The Daily Caller – by Andrew Kerr

The National Science Foundation on Thursday awarded a five-year, $1 million grant to expand the first long-term nationwide study of transgender children.

The award was granted to University of Washington Psychologist Kristina Olsen, who was named the winner of the 2018 Alan T. Waterman Award — the federal government’s highest honor for a scientist under the age of 40.   Continue reading “National Science Foundation Grants $1 Million To Study Transgender Children”

Spero News – by Martin Barillas

President Donald Trump said in a proclamation on Thursday that his fellow Americans have “a moral obligation to combat anti-Semitism, confront hate and prevent genocide.” Noting Yom Hashoah, Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day, Trump wrote:

“Although spearheaded by one individual, this undertaking could not have happened without the participation of many others who recruited, persuaded and coerced in their efforts to incite the worst of human nature and carry out the ugliest of depravity. The abject brutality of the Nazi regime, coupled with the failure of Western leaders to confront the Nazis early on, created an environment that encouraged and enflamed anti-Semitic sentiment and drove people to engage in depraved, dehumanizing conduct.”  Continue reading “Trump says Americans have ‘moral obligation’ to address anti-Semitism”

Daily Mail

Israelis came to a halt to observe two minutes of solemn silence as a siren blared, marking the annual remembrance of the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust.

Drivers exited their vehicles and students at schools stood in ceremonies beginning with the siren at 10am on Wednesday, while outside shops and offices, Israelis stood still, many with heads bowed.   Continue reading “Israel comes to a standstill to remember six million Holocaust victims as Netanyahu warns Iran is also an ‘extremist regime threatening us’”

News Front

Chinese military ships in the Mediterranean Sea are ordered to join the Russian Navy in the case of a massive attack on Syria, sources say.

Rseau International portal, citing French sources has said that Chinese warships in the Mediterranean have been ordered to join the Russian Navy in the case of “massive bombardment” of Syria.   Continue reading “Chinese Navy Ships Ordered To Join Russian Task Force In The Event Of US Strike On Syria”

As you look at this harrowing image, keep in mind that in 1913, two very important changes occurred in America.

First, was the adoption of the income tax. From 1913 onward, all of a person’s earnings **belong to the government first.**  The government then decides how much they permit everyone to keep.   Continue reading “How much of your life the U.S. has been at war”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Laredo, TX — A decorated 9-year veteran of the US border Patrol—who’d recently been promoted—was arrested on two counts of capital murder this week after a woman and her one-year-old son were found dead.

On Monday, Officer Ronald Anthony Burgos Aviles, who is now in custody, called 911 claiming to have found the bodies of 27-year-old Grizelda Hernandez and Dominick Alexander Hernandez near a park along the border with Mexico.  Continue reading “Border Patrol Supervisor Arrested for Allegedly Beating a Mom and Her Infant Son to Death”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

The BBC produced a propaganda piece for children purportedly examining “what it means to be British today in a modern, multicultural society.”

The piece is part of the “BBC Teach” series titled “How Government Works” which was created to teach children ages 14-16 about the UK’s history.    Continue reading “BBC Piece Defining ‘Modern British Identity’ To Schoolkids Doesn’t Go Over Well”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Russia-24 (Россия-24), a state-owned Russian-language news channel from Moscow, spent five minutes on Tuesday advising its viewers how to prepare for a nuclear war amid the increasing tensions with the United States over Syria. The television anchor urged the country’s citizens to purchase essential items and emergency supplies to stock their bomb shelters.   Continue reading “Russian TV Instructs Citizens How To Prepare Bomb Shelters For Nuclear War”

Disclose TV

The life of undercover police is not an easy one, as officers have to give up their personal life during the time they are undercover and take on a very new lifestyle, in this case, the life of a drug dealer.   Continue reading “Undercover police posing as drug buyers arrested by undercover police posing as drug dealer”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Echoing findings by UK government scientist Gary Aitkenhead, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said Thursday that its investigators had “confirmed the findings of the UK relating to the identity of the toxic chemical that was used in Salisbury”

Effectively the lab confirmed that the military grade nerve agent used to poison Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal during an attack which reportedly took place at a public shopping center was, in fact, Novichok – a nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union, even if the OPCW did not explicitly name it. But crucially, like the scientists at Porton Down, the OPCW was unable to identify the origins of the nerve agent, per the Associated Press.   Continue reading “Chemical Weapons Watchdog Can’t Identify Source Of Nerve Agent Used In Skripal Attack”