Reuters – by Carey Gillam

A man was gravely wounded in a gun battle with police in Ferguson, Missouri on Sunday night after a day of peaceful rallies to mark the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white officer one year ago.

Several volleys of gunshots rang out as police in riot gear tried to disperse demonstrators blocking traffic and smashing storefront windows along a street that was a flashpoint of last year’s unrest in the St. Louis suburb after Michael Brown, 18, was slain.   Continue reading “Peaceful rallies in Ferguson give way to violence, gunfire”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Gardasil maims and kills. It makes young girls sterile. It does not prevent cancer deaths any better than a Pap test. Merck makes Gardasil and donates to politicians who push it on girls and now it is being pushed onto boys as well. Would you support the arrest of the CEO and other executives from Merck together with the politicians from both political parties who have pushed this poison on defenseless young people?

Bisphenol A is a synthetic estrogen (xenoestrogen). It is used to line food cans and even sodas. It increases the growth of fibroid tumors in the uterus and interferes with fertility treatments and was also linked to development of diabetes or a heart attack and may even increase the risk of cancer. Because BPA is a synthetic estrogen it has the potential to lead to hormonal imbalances, especially an overload of estrogen which may result in fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, poor sleep and other potential health concerns. The nations of  Australia, France and Malaysia have banned BPA. Why have you done nothing to remove it from our food supply?   Continue reading “Asking Questions The Politicians And The Press Can’t Answer.”

BATR, March 27, 2011

William Jefferson Clinton was called the first black president. Now it can be said that Barry Soetoro is the first female president. What justifies such a label? Clearly, Barack Hussein Obama has no cojones. The Ipanema vacationer practices his African samba carnival dance while carnage rains from tomahawk missiles. Humanitarian altruism acts as cover for a remote controlled marionette doing the bidding in the Soros world of his sorcerer mentors. This commander in chief runs from his own shadow.

Do you recall when media outlets with calls of “the wimp factor” bedeviled George Herbert Walker Bush? Or do you remember when a national magazine emblazoned, Jr – George Walker Bush with the wrong “W.” He is not a wimp? Well, what name do you use when a lily-livered mistake of a president needs to interrupt another holiday to push the war buttons, while his girls, Sasha and Malia await more spring break entertainment? Obama shed his coat and tie, rolled up his sleeves and dribbled one-on-one soccer with one surprised boy from a Rio slum. What a do-gooder.   Continue reading “Nobel Peace Prize for AWOL War President”

Press TV

Israeli settlers have conducted yet another arson attack against Palestinian property by setting ablaze hundreds of acres of open land in the occupied West Bank, officials say.

Local sources and senior Palestinian officials confirmed on Sunday that the arson attack was carried out near the village of Burin, located south of Nablus.

There has been no word on possible casualties.   Continue reading “Israeli settlers set ablaze Palestinian land in West Bank”

The Daily Beast – by Jay Michaelson

Suppressing evidence, coddling informants, even outright lying are some of the instances of prosecutorial misconduct that sent away nearly half the 1,621 people convicted for crimes they didn’t commit since 1989, according to the University of Michigan Law School’s National Registry of Exonerations. These are only the cases we know about, and they are surely only a fraction of the wrongly convicted. Even so, the figure is stunning—especially when you consider that 115 of them were people condemned to die.

The punishment for bad prosecutorial misconduct is virtually nil. In a 2011 report on 707 such cases, only six prosecutors were disciplined. Almost all still have their licenses, and are still practicing law.   Continue reading “It’s Not Just Bad Cops: Prosecutors Run Wild”


China’s central bank has put the Russian ruble into circulation in Suifenhe City, Heilongjiang Province, launching a pilot two-currency (ruble and yuan) program. The ruble is being introduced in place of the US dollar.

The announcement was made on Saturday by Jin Mei, deputy secretary for monetary policy at the opening ceremony of a trade exposition in Suifenhe, reported state-run Xinhua news agency.   Continue reading “China approves usage of ruble instead of US dollar for border city”

The Abbeville Blog – by Forrest MacDonald

This essay was first published in Southern Partisan in the Winter, 1985.

Southerners rarely while away their leisure hours by contemplating Yankees, for there is no point in thinking of unpleasant things if one is not obliged to do so. Yet the practice does have value; to some extent, at least, we are defined by those attributes which set us apart from others, and sometimes we can be made aware of such attributes only by observing people who do not share them. Another virtue of thinking about Yankees, in the long run perhaps a more important one, is that it serves to remind us that they have repeatedly tried to make us over in their own image. Indeed, though it may seem that they have been off our backs since the demise of the civil rights movement, their latest campaign to reform us is actually well under way.   Continue reading “Why Yankees Won’t (And Can’t) Leave the South Alone”

Huffington Post – by Laura Barron-Lopez

EL PASO — Driving along El Paso’s Rim Road, which hugs the southern tip of the Rockies, it’s difficult to tell where Texas ends and Mexico begins. 

Looking down on the town below, a thick, black line marks the desert sand ahead in the distance, running over a hill into the emptiness beyond. It’s a fence, the very visible border that divides El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mexico. Behind it curves the Rio Grande, a skeleton of its former self used primarily for irrigation once it hits Texas.   Continue reading “El Paso Is Fighting To Reclaim The Border’s Soul”


HARRIS COUNTY, Texas – David Conley, 48, told Harris County Sheriff’s investigators that he broke into his former home and killed eight people, according to a Harris County prosecutor.

