Year: 2020
Big League Politics – by Shane Trejo
In the wake of the Virginia gun rights rally on Monday, Democrats in the Capitol are not slowing down their push for tyranny. They are moving a bill through the legislature that would effectively criminalize dissent against Governor Blackface Northam and other state government officials. Continue reading “Virginia Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government Officials a Criminal Offense”
Health Impact News – Wesley J. Smith, Evolution News
Women in Mexico were paid $1400 to be hyperstimulated so their ovaries released bountiful eggs instead of one during their cycle. They then underwent artificial insemination, resulting in early pregnancy with multiple embryos, which were then flushed out of their bodies for study. From the NPR story: Continue reading “Mexican Women Being Used to Impregnate with Embryos to be Used in Research”
You really think it’s going to be any different in November? We are an occupied country and have been for decades. America is not run by Americans and 98% of us do not have any interest nor profit in any way from what goes on in the Middle East. #AmericaFirst #MAGA
— Floyd Reynolds (@Curious_Normie) January 3, 2020
So many people just fail to grasp the extent of jewish control in our daily lives. Quite a few people are aware of most of what the jews are up to in our world but these people think that as long as jewish malfeasance doesn’t affect them personally that they don’t wish to make waves by taking any sort of stand against jewish crime. Most of these people turn a blind eye to jewish terrorism around the world whether it’s the killing of innocent Palestinians or Lebanese with illegal weaponry or anything else this criminal race of creatures is up to in our world. Foolish non-jews who believe this coward’s credo have no idea that, not only has jewish crime crossed their sacred thresholds, that their entire lives and private worlds are completely influenced and/or run by hidden jewish hands. Continue reading “Kosher Tax”
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Archive: TWFTT 1-22-20
By 2005 Martin Woods had realized that something very strange was going on at Wachovia (now under Wells Fargo), the bank he worked for as an anti-money-laundering officer.
Woods had noticed a number of highly suspicious transactions from Mexican currency exchange clients: Travelers checks with sequential numbers and questinoable signatures being deposited in Euros, in much, much larger sums than any benign traveler would ever need to carry. And Woods couldn’t find any information at all on these banking clients. Who were they? And where was their money coming from? Continue reading “Wachovia: Official bank of the Sinaloa Cartel – How sly bankers moved $378 billion for the nastiest of narcos”
Yes, I’m telling you right now that the jew is NOT human in the sense that most “gentiles” like myself, or people with a soul and a conscience are, and they have ONCE AGAIN told you this plain as day repeatedly in their published works and oral histories. All one must do is scratch the surface or look closely at the things that have been presented to us in order to find the truths that I present here on this blog. Continue reading “Jews Are NOT Exactly Human…WHAT?!?!”
Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed on Tuesday that illegal immigrants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are “more American than most Americans” because they had “done well in school.”
Biden, who recently said he believed drunk driving should not be crime that warrants deportation, made the statement during a campaign rally in Ames, Iowa. Continue reading “Joe Biden Claims DACA Illegal Aliens ‘More American than Most Americans’”
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Apple Inc (AAPL.O) dropped plans to let iPhone users fully encrypt backups of their devices in the company’s iCloud service after the FBI complained that the move would harm investigations, six sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
The tech giant’s reversal, about two years ago, has not previously been reported. It shows how much Apple has been willing to help U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies, despite taking a harder line in high-profile legal disputes with the government and casting itself as a defender of its customers’ information. Continue reading “Apple dropped plan for encrypting backups after FBI complained – sources”
The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton
On Tuesday the Virginia Senate advanced legislation that would allow authorities to take guns away from people deemed dangerous to themselves or others.
The Democratic-led Senate gave preliminary approval to approved the so-called “red flag” law. SB 240 would create a process for attorneys and law enforcement to file emergency orders prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or transferring a firearm if they pose “a substantial risk of injury to himself or others.” Continue reading “Virginia Senate advances ‘red flag’ gun law, despite second amendment rally the day before”
Anyone familiar with the Bible is familiar with the Mark of the Beast: Without this mark, no man may buy or sell.
Regardless of one’s religious faith or lack thereof, there is an illustrative case in this biblical story: When one cannot buy or sell, one is metaphorically up the creek. Short of producing everything one needs oneself, buying and selling are necessary parts of virtually every modern person’s life. Continue reading “Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment”
The family of Kristin Smart, the California college student who vanished 23 years ago after attending a party near her school, was reportedly told by federal agents to be prepared for news and to secure a family spokesperson.
Denise Smart, the woman’s mother, told the Stockton Record that she was contacted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and was told to “be ready.” Continue reading “FBI tells family of Kristin Smart, who vanished 23 years ago, to be prepared for news: report”
Over the past decade, I’ve written many articles discussing the evidence of biological harm from nonionizing electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation.
While the wireless industry is built on the premise that the only type of radiation capable of causing harm is ionizing — X-rays being one example — researchers have for a long time warned that even nonionizing and non-heating radiation can jeopardize your health. This includes not only human health, but also that of plants and animals. Continue reading “Addressing EMF Pollution — A 21st Century Health Imperative” – by Cory Shaffer
CLEVELAND, Ohio — A judge on Tuesday handed down a 4 1/2-year prison sentence to a former Cleveland police officer who admitted to urinating on a 12-year-old girl after she refused to get in his car at a school bus stop.
Solomon Nhiwatiwa, 34, showed no emotion during his only chance to speak before Common Pleas Court Judge Wanda C. Jones handed down her sentence. Continue reading “Cleveland cop who urinated on girl as she waited for bus gets 4 1/2 years in prison”
Lew Rockwell – by Walter E Williams
Colleges have been around for centuries. College students have also been around for centuries. Yet, college administrators assume that today’s students have needs that were unknown to their predecessors. Those needs include diversity and equity personnel, with massive budgets to accommodate. Continue reading “Colleges Dupe Parents and Taxpayers”
Breitbart – by Robert Kraychik
Joe Biden’s family’s domestic and international and business dealings are linked to the former vice president’s political influence, explained Peter Schweizer, author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, president of the Government accountability Institute, and senior contributor at Breitbart News.
Schweizer joined Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily withhost Alex Marlow to discuss his latest book on the date of its launch. Continue reading “Peter Schweizer on ‘the Biden 5’: Deals in China, Costa Rica, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine”