America’s Frontline Doctors

Austrian Parliament Member Eva María Holzleitner (Social Democratic Party of Austria) today collapsed in the midst of a speech in Parliament.

Holzleitner is a COVID-19 vaccine pusher; her Instagram account admonishes followers to “Trust in the results and tests of science: The skepticism about becoming sterile through the corona vaccination is unfounded! We are vaccinated!” Continue reading “Vaccine-pushing Austrian MP collapses in Parliament”

Business Insider – by Chad Fisher

Have you heard the term dead peasant life insurance? It refers to a life insurance policy an employer holds on an employee.

The employer is listed as the beneficiary and collects a death benefit if the employee dies. Continue reading “Does Your Company Have A ‘Dead Peasant’ Life Insurance Policy Out On You?”

Patch – by Justin Heinze

PENNSYLVANIA — Officials in Pennsylvania and around the nation are making preparations to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to children, once final approval is granted at the federal level.

A week ago, Pfizer formally submitted their request to the FDA for emergency use authorization for the vaccine in children ages 5 to 11. The FDA is scheduled to discuss Pfizer’s data at a meeting on Oct. 26, and a shot for kids could be approved as soon as Halloween or early November. Continue reading “PA Preparing To Distribute COVID Vaccine For Children”

Forbes – by Ashlea Ebeling

The Social Security Administration announced key numbers today that affect workers and retirees—a substantial increase in the taxable wage base for workers and the biggest increase in benefits for retirees in decades.

First the wage base news. The maximum amount of earnings subject to Social Security tax will rise 2.9% to $147,000, from $142,800 in 2021. That means a bigger tax bill for about 12 million high-earning workers. The increase in the wage base reflects any real wage growth. The maximum Social Security tax per worker will be $18,228—or a maximum $9,114 withheld from a highly paid employee’s 2022 paycheck. Workers and their employers each pay a 6.2% Social Security tax; the self-employed pay both sides of the tax. (The benefits boost is based on the Consumer Price Index, and a different index measuring wage growth determines annual increases in the wage base.) Continue reading “Maximum Social Security Taxes Will Increase 2.9%, While Benefits Will Rise 5.9% In 2022”

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Archive: TWFTT 10-13-21

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Last month, despite claiming he wouldn’t issue one, President Joe Biden announced a vaccine mandate for all companies in the United States with more than 100 employees. If these companies refuse to comply, they could face massive fines, upwards of $700,000. Not wanting to go out of business from massive fines, companies across the country — under state coercion — have issued an ultimatum to their employees, take the jab or kick rocks.

As many folks don’t want or need a vaccine due to already having COVID-19, or are opposed to it for religious reasons, Biden’s mandate is causing a storm of worker shortages, affecting all industries. Millions of people are quitting or being fired from their jobs over the mandate, adding fuel to the already massive dumpster fire that is the US economy. Continue reading “Nat’l Guard — Who Have Until 2022 to Be Vaccinated — To Replace Unvaxxed Health Care Workers, Law Enforcement”


Workers left their jobs at a record pace in August, with bar and restaurant employees as well as retail staff quitting in droves, the Labor Department reported Tuesday.

Quits hit a new series high going back to December 2000, as 4.3 million workers left their jobs. The quits rate rose to 2.9%, an increase of 242,000 from the previous month, which saw a rate of 2.7%, according to the department’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey. The rate, which is measured against total employment, is the highest in a data series that goes back to December 2000.  Continue reading “A record 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in August, led by food and retail industries”

The Drive – by Joseph Trevithick

Ghost Robotics and SWORD International have teamed up to create a rifle-toting “robot dog.” Called the Special Purpose Unmanned Rifle, or SPUR, the system adds a 6.5mm Creedmoor rifle from SWORD to one of Ghost Robotics’ quadrupedal unmanned ground vehicles, or Q-UGVs.