During probable cause court Sunday, a prosecutor recounted Conley’s statement to investigators that he broke in through an open window after the woman he formerly lived with, Valerie Jackson, changed the locks on the doors.   Continue reading “Suspect charged with capital murder of 6 kids, 2 adults”

Anti-Media – by Justin King

(TFC) Washington, DC – Recently, the discussion of people being more hostile to law enforcement has arisen. The overriding question for those in the law enforcement community is: why? Why have people become more hostile and more willing to use violence against law enforcement? It’s a question that has a clear answer, but sometimes when a person is inside of a system, they fail to see what is happening outside of that system. Law enforcement officers exist inside an insulated culture. They don’t typically have the opportunity to openly discuss why a trend is occurring with the average citizen. No, the people who show up to the citizen’s meet and greet are not average citizens.   Continue reading “9 Reasons Why People Kill Cops”

All News Pipeline – by Susan Duclos

In May of 2014, experts testified before the House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies, on what the “catastrophic” effects of an “Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)” would be for Americans.

According to Dr. Peter Pry, a member of the Congressional EMP Commission and executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, an EMP event could wipe out 90 percent of America’s population.   Continue reading “EMP Attack On America – Preppers Vs Non-Preppers In The First 72 Hours – Who Will Live, Who Will Die”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Christians and conservatives continue to be hoodwinked by FOX News. Not only has the organization been supporting the sodomite agenda, but they have also been one of the top ten donors to the Clinton Family since 1992.

Michael Lotfi reported:   Continue reading “FOX News is One of Top 10 Largest Donors to the Clintons”

Natural News – by Julie Wilson

The state senator behind California’s SB277 forced vaccination law is a pro at spreading misinformation, particularly on social media.

Carrying out the job that Big Pharma paid him to do — which we recently proved by publishing information about the industry cash he’s received — Senator Richard Pan recently posted a Facebook status citing a completely fraudulent article denying the existence of mercury in vaccines, which also made blatantly false statements about Natural News’ Mike Adams.   Continue reading “CA Sen. Richard Pan caught lying about vaccines; massive recall effort now underway to kick him out of office”

The Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Parkersburg, WV — A disturbing video was submitted to the Free Thought Project this week which shows the courageous actions of one woman, and the cowardly actions of a West Virginia State Trooper.

The incident began after a neighborhood argument escalated to the point of a man calling the police to prevent further turmoil. The homeowner, Cliff, called the police after his neighbor allegedly threatened him. However, when the police showed up, they were more interested in Cliff’s dog than preventing any disturbance.   Continue reading “Mother Assaulted, Arrested After Stepping in Front of a Cop Who was About to Shoot Her Dog”

Benchmark Reporter – by Steve Smith

The Bureau of Land Management in the US has rescinded a request it had earlier made for VIP accommodations during the Burning Man festival & has granted the permit required to hold this event in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada on the 30th of August.

The agency announced on Friday that it had scrapped this request for organizers of the festival to build a Blue Pit Compound which costs $ 1 million. The living quarters on-site for BLM law enforcement as well as officials from Washington D.C. may have included hot water, flushing toilets, vanity mirrors, couches, refrigerators, laundry washers & dryers, air conditioning, etc.   Continue reading “BLM gets rid of their lavish requests and grants permit to Burning Man”

Bull Shit + Bull Shit = …………..You guessed it.  More Bull Shit!!

Yahoo News

SEATTLE (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke to a packed crowd Saturday night at the University of Washington campus about his commitment to criminal justice reform as well as addressing income equality.

Sanders gave his talk to a cheering audience of about 12,000 inside a university pavilion a few hours after he was shoved aside by several Black Lives Matter activists who are calling for changes to the criminal justice system. Sanders eventually left the Saturday afternoon event at Westlake Park in Seattle without giving his speech.   Continue reading “Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bernie Sanders speech”

Fox News

Eight people — including five children and three adults — were found dead inside a Houston-area home following the arrest of a man who exchanged gunfire with police, Texas authorities said Sunday.

Deputies were called to a home in the 2200 block of Falling Oaks Road about 9 p.m. Saturday to perform a welfare check, Harris County Sheriff spokesman Thomas Gilliland told KHOU-TV. Gilliland said deputies subsequently received information indicating that a man inside the home was wanted on a warrant for aggravated assault on a family member.   Continue reading “5 children, 3 adults found dead inside Texas home after standoff, police say”

Burlington Free Press – by MIKE DONOGHUE and ZACH DESPART

BERLIN, VT — Three people found slain Saturday morning in Berlin are relatives of the woman suspected of killing a Vermont social worker Friday in Barre following a child-custody dispute, a daughter of one of the latest victims says.

Dead are two sisters, Rhonda Herring and Regina Herring, and their mother, Julie Ann Folzorano, according to a family member.   Continue reading “Relative: 3 slain in Berlin, Vermont related to DCF suspect”

Chron – by Dylan Baddour

While some Texans were planning to monitor American soldiers during Jade Helm exercises, three men in North Carolina were plotting to kill them.

The FBI used wire taps, visual surveillance and a secret informant to track the alleged terrorists as they stockpiled weapons and gathered components to make explosives.   Continue reading “FBI arrests 3 for Jade Helm retaliation attack plan against U.S. military involving guns, explosives”

Fox News

The Navy is preparing to arm sailors at its reserve centers across the country in the aftermath of the attack last month at a Navy Reserve Center in Chattanooga that resulted in the deaths of 4 Marines and 1 sailor, officials said late Friday.

The Navy has authorized arming personnel at reserve centers that are not on military installations, such as the Chattanooga center, a Navy spokesman told Fox News.

Cmdr. William Marks said armed guards will be posted at the centers as “a matter of prudent and necessary action toward protecting our personnel.”   Continue reading “Navy to arm sailors at reserve centers after Chattanooga shootings”