Activist Post – by Robert Wheeler

The United States is currently in a state of emergency…again.

This time, it is due to an alleged massive cyberattack leveled against the Colonial Pipeline. The result is the shutdown of virtually the entire Pipeline. Though the event happened days ago, it was not until yesterday that panic began to set in. In a flurry of panic buying, the Southeast United States stands on the precipice of running out of gas.
Continue reading “US State of Emergency Declared: Cyberattack Shuts Down Fuel Pipeline, Chaos Erupts in SE”

DALLAS (AP) — A federal judge dismissed the National Rifle Association’s bankruptcy case Tuesday, leaving the powerful gun-rights group to face a New York state lawsuit that accuses it of financial abuses and aims to put it out of business.

The judge was tasked with deciding whether the NRA should be allowed to incorporate in Texas instead of New York, where the state is suing in an effort to disband the group. Though headquartered in Virginia, the NRA was chartered as a nonprofit in New York in 1871 and is incorporated in the state. Continue reading “Judge dismisses NRA bankruptcy case in blow to gun group”

Yahoo News

When wildfires roar through a forest and bulldozers dig into the earth to stop advancing flames, they may be churning more into the air than just clouds of dust and smoke, scientists say.

Those dark, billowing plumes of smoke that rise on waves of heat during the day and sink into valleys as the night air cools may be transporting countless living microbes that can seep into our lungs or cling to our skin and clothing, according to research published recently in Science. In some cases, researchers fear that airborne pathogens could sicken firefighters or downwind residents. Continue reading “Wildfire smoke may carry ‘mind-bending’ amounts of fungi and bacteria, scientists say”

Fox News

Two sheriff’s deputies in Texas were killed in a shootout in Eden on Monday night over a dog complaint, according to reports.

Concho County deputies arrived at a home on the 100 block of Bryan Street in Eden, Texas, to respond to a complaint about a dog around 8:20 p.m. Monday, KSAN/KLST reported, citing an update provided by the Texas Rangers on Tuesday. Continue reading “2 Texas deputies killed in shootout with suspect while responding to ‘dog complaint’”

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Archive: TWFTT 5-11-21


Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Dr. Anthony Fauci, have a heated exchange about the funding of gain of function research at the Wuhan Virology Institute in China and whether he supports it. Dr. Fauci denies that there was funding of the research, saying, “We have not funded gain of function research on this virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. No matter how many times you say it, it didn’t happen.”  Continue reading “Senator Paul and Dr. Fauci Clash Over Research Funding of Wuhan Lab”

Hard to believe Hamilton wasn’t immediately killed after stating this (quote below). I wonder if this played into the duel with Aaron Burr who fatally shot Hamilton. History outweighs fiction on so many

“I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than
were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do?”
— Alexander Hamilton Continue reading “Bill of Rights Quotes”

National Review – by Wesley J Smith

The CDC has published a technically true — but profoundly misleading — statistic about the chance of outdoor infection. The story is brought to us by New York Times journalist David Leonhardt in his daily, “The Morning Newsletter”:

When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new guidelines last month for mask wearing, it announced that “less than 10 percent” of Covid-19 transmission was occurring outdoors. Media organizations repeated the statistic, and it quickly became a standard description of the frequency of outdoor transmission.

Continue reading “CDC Misleads: Calls .01 Percent Chance of Infection, ‘Less Than 10 Percent’”

Yahoo News

A California police officer has been killed in the line of duty and another one injured after they were shot while serving a search warrant.

The incident occurred at approximately 5:30 p.m. at an apartment complex in San Luis Obispo, California — approximately 10 miles north of Pismo beach — when the two officers arrived at the residence on Camellia Court, off of Margarita Avenue near South Higuera Street in the city, according to a statement issued by the city of San Luis Obispo. Continue reading “Police officer shot and killed in line of duty while serving search warrant to suspect”

Capital and Debt

“This document does not represent an official policy position of the Government of Canada. Instead, it records the work of a sub-group of new public servants who participated in Canada Beyond 150, a professional development program co-championed by the Privy Council Office and Policy Horizons Canada. The program was designed to support the development of new public servants, and to drive a culture change within the public service. The participants were invited to use foresight, design thinking and engagement tools to explore policy issues relating to diversity and inclusion. Continue reading “Canada move forward to go backward (and down)”

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

The largest US refinery shut two crude units in Port Arthur, Texas this weekend after hackers caused the Colonial Pipeline to shut down.

The “DarkSide” hacker gang began attacking the pipeline operator on Friday and stole massive amounts of data. Continue reading “Largest US Refinery Shuts Two Crude Units in Port Arthur, Texas After Hackers Shut Down Colonial Pipeline”

Yahoo News – CBS

Drivers along parts of the East Coast are feeling the immediate effects of the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline following a ransomware attack, reports CBS News’ Laura Podesta. Some waited an hour or more on lines at gas stations before filling up or learning the pumps had run dry.

In Marion, South Carolina, Yasheeka Wiggins said, “It was unbelievable. When I was driving today, I thought it was a catastrophe coming! I’ve seen all these cars waiting and I was like, ‘OMG. I have to fill my tank up!'” Continue reading “Drivers start scrambling for gas as pipeline shutdown continues”

Free Thought Project

AM) Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) has become one of the most feared paramilitaries in Mexico over the last decade. Images of the group have become the standard depiction of the Mexican cartel writ large. Their propaganda videos often feature groups of masked men bristling with enough small arms to make them formidable against even conventional armies. Continue reading “REPORT: U.S. Special Forces Train Drug Cartel Enforcers Linked to Rape, Torture, Decapitation”

Caitlin Johnstone

“Twenty-four people, including nine children, were killed in Gaza overnight, most of them in Israeli strikes,” reads a new report from AP.

Nine children, killed with the help of United States funding to the tune of $3.8 billion a year. Continue reading “The Israel Narrative Is Crumbling Because Of Phone Cameras And The Internet”


The BBC has exposed itself to a wave of internet scorn after lecturing Britons on how to correctly embrace one another, in response to reports that the government would soon “allow” hugging.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to push forward with plans to ease lockdown restrictions, including guidance on hugging. The government is “hopeful” that hugs will soon be permitted, but people should act “cautiously” when engaging in amicable touching, Health Minister Nadine Dorries said. Her remarks were echoed by Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove, who said Downing Street wanted to fully restore “friendly contact” between people. Continue reading “Hugging lesson? BBC gets pilloried for giving tips on how to ‘safely’ embrace one another”