World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: America, what are you thinking? Is that new gadget that important to you that you feel the need to go into debt for it? To pay more for it than it is actually worth through interest? Usury makes you a slave and most of the things we buy end up in the trash or donation pile in a year from now. All for what? To go into debt so you can work longer for things that truly do not matter. Forget what I said, what I said is not important. What your Father says is important. So what does God have to say about going into debt? Let us find out…
Continue reading “Americans Now Have The Highest Credit-Card Debt In U.S. History”

Union Leader – by Paul Feely

MANCHESTER — City police have unveiled their latest tool to discourage residents from giving money to panhandlers — sandwich-board sidewalk signs asking people to give to local charities instead.

The signs, similar to those installed on poles at more than a dozen locations across Manchester last month, say: “Your generosity could lead to a fatality.” People are encouraged to consider making a donation instead to social service agencies such as New Horizons for New Hampshire, Child and Family Services, and Families in Transition; the addresses and phone numbers for each are listed.    Continue reading “Sidewalk signs added to anti-panhandling fight”

Bloomberg – by Alan Levin

At a recent apartment blaze in Oakland, California, a sheriff deputy directing firefighters with a drone-mounted video camera encountered a new hazard: a civilian quad copter that buzzed onto the scene.

“It’s happened twice in the past few months,” said Alameda County Deputy Sheriff Richard Hassna, the department’s chief pilot who was using the device. “We’re overhead at the scene of a fire relaying information to the command agency and a hobbyist flies right below us and parks.”   Continue reading “Police Push Tracking for Civilian Drones”

The Organic Prepper

If your kids are enrolled in school, you know that back to school shopping can make this the second most expensive time of the year.

This year, the National Retail Federation expects back to school spending to reach $83.6 billion dollars. This is a 10% increase over last year’s spending. The average expenditure is $687.72 per child. (source)   Continue reading “The Average American Spends $687.72 Per Kid for Back to School Shopping”

Infowars – by Jerome Corsi

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After being convicted of criminal misdemeanor contempt, former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has come out swinging, arguing the judge was biased and asking why President Trump is abandoning him, considering Arpaio was an early campaign supporter whose conviction reflects the determination to enforce immigration laws the Trump Justice Department is now exhibiting.

“Where is President Trump on this case?” Arpaio asked in an exclusive interview. “This is a witch hunt against me that is being carried forward by Obama holdovers in Attorney General Sessions’ Department of Justice.”  Continue reading ““Where is Trump?” Sheriff Arpaio Asks”

Vigilant Citizen

An apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes welcoming visitors? Check.

Nightmarish murals? Check.

Strange words and symbols embedded in the floor? Check.

Gargoyles sitting in suitcases? Check.

Runways shaped like a Nazi swastika? Check.   Continue reading “Sinister Sites – The Denver International Airport”


Following new sanctions against Russia that President Donald Trump signed into law last week, Moscow responded Monday by announcing Russia will speed up work on reducing the country’s dependence on Western payment systems and the U.S. dollar in general, according to Russia’s state-run RIA Novosti news agency.

“We will of course intensify work related to import substitution, reduction of dependence on U.S. payment systems, on the dollar as a settling currency and so on. It is becoming a vital need,” said Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on Monday, as cited by RIA.   Continue reading “Russia Responds to New US Sanctions by Dumping the Dollar”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone is allegedly putting together a pitch to President Donald Trump to get a pardon for the Bundys in Nevada, as well as others involved in the stand against a fully armed, tactically central government army of at least 300 agents in 2014.

Though I hate to quote the Southern Policy Law Center as a source, the fact is that they are reporting on it and it does appear legitimate.  From the report:   Continue reading “Report: Former Trump Campaign Adviser Seeks Pardon For Bundy Patriots”

Breitbart – by Adam Shaw

NEW YORK CITY – The Trump administration notified the United Nations Friday of its intention to leave the Paris climate accord, the latest in a series of formal steps the administration needs to take to leave the agreement in 2020.

President Trump announced in June his intention to fulfill a campaign promise to leave the agreement that was signed by President Obama, and which supporters hailed as a vital landmark in the fight against climate change. Trump and many conservatives saw the deal as one that placed a disproportionate burden on America’s economy and business and called for the U.S. to be withdrawn.   Continue reading “U.S. Formally Notifies U.N. of Intention to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement”

Breitbart – by Robert Arce

Officials in one California sanctuary city are upset after immigration agents arrested an illegal alien facing child molestation charges and another previously deported three times prior.

The recent arrest took place in Hayward, California, when officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were looking for an illegal immigrant but in the course of their investigation, they found 42-year-old Jose Salgado and 34-year-old Antonio Valenzuela.   Continue reading “Sanctuary City Objects to Arrest of Accused Illegal Alien Child Molester”

Fellowship of the Minds – by DCG

Tax dollars at work.

From Fox NewsIllegal immigrant families received nearly $1.3 billion in Los Angeles County welfare money during 2015 and 2016, nearly one-​quarter of the amount spent on the county’s entire needy population, according to data obtained by Fox News.   Continue reading “LA made $1.3B in illegal immigrant welfare payouts in just two years”

SHTF Plan – by Daniel Lang

2012 was a devastating year for gun rights in America. Together, the Aurora shooting and the Sandy Hook shooting galvanized the gun control movement, leading to the passing of a slew of unconstitutional firearm laws across the country. Amid the Left’s panic over privately owned “assault” weapons that were used in these incidents, was the tragic case of Lonnie and Sandy Phillips. They were the parents of a woman who was killed by James Holmes. They responded by suing the popular ammunition supplier known as Lucky Gunner, because the company had sold Holmes ammunition that was used in the attack.  Continue reading “Parents Of Mass Shooting Victim Sued Ammo Dealer – Now They Face Bankruptcy” – by Emily Waltz

Genetically engineered salmon has reached the dinner table. AquaBounty Technologies, the company in Maynard, Massachusetts, that developed the fish, announced on 4 August that it has sold some 4.5 tonnes of its hotly debated product to customers in Canada.

The sale marks the first time that a genetically engineered animal has been sold for food on the open market. It took AquaBounty more than 25 years to get to this point.  Continue reading “First genetically engineered salmon sold in Canada”

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Baltimore Sun – by Kevin Rector

After Keisha Peaks’ boyfriend was shot to death on a street in Reservoir Hill, she tried to be honest with their 8-year-old son. But as he asked probing questions about the unsolved killing, she had a few of her own.

“Will it happen to my son?” she remembers thinking. And “when will it stop?”

Two years into a historic spike in Baltimore’s violence, with 2017 on pace to be the city’s deadliest year ever, those concerns are widespread.
Continue reading “Amid record violence, worried Baltimoreans see a city in crisis”

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Pueblo, Colorado – When an 80-year-old woman’s car was stolen in June, and then recovered by police, she had no idea that it would be stolen once again—but this time by the same group that claimed to be helping her get her car back in the first place.

The Ford Crown Victoria owned by Mary Antrim and her husband Clyde, was initially stolen from their residential neighborhood in Pueblo during a robbery on June 1, according to a report from KOAA News.
Continue reading “Cops Busted Trying to Sell Innocent Elderly Woman’s Car After Telling Her They Needed it for Evidence”