Year: 2020
Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson
French intellectual Renaud Camus has been given a 2 month suspended prison sentence for saying that mass immigration into Europe represents an “invasion.”
Camus will only avoid jail by paying 1800 euros to two “anti-racist” organizations, SOS Racisme and the LICRA (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism). Continue reading “French Intellectual Sentenced to 2 Months in Prison For Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion””
French energy workers protesting against President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform cut power to the world’s largest wholesale fresh food market.
The power was cut at Rungis International Market near Paris on Tuesday, the hard-left CGT union’s energy branch said. Continue reading “French strikers cut power to world’s largest fresh food market near Paris”
Russia Insider – by Mike Walsh
The question that challenges the shrewdest philosophers and prophets is how the world will respond when the holocaust narrative is no longer considered believable. What happens when the holocaust is regarded as far-fetched as Santa Claus, an illusion as is the fable of Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen. Continue reading “Belief in the ‘Holocaust’ Is Crumbling Around the World, What Will the Consequences of this Earthquake Be?”
New York Post – by Tina Moore and Kenneth Garger
A half-dressed female NYPD lieutenant was caught in a drunken, on-the-job sex romp with a male sergeant at a Manhattan police building Saturday night, sources said.
Lt. Brandi Sanchez, 39, and Sgt. Lambros Gavalas, 46, were stripped of their guns and badges for the alleged rendezvous in a department bathroom inside a building used by NYPD personnel at 90 Church Street, the sources said. Continue reading “NYPD officers disciplined for alleged on-the-job bathroom sex romp”
The National Weather Service in Miami issued an important cold-weather warning Tuesday: Watch for falling iguanas.
“This isn’t something we usually forecast, but don’t be surprised if you see Iguanas falling from the trees tonight as lows drop into the 30s and 40s,” the agency tweeted. “Brrrr!”
Continue reading “Beware of Falling Iguanas in South Florida, National Weather Service Warns”
He had his bones broken, his blood spilled, and served time as a political prisoner, fighting for the common law Bill of Rights.
Reno – Carroll Arthur Smith Mizell ‘Cal’, age 60, of Reno NV, passed away on December 14, 2019 at Saint Mary’s Hospital after a long and hard-fought battle with COPD. Born November 10, 1959 in Albuquerque, NM to Carroll Wood Mizell and Anne Qua (Hebert) Smith. Cal was an artist, musician, carpenter and student of the constitution and law. Continue reading “RIP: Carroll Arthur Smith Mizell”
Free Beacon – by Alex Griswold
A Denver Post columnist says he was fired after disputing the idea that there are more than two sexes.
Jon Caldara, president of the libertarian Independence Institute, announced that he has been fired from the Post, chalking it up to “a difference in style” that his editors found “too insensitive.” Continue reading “Denver Post Columnist Fired After Arguing There Are Two Sexes”
The Trump administration is threatening to destroy Iraq’s economy by withholding a critical source of money that is controlled by the Federal Reserve. The threat is a response to the Iraqi parliament’s unanimous decision to end Washington’s 17 year-long military occupation. The Iraqi people and their representatives in parliament are incensed by the recent assassination of Iran’s most revered general, Qassem Soleimani, who was savagely incinerated by a Hellfire missile on the direct orders of Donald Trump. Iraqi prime minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and his supporting MPs believe that the US committed a gross violation of Iraq’s sovereignty by killing a visiting dignitary without first obtaining the government’s permission. This is why the parliament and the prime minister have asked the administration to respect the wishes of the Iraqi people and withdraw all US troops from the country. Continue reading “Pompeo to Iraq: If You Kick Us Out, We Will Bury You”
Jews have been against non-Jews owning weapons for centuries. They wrote about it in the Talmud in 4th century. Today, they write about it in US lawbooks.
— Curse (@cursedsalad) January 20, 2020
There will be no broadcast of The Word From the Trenches today.
I received word that I have lost a militia brother who has been like family for over twenty years.
Just not up to it today, I’ll be up tomorrow.
(Bloomberg) — A caravan of as many as 3,000 migrants is testing Mexico’s pledge to President Donald Trump to halt undocumented arrivals to the U.S.
For the first time since Mexico began its full-scale crackdown against migrants, a caravan is clashing with Mexican security forces at the country’s southern border. After being turned away at a bridge crossing, hundreds of members waded across a shallow river on Monday from the Guatemalan side into Mexico. Continue reading “Caravan of 3,000 Tests Mexico’s Pact With Trump to Stop Migrants”
Krystle Cordingley mourns her son Corbyn who died 14 hours after a flu shot.
Krystle claims that the hospital tried to cover up what happened, and doctors said his death following vaccination was a coincidence. Continue reading ““He was Murdered” – 13 Month Old Infant Dies 14 Hours After Receiving the Flu Shot”
“This incident occurred on Saturday, 01.18.2020 at 8:57 in the morning. My husband became a target of the pending Red Flag Law in VA. The reason the police came is due to a visit George made to the Capitol in order to become situationally aware of his surroundings on Lobby Day. His observations and the pictures he took made Capitol police concerned. George was not the only person on Capitol grounds that day. He was not the only person taking pictures either. But George’s size and stature coupled with his purposeful actions made him a target for a dry run on Red Flag laws on a citizen of Virginia. Red Flag Laws have not been legalized in VA at this point. Continue reading “Red Flag Stunner In Virginia…”
The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton
More than 22,000 armed gun-rights activists peacefully filled the streets around Virginia’s capitol building on Monday to protest gun-control legislation making its way through the newly Democratic-controlled state legislature.
Despite fears that neo-Nazis or other extremists would piggyback on the Richmond rally to stoke unrest like the violence at a 2017 demonstration by white nationalists in Charlottesville that killed a counter-protester, the Capitol Police reported just one arrest, a 21-year-old woman taken into custody for wearing a bandana over her face after twice being warned that masks were not allowed. Continue reading “Only one arrest made as Virginia second amendment rally draws over 20,000 peaceful protestors”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
In 2019, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page, 47 police officers were shot, 7 killed in a vehicular assault, and three died from assault. Another 77 cops died as a result of car crashes, heart attacks, and illnesses. Absent from the database of fallen officers, however, are the 228 cops who ended their own watch. This number is a giant leap from the year before and the fourth consecutive year that it’s risen. Continue reading “More Than 4 Times as Many Police Officers Killed Themselves Than Were Shot in 2019”