
A noteworthy M5.2 earthquake has struck off the shores of Vancouver Island BC in the Pacific Northwest.

The earthquake occurred off the West coast of Vancouver along the Seminole Seamount, which is part of the Cascadia subduction zone.   Continue reading “3/18/2016 — Noteworthy M5.2 Earthquake Strikes Pacific Northwest Coast / Vancouver Island”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

In an exclusive interview with Nevada AssemblywomanMichele Fiore on Friday, she told Oathkeepers News Media Director Jason Van Tatenhove that Nevada prosecutors mentioned the fact that there was another round of “mass” arrests of American patriots who showed up in Bunkerville, Nevada at the Bundy Ranch siege in 2014 with a gun.

“The Nevada prosecutor that was in Oregon last week, told an Oregon attorney today, Friday March 18 through the upcoming Tuesday, they will be doing another ‘mass’ amounts of arrests of anyone that was in Bunkerville with a firearm in 2014,” she the Nevada Assemblywoman.   Continue reading “Nevada Assemblywoman: If You Were at Bundy Ranch and Had a Gun, Nevada Prosecutors are Looking to Arrest You within the Next Few Days”

Supreme Patriot – by Brendan

“We come in and we take this land and we always take it for less than it is worth.” (Park Service Employee at Mary Martin’s retirement from the Mojave Preserve.) The dinner was a public event ). In this clip, the woman brags about how they wrestled a $40 million mine located in the park for $2.5 million dollars from two “little guys that had been in the 2nd World War” (their words, not mine). She continues, “which I stole the money from Washington to acquire it. ” FYI – The 111,000+ acres referred to on the white board do not include the land that was taken away from the ranchers.
Continue reading “BUNDY FLASHBACK: Gov’t employee brags about stealing land From WW2 Veterans.”

Global Research – by Kit O’Connell

Note: Following the recent US House of Representatives vote to declare that ISIS is committing genocide in Iraq and Syria, we bring to the attention of our readers this article originally published in August 2015.

It may never be possible to know the true death toll of the modern Western wars on the Middle East, but that figure could be 4 million or higher. Since the vast majority of those killed were of Arab descent, and mostly Muslim, when would it be fair to accuse the United States and its allies of genocide?   Continue reading “Four Million Muslims Killed in US-NATO Wars: Should We Call It Genocide?”


A self-described gang member killed a South Carolina police officer on Friday, then called his own mother before turning the gun on himself, police said.

The suspect committed suicide moments after firing on officers who were trying to serve him with an arrest warrant at a house in Greenville, South Carolina, Greenville Police Chief Ken Miller told reporters.   Continue reading “Gang member kills South Carolina cop, calls mother, commits suicide”

Medical Kidnap – by Brian Shilhavy

A new film exposing the corruption behind much of the Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnosis used to remove children from the custody of their parents, and in some cases put parents behind bars, is currently making its way through the film festival circuit. The Syndrome is a film produced and directed by Meryl Goldsmith, a Los Angeles-based filmmaker who teamed up with her cousin and investigative reporter Susan Goldsmith as the co-producer and editor. It is Meryl Goldsmith’s feature directorial debut, according to the film’s website. Included in the cast are doctors and law professors.   Continue reading “New Film Exposes Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth – Opponents Want to Silence it at Film Festivals”

A true patriot was put on trial for daring to tell the truth about a dying nation that has forgot its Christian Heritage.  Please listen to the beginning segment of his closing arguments to the jury.  It is the only part that I was able to capture.  If anyone has a complete recording of it, please contact me.  Pray that to the people turn from their wicked ways and that Thomas is quickly vindicated.
Continue reading “A true patriot”

My ancestors came to America fifty years after slavery had been abolished, but because I’m white, I’m somehow responsible for slavery. Isn’t that about as racist an assumption as you can make?

My “white privilege” amounted to my grandparents working hard, everyday of their entire lives, in an endless battle to squeeze an existence out of the dirt here, and survive America’s longest and coldest winters on the edge of the Great Lakes. Their parcel of land was given to them by the U.S. government under the Homestead Act because the government wanted the land occupied, and no one else was willing to live here. Their seven sons went to sea as soon as they were old enough, because sailors made more money than lumberjacks, and those two professions comprised the entire list of available employment.   Continue reading “White Privilege”

Health Impact News – by Dr. Brownstein

Since graduating from medical school in 1989, I have come to the conclusion that much of what I was taught was wrong.  In fact, at my medical school graduation, the dean said, “Fifty percent of what we just taught you was wrong, your job is to figure out which part was correct and which was incorrect.” When medical students come to my office, I always encourage them to question everything I tell them and, furthermore, to question what they have been taught.   Continue reading “Salt Restriction Increases Heart Disease Deaths and Hospitalizations”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

New Port Richey, FL — Deputy Ryan Ferguson, 29, with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office was arrested Thursday after a 7-year-old girl came forward with disturbing allegations of brutality.

