An Italian town has decided to fight the problem of beggars in its own way – instead of fining the panhandlers, authorities are planning to punish those who give them money.

The crucial decision was announced after residents of coastal town of Bordighera, Liguria region, in northwestern Italy said they were repeatedly bothered by local beggars.   Continue reading “Hand-outs out: Italian town to fine those who give money to beggars”

Oregon Live – by Noelle Crombie

Oregon collected $3.48 million in taxes from recreational marijuana sales in January, far outpacing estimates and offering the first look at how much pot is moving through the state’s newly regulated retail market.

The answer: a lot.

Oregon dispensaries sold at least $14 million worth of recreational marijuana in January alone. That figure doesn’t take into account medical marijuana sales, which remain untaxed.   Continue reading “Oregon collects $3.48 million in revenue from first month of taxed recreational marijuana sales”

Oregon Live – by Les Zaitz

An armed militant who was part of the security team during the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation was in custody Thursday in Grant County on weapons charges after threatening to shoot federal law enforcement officers, according to Grant County District Attorney Jim Carpenter.

Scott A. Willingham, 49, was arrested Wednesday in the small town of Mount Vernon on allegations of unlawful use of a weapon, a felony, and second-degree disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor. He was arraigned Thursday in Grant County Circuit Court and held on $35,000 bail.   Continue reading “Oregon standoff figure arrested after threatening to shoot federal officers, DA says”

Northwest Liberty News – by James White

As more layers of the stinking onion keeps getting peeled away from the Malheur Reservation protest and the LeVoy Finicum murder\ federal cover-up, a new document has come into my possession that make 2 points clear, and I mean Crystal Clear: Constitution-loving Americans are the real enemy, and the United Nations propaganda campaign has been deadly effective.   Continue reading “Sworn Officers Chose the United Nations Over the US Constitution, then Murdered LeVoy Finicum”


Calgary-based pipeline giant TransCanada says it has struck an agreement to acquire U.S. energy company Columbia Pipeline Group in a $13 billion US deal.

The deal will help expand its already vast natural gas pipeline footprint.

Columbia operates a 24,000-kilometre pipeline network that stretches from New York to the Gulf of Mexico.   Continue reading “TransCanada to buy Columbia Pipeline in $13B US deal”

Fast Company

The New York Civil Liberties Union has issued a statement expressing privacy concerns about LinkNYC, New York City’s free public Wi-Fi that officially launched last month. The free service sees old phone booths replaced with LinkNYC hubs that act as wireless routers that provide fiber Internet to anyone with a wireless device. LinkNYC is offered through a partnership between the city and CityBridge, a consortium of companies behind the LinkNYC system.   Continue reading “Privacy Concerns Raised About New York City’s Free Wi-Fi”

Activist Post – by Katherine Hine

Book Review: GUARDIANSHIP: How Judges and Lawyers Steal Your Money M. Larsen, Ed., 2016; Pub: Janet Pipes; ISBN: 9780692586211. Price: $13.38. Available HERE

Setting the stage for Michael Larsen’s collection of personal accounts of escalating crimes against the elderly in probate courts, one typical story from the reference manual,GUARDIANSHIP, describes the techniques probate judges, attorneys and predatory guardians use to plunder the wealth of the elderly, destroying their remaining years:   Continue reading “GUARDIANSHIP: How Judges And Lawyers Steal Your Money”


Five high-profile activists have been arrested by the New York City police just this week, prompting speculation about a crackdown. RT caught up with a journalist who has followed the spike in arrests of prominent anti-police brutality demonstrators.

On Thursday, NYPD officers arrested Ramsey Orta once again after he filmed them. Orta is the citizen who filmed the killing of Eric Garner by police trying to arrest him for selling loose cigarettes.   Continue reading “Crackdown? NYPD arrests 5 anti-police brutality activists in 3 days”

Breitbart – by John Hayward

In an interview with National Public Radio, the deputy director of the National Security Agency Richard Ledgett claimed the NSA has lost track of about 1,000 intelligence targets since 2013 because of NSA leak Edward Snowden’s revelations, including a terrorist group that was planning attacks against the United States and Europe.

