The US is planning a “massive testing effort” that will involve more than 100,000 volunteers and six of the most promising COVID-19 vaccines, sources told Reuters on Friday afternoon. Continue reading “US To Launch Massive COVID Vaccine Test, Involves Over 100,000 “Volunteers””
Month: May 2020
Strategic Culture – by Robert Bridge
The government and media have dumped at the doorstep of the coronavirus many of the political, economic and social afflictions that are now ravaging much of the global population. In reality, they need to point the finger at themselves. Continue reading “COVID-19 Has Replaced Osama bin Laden as the Fall Guy for Lost Liberties”
Authorities in Connecticut and Pennsylvania are searching for an “armed and dangerous” suspect Sunday after the man was tied to two possible murders.
Peter Manfredonia, 23, is the primary suspect in an attack that killed one man and injured another on Friday in Willington, Connecticut, according to Connecticut State Police. He was allegedly seen leaving the residence where the attack took place. Continue reading “Murder suspect with ‘strong ties’ to Newtown, Connecticut, is manhunt subject”
- This UCLA professor was caught selling Air Force/Navy missile secrets to the Chinese. He’s facing 219 years in prison.
Em SP muita gente na Paulista pedido Fora Dória. O governador mandou a Polícia Militar esvaziar a Avenida. Só que a PM parou e bateu continência para o povo.
Ordem inconstitucional não é para ser cumprida. Dória age contra a lei e a Constituição. Vai acabar sofrendo impeachment.— Roberto Jefferson (@blogdojefferson) May 24, 2020
At the start pf the pandemic, coronavirus testing involved driving to one of a handful of testing sites across the state, and having a doctor or nurse place a swab far up your nostril. Then, you’d wait up to a week for results. Continue reading “See what do-it-yourself coronavirus testing looks like at N.J. Walmarts”
How does one define an economic “reopening”? I think most people would say that a reopening means that everything goes back to the way it was before the crisis; or at least as close as possible. Most people would also say that a reopening is something that will last. Simply declaring “America has reopened” while keeping many restrictions in place in certain parts of the country is a bit of a farce. And, reopening with the intention of implementing lockdowns again in a matter of weeks without explaining the situation to the public is a scam of the highest order. Continue reading “The Economic “Reopening” Is A Fake Out”
Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns
If the State of Oklahoma has its way, a new cannabis breathalyzer will be put into place to supposedly protect drivers on the road from impaired motorists under the influence of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. Continue reading “It’s Coming: Police Now Pulling Over Drivers In Pilot Program for THC Breathalyzer”