Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

The promises cannot be met, and so society decays into warring elites and competing constituencies.

There is a grand, majestic tragedy in the inevitable collapse of once-thriving states and empires: it all seemed so permanent at its peak, so godlike in its power, and then slowly but surely, too many grandiose, unrealistic promises were made to too many elites and constituencies, and then as growth decays to stagnation, the only way to maintain the status quo is to appear to meet all the promises by creating money out of thin air, i.e. debauching the currency.  Continue reading “How States/Empires Collapse in Four Easy Steps”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

The Southern Poverty Law Center is fabulously wealthy and getting richer and richer by the year according to their latest tax forms.

From the Free Beacon:

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a far-left nonprofit known for its “hate group” designations, has surpassed a half billion dollars in total assets and now has $121 million parked offshore, according to the group’s most recent financial statements. Continue reading “Southern Poverty Law Center Amasses $518M War Chest, $121M Now Offshore”

The Armory – by David Dolbee

Chicago is a hotbed for pro gun control politicians. Crime and handgun violence rates are off the charts. Instead of blaming those responsible for the crime (as demonstrated in this video), politicians take the easy route and blame the lawful gun owners. The following is a story (and video) of an event that happened in January 2019. It shows a carload of young men in Chicago who, fortunately, were brazen enough to live stream their threats to kill a police officer if he dared to attempt a traffic stop. The entire video is disgusting, but one that should be forwarded to every politician and anti-gunner with a message stating that it is the violent and irresponsible criminals and their conduct that should be the subject of any additional regulations and laws—NOT guns and law abiding gun owners—there is a difference and nothing makes it more clear than this video.  Continue reading “Warning: Graphic Video All Gun Control Politicians Need to Watch”

New York Post – by Tamir Lapin

A former New Jersey priest was shot dead in his Nevada home — a month after his name appeared on a list of Garden State priests credibly accused of sexual abuse, authorities said.

John Capparelli, 70, was found with a fatal gunshot wound to his neck in the kitchen of his home in Henderson, the Clark County Coroner’s Office said.  Continue reading “Ex-priest accused of sex abuse found shot dead in home”


Shares of Dick’s Sporting Goods beat Wall Street expectations on its top and bottom lines in its 2018 Q4 earnings report on Tuesday, but shares sank more than 10% on a decline in same-store-sales and disappointing guidance for 2019.

And Dick’s is ditching two key parties in 2019: hunting and Reebok.  Continue reading “Dick’s will remove hunting rifles from 125 stores”

Wired – by Noam Cohen

FOR THOSE OF us who worry that Facebook may have serious boundary issues when it comes to the personal information of its users, Mark Zuckerberg’s recent comments at Harvard should get the heart racing.

Zuckerberg dropped by the university last month ostensibly as part of a year of conversations with experts about the role of technology in society, “the opportunities, the challenges, the hopes, and the anxieties.” Continue reading “Zuckerberg Wants Facebook to Build a Mind-Reading Machine”


BAGHOUZ, Syria (Reuters) – Islamic State faced imminent defeat in its final enclave on Tuesday as hundreds of jihadist fighters and their families surrendered and the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces said the battle was as good as over.

A Reuters journalist in Baghouz saw hundreds of people surrendering to the SDF, which launched its final attack to capture Baghouz on Sunday, backed by U.S.-led international coalition air strikes after weeks of siege. Continue reading “Hundreds surrender as Islamic State nears defeat in last enclave”

The Organic Prepper – by Dagny Taggart

Today is the World Wide Web’s 30th birthday, and its father has some serious concerns about his brainchild.

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, – “the Father of the World Wide Web” – published an open letter on the World Wide Web Foundation website (an organization he also founded), in which he reflected on how far the web has come, and how far it has yet to go.  Continue reading “The World Wide Web Is 30, but It Still Has a Lot of Growing Up to Do”

Global News

WASHINGTON — The Defense Department is reviewing a number of military bases to find a location that can house up to 5,000 unaccompanied migrant children as the U.S. braces for a surge of people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally this spring.

The Department of Health and Human Services submitted the request for space late last week, as Homeland Security leaders warned that tens of thousands of families are crossing the border each month. That flow, said Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, will grow worse this spring as the weather gets better.  Continue reading “Pentagon looking for military base to house 5,000 unaccompanied migrant children”

Ammoland – by David Codrea

U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “If you post it on social media, that’s probable cause for us to come get the guns out of your house,” Democrat Florida State Senator Jason Pizzo proclaimed in a Facebook video three years ago. “That’s it. It’s now on you to explain why you have a gun in your house and why it’s on social media…”

He was stumping at the time to change the law to deny the right to keep and bear arms to young adults old enough to vote, marry, sign binding contracts and serve in the military. Pending that, he wanted parents to call the police on their children if they saw them posting pictures and videos with guns online.  Continue reading “Proposed Ban on Social Media Gun Pictures Proves Gun Control is Total Control”

New York Times

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Cuba and Russia on Monday of propping up President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela in the Trump administration’s most explicit argument yet that his government is a dictatorial regime kept alive by two American adversaries.

Mr. Pompeo’s comments came amid a devastating power outage that has plunged many of Venezuela’s most populous areas into darkness, spoiling food in a nation where little is available.

Continue reading “Pompeo Accuses Cuba and Russia of Propping Up Venezuelan Ruler”

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Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Fresno, CA — Police officers across America deal with horrific and often tragic cases on a daily basis. From coast to coast, they have to tell families that their child has been run over or their mother committed suicide or that their father has been killed in a car wreck. This job can be incredibly stressful and gut wrenching, which would make one think that adding extra stress to the job would be a terrible idea. However, cops, like the ones in the video below—on a daily basis—create more stress for themselves by turning people against them by committing despicable acts of unnecessary violence.  Continue reading “Cops Hold Man Down as Fellow Cop Smashes His Face In with His Boot”

Joe for America – by Raymond Draper

Has the US Military come up with a perfect system to solve all our problems at the southern border. The military has introduced a new weapon called; the “Active Denial System.” At least one prominent commentator, Glenn Beck says it might be the answer to our border issues.  Continue reading “Illegal Immigrants Terrified After Video Of US Military’s New Weapon Goes Mainstream”


President Donald Trump told Breitbart News on Monday that his administration is thinking “very seriously” about labeling violent Mexican drug cartels, or factions of these cartels, as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs).

Asked by Deputy Political Editor Amanda House during a wide-ranging, exclusive Oval Office interview with Breitbart News whether his administration is considering designating factions of cartels, or cartels as a whole, as terrorist groups, Trump replied that he is.   Continue reading “President Donald Trump: We’re Thinking ‘Very Seriously’ About Designating Mexican Cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations”

BBC News

Italian children have been told not to turn up to school unless they can prove they have been properly vaccinated.

The deadline follows months of national debate over compulsory vaccination.

Parents risk being fined up to €500 (£425; $560) if they send their unvaccinated children to school. Children under six can be turned away.  Continue reading “Italy bans unvaccinated children from school”