Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

In May of 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published some rather interesting demographic data regarding insect-delivered diseases – basically those diseases have tripled since 2004 [1-2]!   Continue reading “Why Have Insect-Delivered Diseases Tripled Since 2004?”

Daily Mail

Spending a penny could become rather revealing after the invention of an ‘intelligent’ lavatory that could alert parents if their children are taking drugs, or employers if their staff have had a boozy lunch.

Scientists at Cambridge University are developing a loo that analyses urine by using revolutionary nano technology to track chemical and hormonal changes.   Continue reading “Big Brother is watching loo: Fears over ‘smart’ lavatory that can test users for drugs, pregnancy and urine problems”

Utah man Samuel Shaffer dreamed of growing old with the 8-year-old he took as his child bride — but the leader of a doomsday cult will now be aging behind bars.

Shaffer, 34, was convicted Wednesday on one count of rape of a child and one count of child sodomy. According to multiple reports, he was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison — and Utah State Courts spokesman Geoff Fattah tells PEOPLE he will spend a minimum of 26 years behind bars.   Continue reading “Utah Men Married Each Other’s 7- And 8-Year-Old Daughters — As One Is Sentenced To Prison”

Fox 6 Now

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency is deleting more than 685 million call records the government obtained since 2015 from telecommunication companies in connection with investigations, raising questions about the viability of the program.

The NSA’s bulk collection of call records was initially curtailed by Congress after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing extensive government surveillance. The law, enacted in June 2015, said that going forward, the data would be retained by telecommunications companies, not the NSA, but that the intelligence agency could query the massive database.   Continue reading “NSA deleting more than 685 million call records”