Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

The Atlantic now says that expecting vaccines to give you immunity from covid is “asking the impossible.”

From The Atlantic (Archive):

We’re Asking the Impossible of Vaccines Continue reading “Shifting Goalposts: The Atlantic says expecting vaccines to give you immunity is ‘asking the impossible’”

Epoch Times – by Jack Phillips

Los Angeles County, the most populous county in the United States, announced Wednesday it would require proof of COVID-19 vaccination at bars, nightclubs, breweries, lounges, and related businesses.

The order will also require vaccine proof or a negative COVID-19 test for large outdoor events, including Los Angeles Rams, Chargers, and Dodgers games, said County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer to the Board of Supervisors. Would-be customers will have to have at least one vaccine dose by Oct. 7 and be fully vaccinated by Nov. 4, she said. Continue reading “Los Angeles County to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine Passports: Officials”

AZ Central

HUDSON, Ohio — An Ohio mayor is asking all five school board members of his town to resign or face possible criminal charges over high school course material that he said a judge called “child pornography.”

Hudson, Ohio Mayor Craig Shubert made the statement during a board of education meeting after multiple parents complained about the content of some writing prompts contained in a book called “642 Things to Write About” provided to high school students  enrolled in a college credit course called Writing in the Liberal Arts II. Continue reading “Mayor calls for Ohio school board to resign over material suggesting kids write about sex, drinking”

Defense One

Australia will get its first nuclear-powered submarines under a new trilateral relationship with the United States and United Kingdom intended to improve security in the Pacific, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday.

The move will put nuclear-powered submarines, which have longer range than Australia’s current conventional subs and can stay underwater for months, in China’s backyard as the administration seeks to pivot its foreign policy to the Indo-Pacific region. Continue reading “Australia Will Get Nuclear-Powered Subs In New Partnership With US, UK”


President Biden is set to announce a three-way tech-sharing pact with the UK and Australia, including nuclear defense, sources close to the White House told Politico. The countries will meet to discuss ‘threats’ including China.

Biden is expected to announce a new defense pact, reportedly called AUUKUS and involving the UK and Australia, according to the news outlet, which cited an unnamed White House official and a congressional staffer. It reportedly will focus on sharing information in areas like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, long-range strike capabilities, and even nuclear defense infrastructure.  Continue reading “Biden to launch NUCLEAR tech working group alongside UK and Australia in apparent bid to push back against China – reports”

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Archive: TWFTT 9-15-21

Breitbart – by Wendell Husebo

The Taliban on Monday was reportedly looking for a Washington, D.C., lobbyist to gain legitimacy from President Joe Biden.

“Sign of the times: hearing the Taliban is in the market for a lobbyist in DC, offering a lucrative contract. The narrative around their financial situation, is that they’re broke,” a BBC reporter based in Washington, D.C., tweeted: Continue reading “Report: Taliban Looking for Washington, D.C., Lobbyist to Gain Legitimacy from Biden Administration”

World Tribune

An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine.

Instead, thousands of readers reported of loved ones who died after vaccination and, even worse, dying from adverse reactions to the vaccine.  Continue reading “Thousands flood ABC affiliate’s Facebook page with vaccination horror stories”

Daily Mail

Pfizer‘s Covid vaccine could be rolled out to babies as young as six months in the US this winter, under plans being drawn up by the pharmaceutical giant.

In a move likely to cause international controversy, the company intends to apply for authorisation to immunise American infants within the next two months. Continue reading “Babies could be given Pfizer’s Covid vaccine in the US this winter: Company plans to seek approval for jabbing six-month-olds in November”

National Interest – by Trevor Filseth

In a letter to Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) criticized the company for failing to control the spread of disinformation regarding the coronavirus and its vaccines, noting that titles containing medical misinformation and conspiracy theories about the virus were readily accessible on the online retailer – and in some cases had been featured as bestsellers or top picks.  Continue reading “Warren to Amazon CEO: Stop COVID Misinformation, Please”

NME – by Damian Jones

Nicki Minaj has been criticised by the UK’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty after she tweeted that COVID vaccines are linked to impotence.

It comes after the rapper claimed a cousin of hers in Trinidad refused to get the jab because “his friend got it [and] became impotent” and “his testicles became swollen”Continue reading “Nicki Minaj told she “should be ashamed” by Chris Whitty over vaccine impotence tweet”

Dr. Trozzi

The injections are bioweapons. PCR is a fraud. The entire “pandemic” has been complete and absolute deception, abuse, and “medical” violence against the innocent people of the world.

Over the last year and a half, we have seen our police used as tools to abuse and suppress innocent people, for a fake pandemic and unfounded, unscientific, and abusive public health mandates. Must this story bare yet more misery? Continue reading “An open letter to police around the world; protect us!”


A Nigerian soldier and police officer have been killed after militants attacked a medium-security prison in Kogi State, destroying the perimeter fence and allowing nearly all the jail’s inmates to escape.

Late on Sunday night, heavily armed gunmen raided a jail at Kabba, some 270km (168 miles) southwest of the federal capital Abuja. Having blown up the perimeter fence, the militants managed to free some 266 inmates out of the prison’s total population of 294.   Continue reading “Over 260 inmates freed as raiders blow up Nigerian prison fence, killing police officer and soldier”


The staff of the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday declined to take a stance on whether to back booster shots of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, saying U.S. regulators haven’t verified all the available data.

“There are many potentially relevant studies, but FDA has not independently reviewed or verified the underlying data or their conclusions,” they wrote in a 23-page document published on the agency’s website. “Some of these studies, including data from the vaccination program in Israel, will be summarized during the September 17, 2021 VRBPAC meeting.” Continue reading “FDA staff declines to take stance on Pfizer’s Covid booster shots, citing lack of verified data”


The United States will require new immigrants to be fully vaccinated against the coronavirus as part of its routine medical examination, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced on Tuesday.

The measure goes into effect on Oct. 1. Most people applying to become a permanent resident in the United States are required to receive the immigration medical examination “to show they are free from any conditions that would render them inadmissible under the health-related grounds,” according to USCIS. Continue reading “U.S. will require most new immigrants to get coronavirus vaccine”

Yahoo News

Three former US intelligence agents admitted to committing hacking crimes against the country and providing sophisticated computer hacking tools to the United Arab Emirates, according to court documents made public on Tuesday.

The three hackers that include two US nationals and a former American citizen agreed to pay the penalty of $1.68 mn under a legal settlement with the federal government in a bid to avoid prosecution, said US Justice Department. Continue reading “Three former US intelligence agents admit to hacking for the UAE”