The SPUR made its debut on the show floor at the Association of the U.S. Army’s main annual convention in Washington, D.C., which opened yesterday. Though Ghost Robotics is partnered with a number of other companies to explore defense and security applications, among others, for its Q-UGVs — which you can read more about in this past War Zone feature — this appears to be the first example of one of these unmanned systems with an actual weapon mounted on it. Unarmed examples of the Q-UGV are notably already in limited use with the U.S. Air Force’s 325th Security Forces Squadron at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida and are being tested by other units within that service.  Continue reading “Robot Dogs Now Have Assault Rifles Mounted On Their Backs”


BOSTON (AP) — Gov. Charlie Baker activated up to 450 members of the Massachusetts National Guard on Tuesday to help deal with COVID-19 challenges.

Up to 200 guard members will aid in COVID-19 testing in schools throughout the state, and as many as 250 members will be available to offset potential staff shortages at the state Department of Correction due to a vaccine mandate. Continue reading “Massachusetts National Guard to Aid COVID-19 School Testing”

Breitbart – by Neil Munro

President Joe Biden’s border security chief is promising to end the workplace enforcement of migration laws and to help illegal migrants get higher wages from their U.S. employers.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the Cuban-born refugee and pro-migration zealot who now runs the Department of Homeland Security, portrays his “Worksite Enforcement Strategy” as a benefit for both illegals and Americans. He wrote:  Continue reading “DHS Mayorkas to Help Illegals Get Jobs, Higher Wages”

Daily Mail

The Treasury Secretary has defended plans to monitor bank transactions of more than $600, insisting that the scheme was designed to end ‘tax fraud’ by billionaires, and would not mean Americans’ accounts were recorded.

Janet Yellen last month caused alarm with her scheme to note any transaction above $600. Continue reading “‘This has been seriously mischaracterized’: Janet Yellen defends plan for IRS to snoop on accounts”

Technocracy News

The United Nations is targeting used cars in transition to Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Used cars are deemed to be ‘unsustainable’ and a rising threat to the transition to alternative energy, even though the Third World depends almost exclusively on used vehicles for mobility.Meanwhile in Great Britain, electric car owners are not allowed to charge their batteries during the day due to the energy shortage.  ⁃ TN Editor

Continue reading “UNEP: Used Cars To Be ‘Rapidly Phased Out’ During Transition To Electric”


Filipino ninja doctors may soon be sneaking into the homes of Covid-19 vaccine refuseniks to inject them in their sleep. At least that’s the idea proposed by the country’s trigger-happy president.

The unorthodox approach to boosting vaccination rates was touted by Rodrigo Duterte during his latest ‘Talk to the People’ address on Monday. “I know many people are still hesitant,” the president said, as quoted by local media.  Continue reading “‘Jab ‘em in their sleep’: Philippines’ Duterte proposes new way of tackling vaccine hesitancy”

New York Post – by Mark Moore

More than a $100 million worth of taxpayer-paid border wall materials have been discarded and are going to waste in Texas after President Biden ended construction of the barrier when he entered the White House in January and canceled contracts for its construction, according to a report.

A Fox News drone captured footage of around 10,000 steel panels — enough to build 100 miles of wall — rusting in the sun in Pharr, Texas, since January.  Continue reading “$100 million in border wall materials rusting away in Texas: report”

Down the Chupacabra Hole

Unvaccinated members of society are being ostracized throughout the world. They have been evicted by landlords, dropped by doctors, banned from hospitals, and fired from jobs. Upstanding military personnel receive court-martial summons. Doting parents lose custody of their children for simply declining an experimental gene therapy infusion. Anyone who dares to ask questions is labeled a conspiracy theorist and sharing an unfavorable personal account is deemed anti-science. Yet mounting evidence is proving these “safe and effective” shots are not what the so-called experts claim. Here’s a look at five physical changes developing in the vaccinated.   Continue reading “5 Ways COVID Vaccines Alter Human Beings Physically”