The good news, in the deputy director’s estimation, is that much of the information disclosed by Snowden is becoming obsolete. “The amount that matters from a technical capabilities sense has decreased over time,” he told NPR.   Continue reading “NSA: Snowden Leaks Caused Loss of 1,000 Targets, Including Terrorists”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Law enforcement officers in the United States are increasingly buying professional liability insurance policies amid worries they may be sued for their on-duty actions, the Fraternal Order of Police, the biggest U.S. police union, told Reuters.

Between July 2014 and July 2015, the number of members who bought the union’s liability insurance jumped 15 percent, according to data from the FOP released this week and shared exclusively with Reuters.   Continue reading “More U.S. police officers buying insurance in case of lawsuits, union says”

Fox 31 Denver – by Chris Halsne

DENVER — Denver police officers should stop punching suspects in the face when they believe the person might have put evidence such as drugs in their mouths, the Office of the Independent Monitor, the city’s top police watchdog, recommended.

It’s an issue the FOX31 Denver Problem Solvers brought to light 18 months ago, but after a long investigation, independent monitor Nicholas Mitchell is weighing in with the release of the 2015 annual report.   Continue reading “Watchdog group: Denver police should not punch suspects to retrieve drugs from mouths”


Republican senators on Thursday raised the possibility they would confirm Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland before the U.S. president leaves office in January if Democrats retain the White House in the Nov. 8 election.

Garland began the customary meetings with senators that kick off the confirmation process. He visited the offices of Democrats Harry Reid and Patrick Leahy a day after Obama nominated the appeals court judge and former prosecutor to replace conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, who died on Feb. 13.   Continue reading “Senators say they might confirm Obama’s high court pick after election”


Law enforcement officials in a small southern Indiana city were the target of two explosive devices that were detonated over the past nine days, police said on Thursday.

A homemade device exploded in the driveway of a judge on Wednesday in Madison, Indiana. Authorities in the town were already investigating a similar device that detonated in the police department’s parking lot on March 6, Madison Police Chief Dan Thurston told a news conference.   Continue reading “Law enforcement targeted in two blasts in Indiana city: police”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

You may remember that just two months ago the International Energy Agency warnedthe oil market could “drown in oversupply” in 2016. The outlook for oil, which had tumbled 75% since 2012 and hit a low of $28 per barrel by mid January, was looking bleak with some analysts suggesting that sub-$20 oil was a real possibility.

The official numbers were compelling – the world was awash in oil with scores of tankers brimming with black gold reportedly sitting in limbo with nowhere to go. Oil storage was at capacity. OPEC warned that oil wouldn’t return to triple digits for two decades.   Continue reading “Shock Report: Oil Oversupply Exaggerated: Millions of Barrels Go Missing: “Oil Market Could Tighten Substantially””

ABC News

A suspicious piece of mail containing white powder was sent to Eric Trump’s New York City apartment Thursday, a Trump Organization source tells ABC News.

The NYPD confirmed to ABC News it responded to a call at Trump Parc East, a high-end residential building on Central Park South — but it did not identify the recipient of the mail as Donald Trump’s 32-year-old son, who has an apartment in the building.   Continue reading “Suspicious Letter Containing White Powder Sent to Donald Trump’s Son”

The Daily Caller – by Robert Mihaly

Central Park School for Children in Durham, North Carolina has enrolled grade-school students in a “Black Lives March and Rally” scheduled for March 17, 2016. The teachers can opt-in or opt-out their classes, but parents have not been given a choice.

Stef Bernal-Martinez, a teacher of 6-year-old children, signed up all the children in her class for a “Black Lives March and Rally” to take place during the school day, at the city’s downtown Central Park and Farmer’s Market. Ms. Bernal-Martinez describes herself as a “Radical Queer Progressive Educator” and “white-passing Xicana.”   Continue reading “First-Grade Teachers In Durham Enroll Kids In Black Lives Matter March”

EWG – by Colin O’Nell

In a major win for consumers, Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) yesterday failed to attract the votes he needed to end debate on a bill known to opponents as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK Act. It fell far short of the 60-vote threshold required to advance the bill.

The new version of the DARK Act drafted by Roberts would prohibit states from requiring GMO labeling and instead create a voluntary system allowing companies to rely on toll-free numbers and websites to inform consumers whether their food products contain genetically engineered ingredients. Thankfully, the Senate decisively rejected the DARK Act.   Continue reading “Senate Sends Strong Message In Defeat Of DARK Act”