According to the arrest affidavit, the girl, who remains unnamed, told investigators that Ferguson shoved liquid soap into her mouth and accused her of lying. He then picked her up, threw her on the couch and began beating her rear end.   Continue reading “Cop Filled 7-yo Girl’s Mouth With Liquid Soap, Choked and Punched Her, Claiming She Lied to Him”

Business Insider – by Kevin Loria

San Francisco’s fog is famous, especially in the summer, when weather conditions combine to create the characteristic cooling blanket that sits over the Bay Area.

But one fact many may not know about San Francisco’s fog is that in 1950, the US military conducted a test to see whether it could be used to help spread a biological weapon in a“simulated germ-warfare attack.” This was just the start of many such tests around the country that would go on in secret for years.   Continue reading “‘One of the largest human experiments in history’ was conducted on unsuspecting residents of San Francisco”


Canada has used up all of its gold reserves. For the first time since 1935 the country is out of gold.

The volume of gold reserves in Canada has declined steadily over the past 50 years. In the mid-1960s, Canada’s gold reserves exceeded 1,000 tons. By 1985, half had been sold. In 2015, the reserves were down to three tons and now the country has no gold left.   Continue reading “Canada’s golden age is over”

Yahoo News

(Reuters) – Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc on Friday said a $13 billion cash offer from China’s Anbang Insurance Group Co was superior to one from Marriott International Inc , setting the stage for the largest ever deal by a Chinese company in the United States.

The operator of Sheraton and Westin hotels said the Chinese insurer’s offer beat Marriott’s previously agreed cash and stock offer by nearly 15 percent, and that it planned to scrap the proposed deal with the rival hotel chain.   Continue reading “Starwood gets higher $13 bln bid from Anbang, tops Marriott offer”

Truth and Art TV – by Bernie Suarez

Breaking news, did you notice there have been no crisis actor mass shootings sucking up all the news attention over the past several weeks? And not even one major ISIS psyop front page story? Like Ebola in 2014 and the recent Zika virus failed psyop, these stories have conveniently gone away at least for now and perhaps only for a short while while the media focuses on the election campaign.

ISIS, often portrayed by Western media as the most powerful, most evasive, most mobile and most versatile military fighting force ever to step foot on planet earth is apparently so good at what they do that they even know how to be respectful of U.S. politics and events (pun intended).   Continue reading “Mass Media Introduces Artificial Pause In Mass Shootings, ISIS- to Focus On Election Campaign”

Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

Habitual drinkers can be fined $2,500 and thrown in jail for a year if they so much as smell like alcohol. Even worse, they won’t necessarily know they’re on the state’s secretive drinking ‘black list.’

The state of Virginia maintains what is known as the Interdiction List — and because people can be added in absentia by a prosecutor in a civil, not criminal, proceeding, they aren’t given the chance to fight back. Once someone is added, the Daily Beast reported, “they’re forbidden to possess, purchase, or consume alcohol” — or be in the company of someone who does.   Continue reading “State Makes ‘Habitual Drinking’ Illegal — Jails People for a Year for Even Smelling Like Alcohol”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

As we are digging further into the murder of LaVoy Finicumand the ambush of the protestors from the Oregon refuge and their subsequent arrest, we are finding very disturbing information. On Thursday’s Northwest Liberty News radio show, a bombshell from documents Jim White and I obtained indicates that the entire operation of January 26, 2016 goes up not only to Oregon Governor Kate Brown’s office, but even to the White House. Because of the language that was used in the documents by the officers, we speculated along with Red Smith of ShastaLantern.com and Paul Preston of Agenda21radio.com that the White House orchestrated the entire thing and that when it comes to calling the shots, we don’t look to Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, but rather to Obama’s mama, Valerie Jarrett.   Continue reading “Did Valerie Jarrett Order the Hit on LaVoy Finicum?”


President Barack Obama will name the first woman to head a U.S. combatant command, selecting Air Force General Lori Robinson as the next head of the military’s Northern Command, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Friday.

The position, which is subject to Senate confirmation, is one of the most senior in the U.S. military and would make Robinson – who now leads U.S. air forces in the Pacific – the top general overseeing activities in North America.   Continue reading “U.S. general Lori Robinson to become first woman to lead combatant command”