ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Federal investigators promised to provide more insight as to what was happening inside the Pulse nightclub after a gunman started a deadly assault that was the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

The FBI was releasing on Monday a printed, partial transcript of the conversations between the gunman within the Pulse gay nightclub and Orlando police negotiators, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said.   Continue reading “FBI releasing conversations between gunman and police”

Ammoland – by Justin Stakes

Sacramento, CA -( In response to renewed calls for a ban on firearms by persons on the federal government’s secret “no-fly” and “terror watch-lists,” Firearms Policy Coalition President Brandon Combs released the following statement:

No person that participates in terrorism should be allowed to acquire or possess firearms. And no one that is provably planning to commit a crime or heinous act like the tragedy in Orlando, Florida should be free to walk our streets. Terrorists and violent criminals should be arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned — or immediately deported, if they are in the United States by permission.   Continue reading “No Fly List Does Not Equal No Rights List”

Raw Story – by Tom Boggioni

Anticipating massive demonstrations in the streets during the Republican National Convention in mid-July, Cleveland police authorities are using emergency funds to stock up on the latest in crowd control equipment — armoring themselves as if they are going to war.

According to the Washington Post, Cleveland officials are using a $50 million “security grant” to beef up security around the convention, but are not tipping their hand on everything that they have purchased which is alarming some civil liberties groups concerned about the rights of protesters.   Continue reading “LRAD’s, steel batons and armored personnel carriers: Cleveland cops stocking up before GOP convention”

Video Rebel’s Blog

There usually is not one single reason why the government does something. David Stockman for example told us one of the reasons for Obamacare was to force employers to cut hours worked to under 30. That lowered our unemployment rate. Stockman noticed that total hours worked by non-government workers hardly grew at all since 2000. Another point about Obamacare is that Obama donors were exempted from the regulations so small businesses were bankrupted. And many others were never started because employers could not figure out how to pay for mandatory healthcare.   Continue reading “The Real Reasons For A Draft: It Would Lower Our Unemployment Rate And…”

New York Times – by Nicholas Casey

CUMANÁ, Venezuela — With delivery trucks under constant attack, the nation’s food is now transported under armed guard. Soldiers stand watch over bakeries. The police fire rubber bullets at desperate mobs storming grocery stores, pharmacies and butcher shops. A 4-year-old girl was shot to death as street gangs fought over food.

Venezuela is convulsing from hunger.   Continue reading “Venezuelans Ransack Stores as Hunger Grips the Nation”

Las Vegas Review Journal – by Keith Rogers

They resemble miniature Reaper drones, but the nimbler Sandstorm’s mission will veer sharply from its weapons-laden cousin as the Department of Energy explores using unmanned aircraft to respond to nuclear emergencies.

Instead of laser-guided missiles and bombs under its wings, the Sandstorm payload consists of radiation detection sensors and optical imagery gear. Named for designer Justin Sands of Henderson-based Unmanned Systems Inc., these sleek machines are more maneuverable, but like Reapers they have retractable nose gear and pneumatic brakes.   Continue reading “Drones with radiation detectors designed for nuclear emergencies”

The Daily Beast – by David Axe

U.S. and Russian fighter jets bloodlessly tangled in the air over Syria on June 16 as the American pilots tried and failed to stop the Russians from bombing U.S.-backed rebels in southern Syria near the border with Jordan.

The aerial close encounter underscores just how chaotic Syria’s skies have become as Russia and the U.S.-led coalition work at cross-purposes, each dropping bombs in support of separate factions in the five-year-old civil war.

Continue reading “U.S. and Russian Jets Clash Over Syria”

Military Times – by Andrew Tilghman

Defense Secretary Ash Carter wants to open the door for more “lateral entry” into the military’s upper ranks, clearing the way for lifelong civilians with vital skills and strong résumés to enter the officer corps as high as the O-6 paygrade.

