interview, posted in full on Monday. “And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘n——-’ in public. That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It’s not just a matter of overt discrimination. … Societies don’t overnight completely erase everything that happened 2-300 years prior.”   Continue reading “Obama uses the N-word in podcast interview”

The Organic Prepper

It’s that time of year again. The mercury is climbing…and staying there, way up at the top of the thermometer.  But running an air conditioner at full blast to combat the heat can be very expensive, and for those of us on a budget, the resulting bill can be crippling.   Continue reading “The Cheapskate’s Guide to Suriviving without Air Conditioning”

Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

Grand Rapids, Mich. – In a stunning violation of 2nd Amendment rights, the U.S. District Court of Western Michigan ruled police have the legal authority to detain individuals that choose to exercise their constitutional right to open carry a firearm. Open Carry is also specifically allowed under Michigan law.

The ruling means that people in Michigan who choose to exercise this constitutional right are now subject to being stopped by law enforcement for engaging in a completely lawful activity.   Continue reading “Warning: Federal Court Rules that 2nd Amendment Right is Now a Reason for Cops to Detain You”

Dave Action Reporting/YouTubeIntellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

Up-armored “Humvees” and “Striker units” with a “peculiar satellite” installed on them, a “green dome antennae in the back,” were spotted on rail trains recently in both “Oregon” and “California,” according to a video posted by Dave Action Reporting on YouTube Monday.

The strange equipment is a “non-standard military frequency” likely “KU satellite”which is being used in lieu of the “50MHZ long-wire antennae in back” which has about a “50-mile range.”   Continue reading “Trainload of up-armored Humvees with special COMM equipment linked to “Homeland Defense operations””

AFP 541750596 I WAR POL -USA Today – by Jim Michaels

Faced with a shortage of U.S. Navy ships, the Marine Corps is exploring a plan to deploy its forces aboard foreign vessels to ensure they can respond quickly to global crises around Europe and western Africa.

The initiative is a stopgap way to deploy Marines aboard ships overseas until more American vessels are available, said Brig. Gen. Norman Cooling, deputy commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe and Africa.   Continue reading “Marines looking at deploying aboard foreign ships”

U.S. Senator John McCain (Reuters / Mike Segar)RT

The US will be able to supply natural gas to Ukraine and Europe within two years, Senator John McCain pledged in Kiev. The American politician believes that only gas reliance prevents European countries from hardening sanctions against Russia.

“The United States will supply natural gas to Ukraine and other parts of Europe in two years,” McCain said on Saturday, RIA Novosti reported.   Continue reading “McCain: US will supply gas to Ukraine, Europe in 2 yrs”