Activist Post – by Aaron Kesel

Florida’s Supreme Court has ruled that police may detain passengers any and all passengers during even minor traffic stops and that doing so does not violate constitutional rights to hold someone not suspected of any wrongdoing for a “reasonable” time, The Newspaper reported.

The high court made the ruling after evaluating a January 29, 2015 traffic stop in which a car with a broken tail light was pulled over in Gainesville for allegedly rolling through a stop sign. Gregory Presley was one of two passengers in the stopped vehicle questioned by Officer John Pandak about who he was and where they were going. The officer asked if any of the passengers had been drinking and Presley questioned why would that be a problem.  Continue reading “Florida Supreme Court Rules Police May Detain Passengers During Traffic Stops”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator John McCain said on Friday he opposes the latest Republican bill to dismantle Obamacare, dealing the measure what could be a fatal blow given the party’s slim Senate majority.

With several other Republicans still undecided on the measure, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said earlier this week he intended to bring it to the Senate floor for a vote next week, though he did not promise to do so.

A vote would set the stage for another dramatic Capitol Hill decision on the 2010 law that brought health insurance to millions of Americans and became former Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement.   Continue reading “Senator McCain opposes Obamacare repeal bill, a possible fatal blow”


KIEV/NEW YORK (Reuters) – Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko met U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday and said afterwards that they had a shared vision on a “new level” of defense cooperation, but not whether this included the U.S. provision of defensive weapons to Ukraine.

The United States is reviewing whether to send weapons to Ukraine to help it defend itself, an option that previous U.S. president Barack Obama vetoed and which is opposed by Russia.

After meeting Trump in New York, President Poroshenko told a televised briefing: “It’s very important that there is a shared vision on a new level of cooperation in the defense sphere.”   Continue reading “Ukraine president says Trump shares vision on ‘new level’ of defense cooperation”

The Orange County Register – by Scott Schwebke

Some Orange County residents were stunned Thursday, Sept. 21, when television programming was suddenly interrupted for about a minute with an ominous message predicting the end of the world.

Stacy Laflamme of Lake Forest said she was watching the HGTV channel via Cox Communications about 11:05 a.m. when suddenly an emergency alert flashed across her screen followed by a voice.   Continue reading “End-of-world prediction interrupts TV broadcasts in Orange County”

Daily Mail

Vladimir Putin has expressed his fears over artificial intelligence by asking Russia‘s largest technology firm how long it will be until smart robots ‘eat us’.

The Russian president was speaking to Arkady Volozh, chief of internet firm Yandex, during a tour of the company’s Moscow headquarters.

Volozh was discussing the potential of AI when Putin caused surprise by asking when the technology will ‘eat us’.    Continue reading “Putin reveals fears that robots will one day ‘eat us’”

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Express – by Sarah O’Grady

A report also found that the cost to the NHS of treating problems relating to loneliness is £7.2billion a year.

There are 1.2 million chronically lonely old aged pensioners in the UK and three-quarters will not admit they are alone and do not want to be a burden.

Ninety per cent of Britons believe that loneliness in old age is “more likely than ever”.  Continue reading “Loneliness is as deadly as smoking 15 cigarettes a day”

Common Dreams – by Jake Johnson

President Donald Trump is reportedly gearing up to roll back even the most limited restrictions on U.S. drone operations overseas, further opening the door for the expansion of airstrikes and commando raids into nations like the Philippines and Nigeria and setting the stage for an upsurge in civilian casualties—already at record highs in Afghanistan and soaring in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

Zeke Johnson, senior director of programs for Amnesty International USA, told the New York Times in an interview that while Obama-era restrictions on drone strikes “fell far short on human rights protections,” any move to water down drone warfare rules even further would be a “grave mistake.”   Continue reading “‘Blank Check to Kill With Impunity’: Trump to Quietly Scrap Drone Restrictions”

Breitbart – by John Carney, Matthew Boyle

MONTGOMERY, Alabama — For over one hundred years, Alabamians manufactured clothing in Alexander City for a company called Russell. Today you can still buy Russell Athletic gear in “Alex City” but it won’t be made locally.

It will likely be made by workers in Honduras, El Salvador, or China.

In a strange twist of fate, one of the key figures who helped bring about this transfer of jobs out of Alabama is now campaigning for the Senate seat formerly occupied by Jeff Sessions. Even stranger still, his campaign ads promise that he will “Kill Unfair Trade Deals.”   Continue reading “Make Central America Great Again: Luther Strange Lobbied for Trade Deal That Drained Thousands of Alabama Jobs to Honduras, Mexico”


Gaston, Ervay, and Lemmon are well-known street names in the city of Dallas. They are also some of the streets in the city named after Confederate figures.

Now, the Dallas mayor’s task force on Confederate monuments is set to discuss whether to recommend changing the names of city streets that are named after Confederate figures.  Continue reading “Dallas Task Force on Confederate Monuments to Take Closer Look at Streets Named for Confederate Figures”

The Daily Caller – by Ian Miles Cheong

Following multiple acts of vandalism on Christopher Columbus statues since August, a militant antifa group has announced “Deface Columbus Day” on Oct. 9 as a coordinated campaign to deface and destroy more historical monuments.

In Yonkers, New York, a Columbus statue was beheaded on Aug. 30. Antifa vandals were also responsible for the destruction of the oldest Christopher Columbus monument in the nation on Aug. 21. Vandals left the messages “Racism: Tear it down” and “The future is racial and economic justice.”   Continue reading “Militant Antifa Group Announces Nationwide ‘Deface Columbus Day’”

The Hill – by Jordain Carney

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) will introduce legislation on Monday to address undocumented immigrants brought into the country as minors after the Trump administration announced they would end an Obama-era immigration program.

Lankford told an Oklahoma TV station that his forthcoming bill would offer undocumented immigrants currently covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program a path to getting a green card.   Continue reading “GOP senator introducing DACA fix next week”


Miami-Dade County, FL — At a time when South Floridians rocked by Hurricane Irma were still surveying the damage to their properties, the county of Miami-Dade apparently thought it appropriate to begin handing out safety notices.

Celso Perez told local WSVN-TV that he, his family, and his neighbors were starting to clear fallen trees from the streets after the storm passed through at nine in the morning on Monday. Hours later, in the afternoon, Perez got a visit from the county.   Continue reading “FL Residents Warned They’ll Be Ticketed for Hurricane-Damaged Homes”