Natural News – by Mike Adams hosts and “Don’t Comply” gun rights group founders are staging a mock mass shooting near the UT campus in Austin, Texas this Saturday. Tweet this story using hashtag #Shootback

In an exclusive interview, I spoke with Murdoch Pizgatti, president of and co-producer of this public education event. Click here for the full interview on my podcast website   Continue reading “ hosts to stage mock mass shooting near Austin campus this Saturday”

Inspire More – by Josh Starling

It seems like kids get more talented every year. Whether from some natural skill or their ability to learn quickly, young minds are incredibly nimble and moldable. These two contestants highlight that incomparable talent.

When this powerful (and adorable) duo took the stage, the crowd let out an audible “AWWWE” before they sang the first note…. and what a first note it was!   Continue reading “Two Kids Started Singing “You Raise Me Up,” 10 Seconds Later Everyone Was Speechless”

True Activist – by John Vibes

US Army Secretary John McHugh announced this week that American women will be soon forced to register for the draft upon their 18th birthday just as men are. Army officials said that the move was in the spirit of “true and pure equality,” but with the country wrapped up in dozens of unpopular wars it seems more like equal oppression than equal opportunity.

Currently, US citizens are not forcefully conscripted into military service, but not long ago the draft was a very real thing, and like the flip of a switch it can be imposed at any time that the government fails to recruit enough people for their wars.   Continue reading “US Army Officials Announce That Women Will Soon Be Forced To Register For The Draft”


A large amount of explosives was found in rural Pulaski County early Saturday morning.

According to Pulaski Sheriff Ron Long, a hunter in the Mark Twain National Forecast located the “substantial amount” of explosives on a jeep trail.   Continue reading “Large amount of explosives found in Pulaski County, Missouri”

Breitbart – by Adelle Nazarian

Funerals began Thursday for the first of 14 victims of the San Bernardino terror attacks. Approximately a dozen funerals, memorials and burials are set to take place over the next week.

On Thursday, a funeral was held for 27-year-old Yvette Velasco, the youngest daughter in a family of four sisters, a mother and a father. “She was more than our sister,” Velasco’s sister, Erica Porteous, 37, told Southern California Public Radio (SCPR). “She was our soul mate.”   Continue reading “Funerals Begin for San Bernardino Terror Victims”

An old geezer became very bored in retirement and decided to open a medical clinic.

He put a sign up outside that said: “Dr. Geezer’s Clinic. Get your treatment for $500. If not cured, get back $1,000!”

Doctor “Young,” who was positive that this old geezer didn’t know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000, so he went to Dr. Geezer’s clinic.   Continue reading “Don’t make old people mad!”

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

The New York Daily News used its front page to call the executive vice president and CEO of the National Rifle Association (NRA), Wayne La Pierre, a terrorist.

The tabloid even accused the Second Amendment rights organization of running a “sick jihad.”   Continue reading “American Gun Owners Are Now ‘Jihadists’ and ‘Terrorists’ — So Says This Influential U.S. Paper”

Free North Carolina

The full power of the War Department was utilized to secure Lincoln’s reelection in November 1864, according to Assistant Secretary of War Charles A. Dana. In early 1863 he was sent to spy on Grant to determine his acceptance of Radical ideals and thus suitable for higher command; it was Dana who ordered Jefferson Davis manacled in Fortress Monroe. As a young man Dana experimented with utopian fantasies at the infamous Brook Farm commune at West Roxbury, Massachusetts.   Continue reading “The Seeds of American Communism”

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

So who could possibly be worse than John Boehner? Paul Ryan, of course, which is precisely why he was chosen to lead the RINOs in the stinking cesspool known as the U.S. House of Representatives.

So what is Paul Ryan up to now? Well, he’s trying as hard as possible to pass a grotesque spy bill known as CISA, which stands for the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. Congress has been relentlessly trying to pass similar legislation for years, under constantly changing names.   Continue reading “Paul Ryan is Aggressively Lobbying to Pass “Frankenstein” CISA Spy Bill Through Congress”

Eyes Open Report – by Star Fox

The Sheriffs of the Laclede, St. Clair and Vernon counties in Missouri announced this week that they will encourage more applicants for concealed carry permits by lowering the price of the application.

Wayne Merritt, the sheriff of Laclede County, told KY3 News that he wishes to see trained, responsible citizens that are armed considering the governments inability to keep track of home grown terrorists in light of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks.   Continue reading “Missouri Sheriffs to Lower Cost of Concealed Carry Permits, Citing Recent Terror Attacks”

Fox News

Advisers to President Barack Obama reportedly are finalizing a proposal to expand background checks on would-be gun buyers without congressional approval.

The Associated Press reported that White House adviser Valerie Jarrett told a Wednesday night vigil for victims of the 2012 mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. that Obama had asked his team to complete a proposal and submit it for his review “in short order.”   Continue reading “Obama administration reportedly readies proposed expansion of background checks”


Four white North Carolina officers have been put on administrative duty after a black man died in a local police department. Prior to being handcuffed, the man was subdued with pepper spray.

Winston-Salem Police Department officers responded to a discharging firearm call at the Family Dollar store on Old Rural Hall Road around 7:30pm Wednesday evening, when the incident began, according to law enforcement.   Continue reading “Man dies in police custody after pepper spray deployed”


The FBI has launched an investigation after 150 prepaid mobile phones were bought from local Walmarts in Missouri. This comes after the theft of dozens of propane tanks in the area.

The large number of purchases took place at six Missouri Walmarts at least, authorities say, according to KRCG13.   Continue reading “Theft of dozens of propane tanks, purchase of 150 prepaid cell phones in Missouri puts FBI on alert”

Daily Headlines

Today, I obtained the following, which was published in the December 9, 2015, Burns Times Herald, in Burns, Oregon. The acting U.S. Attorney has issued a warning to any who may be in town as Steven and Dwight Hammond are carted off to jail, to watch their p’s and q’s  and to not get in the way as ‘justice’ is carried out per the U.S. justice system, which he declares is the finest in the world. And in addition to these statements, he goes into a synopsis of what happened, to the Hammonds, according to court processes.   Continue reading “Acting U.S. Attorney Issues Statement/Warnings in Anticipation of Hammonds Surrender to Prison”

The Guardian – by Molly Redden

The women were teenagers and grandmothers. Most were living on the margins. All of them were black. And during a month-long trial that became a symbol of police predation, they formed a bleak parade of 13 witnesses who accused a former Oklahoma City officer of using his badge to coerce sex acts and rape.

On Thursday, after 45 hours of deliberation, a jury convicted Daniel Holtzclaw, 29, on five counts of rape and 13 other counts of sexual assault, including six of sexual battery, against eight of the women.   Continue reading “Daniel Holtzclaw: former Oklahoma City police officer guilty of rape”

Economic Policy Journal

Prepare for panic in the junk bond market.

Third Avenue Management’s Focused Credit Fund has decided to stop fulfilling investor sell order and instead liquidate the fund.

The fund specializes in risky, high-yielding bonds. Their fund cited difficult trading conditions for its securities.   Continue reading “High-Yield Fund Blocks Investor Withdrawals”

Information Clearinghouse – by Adam Horowitz

December 10, 2015 “Information Clearing House” – “Mondoweiss” –  Donald Trump released a shocking proposal to bar Muslims from entering the United States. Trump’s idea rests on research from the Center for Security Policy, a neocon think tank run by Frank Gaffney who has a long history of pro-Israel advocacy and has been called “one of America’s most notorious Islamophobes” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.   Continue reading “Trump Proposal to Ban Muslims from US Relies On Debunked Poll from Pro-Israel Think Tank”