Month: February 2017
WEB Notes: Of course Fox News is not the enemy of the people, they are on the “right” so they must be the good guys right? Wrong. Everytime this guy talks I feel as if I am watching some TV series or movie. I hear about him bucking the trends and making waves, but I see nothing changing.
Continue reading “Donald Trump Calls Media ‘The Enemy Of The American People’”
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Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish
Juan Pablo Escobar Henao, son of notorious Medellín cartel drug kingpin, Pablo Escobar, now says his father “worked for the CIA.”
In a new book, “Pablo Escobar In Fraganti,” Escobar, who lives under the pseudonym, Juan Sebastián Marroquín, explains his “father worked for the CIA selling cocaine to finance the fight against Communism in Central America.” Continue reading “Pablo Escobar’s Son Reveals His Dad “Worked for the CIA Selling Cocaine” — Media Silent”
An email from Koyote’s wife, Jill:
Koyote asked me to email you and I apologize for not emailing sooner. He had a stroke 2 1/2 years ago and it seems to have resulted in his having seizures now. Apparently the stroke is what caused the seizures he had last June. He is home from the hospital but still recovering. He is on anti-seizure medicine now and should be back closer to himself again soon. We were told the medicine will take about 21 days to reach the stabilized level it should be at. I pray it won’t be that long before he is better because I don’t seem to have the energy I used to anymore.
Jill in AL
Physicist Steven Desch has come up with a novel solution to the problems that now beset the Arctic. He and a team of colleagues from Arizona State University want to replenish the region’s shrinking sea ice – by building 10 million wind-powered pumps over the Arctic ice cap. In winter, these would be used to pump water to the surface of the ice where it would freeze, thickening the cap.
The pumps could add an extra metre of sea ice to the Arctic’s current layer, Desch argues. The current cap rarely exceeds 2-3 metres in thickness and is being eroded constantly as the planet succumbs to climate change. Continue reading “Could a £400bn plan to refreeze the Arctic before the ice melts really work?”
Been following this guy Sean D, he lives near the Dam and has been posting live videos on Periscope about Oroville’s situation.
You can follow him here… Continue reading “LIVE UPDATES about Oroville Dam, not MSM!”
French police have been filmed fleeing from armed mobs as riots continue in Paris for the second week and the unrest has now spread to the city centre.
Hundreds of violent thugs took to the streets on Wednesday night near the Barbes Metro station, close to the major transport hub Gare du Nord. Windows were smashed, shops looted, fires lit, main roads blocked, and police cars targeted during the disturbance. Continue reading “French Police Flee Armed Mob as Week-Long Paris Riots Spread to City Centre”
- Tomahawk: Frank Face
- Tomahawk: Swifty Lomax
- .223 Repack Kit: Bob in Wisconsin
- Set of Allan W. Eckert books: Cassandra in Washington
- The Anti-Federalist Papers: Galen
- Lost Horizons Cracking the Code: Bill in New Hampshire
- Discovering Good Health DVD set: Janet in Arizona
- Seed Vault Garden in a Can: David in California
- Firearms Disc Set: Lawrence in New York
- Set of Rolled Blueprints for 1911 & AR15 receivers, including a full Disc Set: Russell in Oregon
Congratulations! Thank you to all who participated, your support to From the Trenches World Report is greatly appreciated.
JSTP, The Funny Farmer, Mary, Bruce in Michigan, and Norm are sponsoring a drawing for From the Trenches World Report.
JSTP has provided two tomahawks for two winners. Continue reading “Another Drawing From the Trenches”
From The Trenches World Report
Distribution: Website
Bias: conspiratorial, inciteful, political, psuedoscience, right bias
In one of my recent posts I wrote (answering one reader’s question) about perspectives of surviving SHTF between being alone in urban settings or being in wilderness settings and similar, and just like always, I concluded that it is very hard to survive alone when SHTF especially in urban settings.
I’ve written numerous posts about advantage of having a trusted group when SHTF.
Still I get questions about how to actually survive alone when SHTF, or how to be lone wolf. So it makes sense to write a post about it. Continue reading “Going it Alone… Some Things To Consider.”
Madeleine Albright – The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it for Iraq’s non existent WMD’s
Police in San Diego, California have specifically targeted black youth as part of a controversial practice of collecting DNA samples from people not suspected of any crime, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday.
The suit comes after a ProPublica report last year found that police departments in Florida, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and North Carolina have been engaging in “stop and spit” searches, where people are stopped on the street and coerced into letting police collect their DNA with a cheek swab. The practice raised alarm from privacy and civil rights advocates, who have warned of the dangers of letting police assemble biometric databases of people who have never been charged with or even suspected of a crime. Continue reading “Cops Face Lawsuit For ‘Stop And Spit,’ Coercing Kids To Surrender DNA”
Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns
When pepper spray was invented, it was, in the words of one of its creators, to be “used to avoid confrontation or injury.” But in the hands of so-called law enforcement, it is increasingly being used as a device of torture, especially when the subject getting pepper sprayed is already in four-point restraints to a chair.
Increasingly, it seems, law enforcement feels it is within their rights to pepper spray individuals who are already restrained. But one victim of apparent police brutality isn’t taking the abuse sitting down. Charles Wade, a resident of Montgomery County, in Dayton Ohio, had been arrested in October 2016, on drunk driving charges. Continue reading “Horrifying Video Shows Cops Torture Man With Mace Who’s Strapped to a Chair”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Nashville, TN — Last Friday, Jocques Scott Clemmons, 31, was pulled over for rolling through a stop sign near his home at Cayce Homes public housing development. Less than 1 minute after the stop begins, however, Clemmons would be shot in the back, dying a painful and slow death.
How exactly did a routine traffic stop turn into a police-involved shooting death? Well, if you listen to the Nashville police department’s original story, Clemmons charged at officer Joshua Lippert, causing a physical confrontation, who then had no choice but to shoot him. However, a video from the nearby housing development, released two days after the killing, tells a different story — a story in which Clemmons was shot as he ran away. Continue reading “Video Exposes ‘Official’ Account as False, Shows Cop Kill Man as He Ran Away”
By Taxpayer Association of Oregon,
Among the first bills introduced this year is HJR 1 which raises two different property taxes on your property!
HJR 1 tears down the laws that limit how much you can be taxed on your property. Over 20 years ago voters put in the Oregon constitution two important limits on the government’s ability to tax people’s homes. These sacred measures are Measure 5 (1990) and Measure 50 (1997). Your property taxes are significantly lower today because of Measure 5 and Measure 50. Continue reading “Oregon Lawmakers’ double property tax!”
German newspaper Bild has emphatically apologized for reporting an article it ran claiming women had been sexually assaulted in Frankfurt on New Year’s Eve by a “rioting sex mob” of Arab refugees. According to Bild, the accusations are baseless, and neither police reports from that night nor an investigation following the report turned up any evidence to support the claims made by alleged “victims.”
“The editorial staff of Bild emphatically apologizes for this untrue report and the allegations that it made against those concerned. This reporting in no way reflects the journalistic standards of Bild,” the paper said. Continue reading “Fake News Alert: Viral Story About Refugee Sex Mob Was Completely Fabricated”
Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston
Mexican presidential hopeful Andres Manuel López Obrador held a mass rally in Los Angeles on Sunday to criticize American President Donald J. Trump’s plans to build a wall across the U.S.-Mexico border.
The populist López Obrador hoped to rally supporters against his country’s ruling party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), and to capitalize on resentment over Trump’s border wall proposal, wire service Reuters reported. Continue reading “Mexican Presidential Candidate Holds Anti-Trump Rally in L.A.”