Video Rebel’s Blog

On the Bright side it is not looking good for the US War Machine either.

Jim Rickards is a financial consultant to the CIA and Pentagon. He participates in War Games. Of the 2009 War Games he recently said that the object was not to defeat the enemy or win the war but rather to inflict relatively more damage on them than you. In case you were wondering about the Pentagon that statement should remove all doubts. They are are not looking for another General Patton.

He also mentioned Pentagon plans to strike North Korea in the next 6 months or so. Of course Russia and China have said not to consider a first strike option. More about WW III later.   Continue reading “Not Looking Good For The US Dollar, Stocks, Bonds, Pensions and Wages.”

“Everyone should get the flu shot: it’s the ‘altruistic thing to do,’ says Dr. Raj Bhardwaj”

This is the tax payer funded brain washing the Canadian populace is fed as “medicine”.  Get yer free flu shots –

CBC News

Health officials across Canada are bracing for what could be a rough flu season.   Continue reading “Brace yourself for nasty flu season, Calgary doctor warns”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. Navy destroyer sailed near islands claimed by China in the South China Sea on Tuesday, three U.S. officials told Reuters, even as President Donald Trump’s administration seeks Chinese cooperation in dealing with North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs.

The operation was the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters. But it was not as provocative as previous ones carried out since Trump took office in January.   Continue reading “U.S. warship sails near islands Beijing claims in South China Sea – U.S. officials”

Information Clearinghouse – by Lea Lane

October 09, 2017 “Information Clearing House” –  When traveling, it’s best to plan ahead whenever you can. For example, you may have thought you don’t need a passport because you don’t travel outside the United States. But for residents of nine states, that will change at the beginning of 2018 for any commercial flight, whether international or domestic.

As reported by Travel and Leisure, nine states will no longer allow travelers to board an airplane with just their state issued driver’s licenses as of January 22, 2018. To get past TSA security checkpoints, another form of identification will be required: passport, permanent resident card/green card or a military ID.   Continue reading “New Rule: Residents In Nine States Will Need Passports For Domestic Flights in 2018”

CRI is owned and operated by Doron Benbenisty, a former member of the Israeli Special Forces.

“They have been providing expert services for over 17 years in the United States and have trained thousands of U.S. personnel and first responders in counter-terrorism techniques.

“Their offerings extend to civilians, law enforcement and military personnel.”  Continue reading “CRI, the Israeli-led Counter Terrorism Training School, is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.”

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Archive: TWFTT 10-10-17

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Las Vegas, NV — In an unprecedented reversal, police have dramatically changed their official story this week on how the massacre in Las Vegas unfolded. To be clear, the facts they changed are not some accidents due to mass chaos, ‘whoops we were just confused’, or ‘sorry we got that wrong’ — no, these were a complete reversal of official narratives already determined to be facts and released during press conferences.

The first major reversal in the narrative happened on Monday when officials changed their story to say Stephen Paddock shot a hotel security guard six minutes before he opened fire on the crowd of 22,000.   Continue reading “Time to Pay Attention: Police Begin Making Massive Reversals in Official Vegas Narrative”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Detroit, MI — Only days after Judge Karen McDonald sentenced Rebecca Bredow to jail for choosing not to vaccinate her son, another mother is facing the same potential fate. Lori Matheson is now facing the same court who, only days earlier, sent a mom to jail for refusing to vaccinate.

