Breitbart – by John Binder

President Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is extending a temporary amnesty status for more than 300,000 foreign nationals, a notice from the agency states.

In an announcement on Thursday, Nielsen said DHS would not only continue to comply with a preliminary injunction from last year — in which a federal judge in California blocked Trump’s rescinding of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) — but that the agency would be extending TPS for hundreds of thousands of nationals of Sudan, Haiti, Nicaragua, and El Salvador through January 2020.   Continue reading “Trump’s DHS Extends ‘Temporary’ Amnesty for 300K Foreign Nationals”

On the Contrary – by Michael Hoffman

On Feb. 17 at the United Center in Chicago, before a cheering crowd of black Muslims numbered in the thousands — and who knows how many viewing around the world via webcast — this writer lauded the Nation of Islam’s three volume The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews as “magisterial revisionist history.” 

Nine days later, on February 26, after having been offered for sale on Amazon for several years, these three books were suddenly banned for “violating content guidelines,” an apparent euphemism for offending the Holy People. Coincidence?   Continue reading “Amazon Bans Black History Books during Black History Month”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The end of women’s sports as we know it.

For the second year in a row, transgender wrestler Mack Beggs won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound wrestling division. Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking testosterone. Mack won the title last year too.   Continue reading “NUTS: Olympics to Allow Transgender Athletes to Compete with Women — WITHOUT Having Gender Reassignment Surgery”

Mint Press News – by Whitney Webb

WASHINGTON — new bill recently introduced in the Senate, along with its companion bill in the House, would result in the United States government recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over Syria’s Golan Heights, which has been occupied by Israel since 1967. The territory was later annexed in 1981, but the international community — including the United States — has not recognized Israel’s claim to the Syrian territory.  Continue reading “With Oil, Water and Iran as Targets, US on Brink of Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty Over Golan Heights”

Anti-War – by Grant Smith

One of every three members of Congress boarding a jetliner on a privately-funded all-expense paid trip overseas has Israel as their final destination. Only one out of a hundred ever visits Palestinian territories as a final destination.

Analysis of Gift Travel Filings made to the US House of Representatives Office of the Clerk over the past half-decade reveals Israel is far and away their top foreign destination. House of Representatives members made nearly 1,400 trips to Israel, while total subsidized visits to foreign countries other than Israel were 2,500.   Continue reading “Do Members of Congress Take Too Many Private Trips to Israel With AIPAC?”

Moon of Alabama

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is finished. A long simmering scandal did him in.

Between 2001 and 2011 the Canadian construction and engineering company SNC-Lavalin bribed officials in Libya with tens of millions to get contracts in that country. In 2015 the company was charged by the Public Prosecution Service of Canada. It tried to avoid a trial and argued instead for a negotiated settlement since it had cleaned shop by changing its chief executive officer.   Continue reading “Justin Trudeau Is Finished”

ABC News

San Francisco has become the latest city to push for old marijuana-related criminal offenses to be cleared, with the city’s district attorney announcing that thousands of people will have their cases dismissed and sealed.

In all, 9,362 people will be eligible for dismissal, according to George Gascon, the San Francisco District Attorney. Each of them had received either a misdemeanor possession convictions or felony convictions for possession with intent to sell, sales or transportation of marijuana or the cultivation of more than six marijuana plants.   Continue reading “More than 9,000 marijuana convictions dismissed in latest case of cities taking action”

The Charlotte Observer

Sheriff’s deputies pushed them against jail-yard fences and shoved them to the ground. They yelled and cursed within inches of their faces. They forced them to run for long periods, ignoring pleas for breaks, until some vomited.

Receiving this treatment: Kids and teens — one was 8 years old.   Continue reading “Sheriff says ‘Scared Straight’ program helps troubled kids. Experts say it’s child abuse”

Epoch Times – by John Smithies

LONDON—Chinese state television channel CCTV is under fire for broadcasting what campaigners call “clear lies” in the UK, and it could face similar charges in the United States.

Human rights NGO Safeguard Defenders has written to British broadcasting regulator Ofcom about numerous so-called “forced confession” broadcasts on China Central Television (CCTV) and its English-language counterpart, China Global Television Network (CGTN).   Continue reading “Chinese State TV Under Fire Over ‘Forced Confessions’”

Eagle Forum – by Patrick Wood

People who have a modern smartphone normally think of 5G as nothing more than a progression from 3G and 4G. Offering fewer dropped calls, faster data transfer, and more convenience. 5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology.

This thinking barely scratches the surface. There must be a greater reason why CEOs of major cellular carriers are breaking their necks to railroad the fastest implementation in history of a new communication standard.   Continue reading “Total Data Domination: 5G, IoT, AI Surveillance And The Smart City”