FEE – by Brad Polumbo

The federal government has already spent an astounding $42,000+ per federal taxpayer on ostensibly-COVID-related relief and spending programs. (Did you see that much in benefits?) Yet millions of Americans are evidently unsatisfied—and are demanding permanent $2,000 monthly “stimulus” checks.

A Change.org petition originally created in 2020 continues to gain support and is now closing in on 3 million signatures. As Newsweek reports, reaching this huge milestone would make it one of the most popular Change.org petitions of all time.  Continue reading “Misguided Petition Demanding Permanent Monthly $2,000 Stimulus Checks Nears Huge Milestone”

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Archive: TWFTT 9-21-21

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

A Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “isolation and quarantine” facility has been set up by Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington state. And Inslee is now looking to hire people for the “strike team” that will run it.

NOTE: A few hours before this article was published, the listing was stealth edited to remove the term “strike team,” and the original URL which contained “strike team” was auto-forwarded to a new URL. This is all an obvious attempt by Washington government employees to deceive the public and obfuscate the true nature of the positions being advertised for hire. We had already captured the original files, however, and we reveal screen shots below that show you this listing before it was stealth edited. Continue reading “CONFIRMED: Gov. Inslee setting up covid concentration camps in Washington state, issuing job listings for “strike team” coordinators”

Breitbart – by Charlie Spiering

The White House conceded Monday they were not requiring border crossers to show proof of vaccination, even though the government requires proof of a vaccine or a negative coronavirus test for other travelers into the United States.

When reporters asked about the apparent double standard on vaccination requirements, White House press secretary Jen Psaki argued that illegal immigrants and migrants crossing the border were not intending to stay in the United States. Continue reading “White House: Illegal Aliens Do Not Need Proof of Vaccination Because ‘Not Intending to Stay’”

Breitbart – by John Binder

President Joe Biden’s administration is bringing Afghans to the United States who are carrying viruses such as measles, malaria, tuberculosis, as well as the Chinese coronavirus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

On Monday, the CDC announced that the thousands of Afghans continuing to be brought to the U.S. by the Biden administration for permanent resettlement will be required to be vaccinated against measles though there has not been any indication that they are likewise mandated to take the coronavirus vaccine. Continue reading “CDC: Afghans Arriving in U.S. Infected with Measles, Malaria, Tuberculosis”


BERLIN (AP) — Senior politicians in Germany expressed shock over the weekend killing of a young gas station clerk who asked a customer to wear a face mask, and they warned Tuesday against the radicalization of people who oppose the country’s pandemic restrictions.

A 49-year-old German man was arrested in the fatal shooting of the clerk Saturday in the western town of Idar-Oberstein. The suspect is being held on suspicion of murder. Authorities said the man told officers he acted “out of anger” after being refused service for not wearing a mask while trying to buy beer. Continue reading “German officials fear anti-mask radicalization after killing”


Thousands of Haitian migrants remain under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas, seeking asylum in the United States, as federal authorities have been sending out planes to fly the newcomers away from the already-crowded border.

US President Joe Biden has proposed to Congress that it increase the country’s refugee admission cap to 125,000 for the next fiscal year that will begin on 1 October, according to a submitted report released by the State Department on Monday.
Continue reading “Biden Proposes Increase in Refugee Admissions to 125K Amid Border Crisis”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Los Angeles, CA — For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying out theft of the citizenry on a massive scale using Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF).

The 1980’s-era laws were designed to drain resources from powerful criminal organizations, but CAF has become a tool for law enforcement agencies across the U.S. to steal money and property from countless innocent people. Continue reading “FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steal People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugs”

Just the News – by John Solomon

Several hundred elite Navy SEALs are in danger of being blocked from deploying with their special operator teams by the Pentagon after failing to get a mandatory COVID vaccine, according to a lawyer and pastor counseling them.

The number involved in the dispute with the Pentagon amounts to as many as a quarter or more of all active duty SEALs, a loss that could impact military readiness since SEAL teams play an outsized role in modern military operations, their advocates told Just the News. Some SEALS were given a deadline this week for the vaccine and have sought a religious exemption. Continue reading “Sidelined? Hundreds of Navy SEALS told they won’t be deployed if they refuse COVID vaccine”

KQEN Radio

The Devil’s Knob Complex has grown by 570 acres, and is listed at 69,871 acres.