The idea is controversial, to say the very least. For many in the rank-and-file military, it seems absurd, a bewildering cultural change that threatens to upend many assumptions about military life and traditional career paths. But while it’s not universally embraced, there is interest in Congress and among some of the military’s uniformed leaders — even, they say, in exploring how the services could apply this concept to the enlisted force.   Continue reading “The Pentagon’s controversial plan to hire military leaders off the street”

CBS Boston – by Christina Hager

WORCESTER (CBS) – Local Muslims want the public to know their religion does not condone any violence, and clearly not the horror in Orlando. “This barbaric act has no place in Islam,” said Tahir Ali during a vigil on the steps of Worcester City Hall.

Members of the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester gathered along with other clergy and political leaders for a public service at the end of a difficult week for the Islamic community.   Continue reading “Muslim Leader Says MBTA’s Response To Prayer Was ‘Understandable’” – by Michael Ware

There is once again much attention paid to “assault weapons” because of the recent shooting in Orlando.  And, as I have said on many occasions, the reason for this is the presupposition of the liberal.  If all people are basically good, why are there still so many shootings?  The answer is access to firearms.

In an effort to understand the motivation behind owning such weapons a reporter went to a gun range.  He wanted to fire an AR-15 in an effort to relate to the appeal.  Gersh Kuntzman drove to Philadelphia for this experience.   Continue reading “Reporter Claims PTSD After Firing an AR-15”

New York Daily News – by David Boroff

An Alabama police officer has been arrested for using pepper spray on a colleague last year.

Shaun Deane of the Birmingham Police Department had come to the other officer’s precinct looking for a report, according to WBRC. An angry Deane allegedly threatened to put the other officer in a body bag.   Continue reading “Alabama police officer arrested for using pepper spray on another officer”

Natural Society – by Christina Sarich

A major breakthrough study shows what many of us in the alternative health community have suspected for some time – that turmeric for cancer is truly worth noticing and researching. It’s about one hundred times less toxic than chemotherapy, and possesses noteworthy anti-cancer properties.

Scientists from the UK have demonstrated for the first time in patient-derived colorectal cell lines that a turmeric extract (curcumin) is an effective aid for enhancing conventional chemotherapy and that it may be even more effective all by itself. Curcumin is highly available in elevated concentrations in turmeric.   Continue reading “Turmeric for Cancer? Study Says the Spice Shows Promise”

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

Three days’ worth of food and supplies is insufficient for your family’s survival, the federal government has finally acknowledged in what one expert is calling a landmark shift in emergency preparation.

The White House’s new plan was released last year as part of its Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan and then explained again in April at a workshop hosted by NOAA. The event included White House speakers.   Continue reading “White House Warns: Start Stockpiling For ‘Long-Term Loss Of Electric Power’”

Medical Kidnap

UPDATE 6/16/2016

Since this story was published, it has now gone viral on social media, and is expected to be read by more than 1 million people in the next day or so.

Many people have asked questions that we want to address in this update. First, a common comment is “there must be more to the story.” Yes, in all of these medical kidnapping stories, there is always “more.” But what we strive to do at Health Impact News is stick to the facts. The facts in this particular story are based on eye-witness accounts who were present at the hospital on the day this event occurred. DHR, as well as all “Child Protective Services” around the country, refuses to comment on these cases. So anything other than what we have reported here is speculation.   Continue reading “Alabama Child Protective Services Steals New-born Breast-feeding Baby from Rape Victim While Still at the Hospital”

Patriot or Traitor

James Brien Comey, Jr. is the Director of the (FBI) Federal Bureau of Investigation.

James Comey has continually refused to comment on the ongoing investigation into the use of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. This dates back to October 2015 when Comey refused to comment at a Capitol Hill hearing.   Continue reading “James Brien Comey, Jr. is a traitor.”

The Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Thanks to a function of their search software, Google could have years worth of your conversations recorded, and you can hear it for yourself. Your cringe-worthy history can be heard and viewed along with a list of all your searches, at your personal Google history page.

The feature was built into Google’s search function as a means of delivering accurate search results. However, the sheer accuracy and amount of data Google stores is chilling.   Continue reading “Google is Quietly Recording Everything You Say — Here’s How to Hear It, Delete It, and Stop It”