According to WXYZ:

Lori Matheson is objecting to a friend of the court order that found her daughter should get vaccinated.
Continue reading “Second Mom in a Week Faces Possibility of Jail for Refusing to Vaccinate Her Child”

SHTF Plan – by Jeremiah Johnson

The Hal Turner Radio show just released an article that merits immediate attention, given the current situation regarding North Korea.  The article is entitled JP Morgan Chase issues ‘Emergency Bylaws’ for Bank to Operate after a nuclear attack.  Just that title alone should ring the alarm bells.  Turner listed an excerpt from these bylaws filed with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) on Wed., October 4, 2017.  These emergency by-laws deal with how the board of directors can operate after a nuclear attack has occurred against the U.S.   Continue reading “Wall Street Is Actively Preparing Nuclear Attack Contingency Plans: “These Bankers Have Firsthand Knowledge Of What Is Going To Happen””

Activist Post – by Nicolas West

A new type of court case is slowly but steadily emerging within the American legal system: alleged crimes being detected from data supplied by smart devices.

Several cases over the last few years have focused on data transmitted within the modern smart home, while a couple of others add an extra dimension of police completely reconstructing a crime scene based upon data collected from the home as well as the various Internet-connected devices that we wear.   Continue reading “Smart Devices Are Snitching On Owners And Rewriting The Criminal Justice System”


NEW YORK (Reuters) – A lawsuit seeking to represent the victims of the Las Vegas rampage, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, was filed against the makers of so-called bump stocks, which the shooter used to achieve a near-automatic rate of fire.

The proposed class action lawsuit, filed in state court in Clark County, Nevada, over the weekend and announced on Tuesday, accuses Slide Fire Solutions and other unnamed manufacturers of negligence leading to the infliction of emotional distress on thousands of people who witnessed or were injured in the Oct. 1 shooting at a Las Vegas music festival.  Continue reading “Las Vegas shooting victims file lawsuit against bump stock makers”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Comedian Sarah Silverman’s new song titled, “I Love You, America,” features Silverman ranting about “white privilege” and Americans “voting against their best interests.”

In between her repeatedly singing the riff, “I love you, America,” Silverman whines about how “mad” she is about “the stupid sh*t you do,” such as voting “for these rich f**ks who lie to your faces and then systematically rape you of your rights and your job and your healthcare.”   Continue reading “Sarah Silverman’s New Comedy Song On ‘White Privilege’ Crashes And Burns”

Patch – by Cody Fenwick

WASHINGTON, DC — Henry Kissinger, a former secretary of State and a national security adviser under Presidents Nixon and Ford, met with President Trump Tuesday in the Oval Office, the second time the two have publicly convened since the inauguration.

Trump told reporters that Kissinger is a “man of immense talent, experience and knowledge.” He also reiterated that he has confidence in current Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who called the president a “moron,” according to a recent NBC News report. Trump said in a Forbes interview that he could beat Tillerson on an IQ test, but he refused to answer any questions about it when asked in the Oval Office.   Continue reading “President Trump, Henry Kissinger Meet In The Oval Office — Again”


Radiation monitors have detected radioactive particles in the air across Europe, although the source remains a mystery.

Germany’s Office for Radiation Protection reported increased radioactivity in parts of Central and Western Europe over the last week. The heightened levels were detected at several trace measuring stations in Europe, and at six locations in Germany.   Continue reading “Mysterious spike in radioactive particles across Europe baffles scientists”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just 1 in 5 Americans want to deport young immigrants brought to the United States as children and now here illegally, the focus of a politically fraught debate between the White House and Congress.

Americans also have largely negative opinions about President Trump’s signature immigration pledge to build a wall along the entire U.S.-Mexico border, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Just under half — 49 percent — oppose construction while 32 percent support it.   Continue reading “AP-NORC Poll: Most don’t want young immigrants deported”

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois is chasing a moving target as it tries to dig out of the nation’s worst budget crisis, and a review obtained by The Associated Press shows $7.5 billion worth of unpaid bills — as much as half the total — hadn’t been sent to the official who writes the checks by the end of June.

Although many of those IOUs have since been paid, a similar amount in unprocessed bills has replaced them in the last three months, Comptroller Susana Mendoza’s office said Monday. That’s in addition to $9 billion worth of checks that are at the office but being delayed because the state lacks the money to pay them.   Continue reading “Billions in Illinois bills not sent for payment”