An update from the Pacific Northwest Team 2 said over 2.5 inches of rain has fallen across the fire areas in the past few days. While it is significant, it does not extinguish the fires. On the western portion of the Smith Fire, where ground conditions were drier, firefighters continued the work of mopping up and securing the fire perimeter to increase containment. Continue reading “DEVIL’S KNOB COMPLEX IS UP BY 570 ACRES”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After the earlier Biden-mandated vaccine requirement for federal workers and all armed forces branches, and with the city of D.C. itself now issuing a vaccine mandate for public school student athletes and child care center staffers, a big segment of the US public is questioning: where will it end? After all, even a potential future requirement to show proof of Covid vaccine to merely travel domestically on an airline is still “on the table” as an “option”Continue reading ““It’s Not The Same Thing”: Jen Psaki Asked Why Migrants Walking Across Border Don’t Have To Show Vaccine Proof”


CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau narrowly won re-election on Monday but failed to secure a majority in parliament, after alienating some voters by calling a snap vote two years early during a fourth wave of the pandemic.

The prospect of another minority government, in which Trudeau’s Liberals will again need support from opposition parties to govern, raises questions about the future of a leader who came to power in 2015 promising “sunny ways” but has struggled to deliver on many of his ambitious policy promises.  Continue reading “Canada’s Trudeau ekes out narrow win in COVID-dominated election”

Zero Hedge – The Machine Gun Nest

The Machine Gun Nest has been open since 2015, but we’ve been in the firearms industry since 2013. Earlier than that, Rob (one of the owners) has been collecting guns since the early 2000s. We’ve seen panic buys, ammo prices fluctuate, and firearms banned and unbanned.

March of 2020. The COVID19 pandemic hits the United States. Many people (like myself) were aware of the situation in China and had time to prepare for the worst adequately. Many people were caught completely off guard. Continue reading “The Rise And Fall Of 9MM Ammo Prices During COVID; What’s Next?”

We the Governed – by Glen Morgan, Sept 14, 2021

Last night, in the City of Winlock, Washington with a unanimous city council vote, Mayor Brandon Svenson approved and signed a proclamation demanding that Washington State Governor Jay Inslee have a mental health evaluation at the earliest possible time.  Many people around the state are understandably concerned about Governor Inslee’s mental state based on his erratic, harsh, and randomly changing lockdown rules among other increasingly harmful actions the Governor has attempted to impose on Washington residents.  However, this is the first formal proclamation from an elected official demanding that a formal mental health evaluation be conducted on Governor Inslee.  Unlike Governor Inslee’s edicts, this was not a mandate, but it seems likely to be only the first among an increasingly loud chorus questioning the mental health of Governor Inslee.
Continue reading “City of Winlock approves proclamation demanding Governor Inslee submit to mental health evaluation”

Epoch Times – by Beth Brelje

A shortage of certain alcohol brands is leaving some drinkers in low spirits; the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) announced this week it would begin rationing a list of popular liquor labels.

Due to sustained supply chain disruptions and product shortages, purchase limits of two bottles, per customer, per day were applied to certain items beginning Friday, Sept. 17, and will remain in effect for the foreseeable future. Continue reading “Pennsylvania Rations Alcohol Due to Crippled Supply Chain”

Breitbart – by Joel B Pollak

Firefighters have wrapped the base of the giant sequoia tree known as “General Sherman” in a foil-like material to protect it from an ongoing wildfire in the Sequoia National Forest, which was triggered recently by lightning and drought conditions.

The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday: Continue reading “Wildfires Hit Sequoia National Forest; ‘General Sherman’ Wrapped in Foil”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

An armed man who was filmed being detained at the Capitol rally in support of Jan 6 suspects appears to have been inadvertently exposed as an undercover law enforcement officer by his fellow police. Continue reading “Armed Man Detained At ‘Justice For J6’ Rally ‘Exposed As Undercover Law Enforcement’”