
AUSTIN/SEATTLE, Nov 2 (Reuters) – In Wichita, Kansas, nearly half of the roughly 10,000 employees at aircraft companies Textron Inc and Spirit AeroSystems remain unvaccinated against COVID-19, risking their jobs in defiance of a federal mandate, according to a union official.

“We’re going to lose a lot of employees over this,” said Cornell Adams, head of the local Machinists union district. Many workers did not object to the vaccines as such, he said, but were staunchly opposed to what they see as government meddling in personal health decisions. Continue reading “From Boeing to Mercedes, a U.S. worker rebellion swells over vaccine mandates”

Axios – by Lachlan Markay

The Federal Election Commission has ruled foreign donors can finance U.S. referendum campaigns, opening the door to foreign spending on fights over high-profile policy issues, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: Foreign nationals are barred from donating to U.S. political candidates or committees. But the FEC’s decision — allowing them to support ballot committees — provides another avenue for foreigners to directly influence U.S. voters and domestic policy. Continue reading “FEC lets foreigners finance U.S. ballot fights”

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Archive: TWFTT 11-2-21

Gunpowder Magazine – by José Niño

Many Second Amendment advocates of the no-compromise persuasion have long warned about the dangers of the federal gun control bureaucracy and the threat it poses to the civil liberties of many gun owners.

Websites like AmmoLand News have served as watchdogs against the ATF’s long list of abuses. Back in April, they were able to acquire a leak from the ATF demonstrating that the agency was surveilling people’s firearms transactions.  Continue reading “REPORT: ATF, FBI Are Snooping on More than 1,000 Lawful Gun Owners”

American Military News

President Joe Biden’s White House on Tuesday released a new strategy aimed at reducing the “public health and national security crisis” of military and veteran suicide. The approach includes gun control messaging through “safe storage” of firearms.

As part of the new approach, the Departments of Defense (DOD), Health and Human Services (HHS), Homeland Security (DHS), Justice (DOJ), and Veterans Affairs (VA), as well as the Office of Emergency Medical Services within the Department of Transportation (DOT), will work to create and implement improved “Lethal Means Safety.”  Continue reading “White House announces new veteran suicide project: gun control and more”

Breitbart – by John Binder

President Joe Biden’s administration has resettled about 10,000 Afghans across American communities in the last two months despite issues with vetting.

Biden’s massive resettlement operation plans to bring at least 95,000 Afghans to the U.S. for resettlement across 46 states. Multinational corporations and former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama are bankrolling the operation.  Continue reading “Biden Resettles 10K Afghans in U.S. Communities Despite Vetting Issues”

MSN – LA Times

The Supreme Court is preparing to decide whether the 2nd Amendment gives Americans a right to carry a loaded gun when they leave home — and some justices are looking back to the England of 1328 for an answer.

At issue is the meaning of the “right to keep and bear arms” that was added to the Constitution in 1791 and expanded by the high court in 2008. Continue reading “Supreme Court looks to medieval England in gun rights case”

Epoch Times – by Jack Phillips

About 9,000 New York City workers, including firefighters and police officers, were placed on unpaid leave Monday for not complying with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

“Nine thousand people [were] placed on leave without pay today,” Mitch Schwartz, a spokesperson for de Blasio’s office, told media outlets on Monday. “The rest are in various stages of having their accommodation requests reviewed. They can be at work.”  Continue reading “9,000 NYC Workers, Including Firefighters and Officers, on Unpaid Leave Over Mandate: Mayor’s Office”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It’s starting to seem like nary a day goes by that the world isn’t confronted with new research raising safety questions about either the mRNA vaccines (mostly Moderna) or the adenovirus-vector jabs like the AstraZeneca and J&J jabs.

On Monday, the bad news focused on the adenovirus jabs, particularly the J&J jab, as researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, who published their findings in JAMA Internal Medicine, compared data from the general population before the pandemic to data gathered from reported vaccine side effects suffered by Americans. Continue reading “Americans Who Received J&J Jab More Likely To Develop Rare Blood Clots, New Study Finds”

Big Pharma News – by Ethan Huff

Several members of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine advisory committee have financial ties to Pfizer.

Right after voting unanimously to recommend the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” in children as young as five, this committee was outed for direct conflicts of interest that clearly impacted its decision. Continue reading “FASCISM IN ACTION: Multiple FDA committee members who green-lighted Pfizer “vaccines” for children have financial ties to Pfizer”

Daily Mail

While she’s known for being cool, calm and collected, Jacinda Ardern has a limit when it comes to disorderly behaviour.

And the New Zealand Prime Minister made her tolerance of anti-vax hecklers clear on Tuesday when she abruptly ended an outdoor press conference.  Continue reading “Incredible moment Jacinda Ardern storms out of a press conference after a ‘journalist’ questioned her about why the vaccine wasn’t working in Israel”

MSN – Daily Mail

Eighteen New York City fire companies out of 300 were out of service on Monday as a result of the vaccine mandate that came into effect and forced supervisors to send home unvaccinated firefighters while thousands of NYPD cops filed for exemptions to keep their jobs without having to get the shots.

The FDNY will not confirm how many unvaccinated firefighters were told to go home in total, but at least one crew of eight from FDNY Engine 243 in Brooklyn along with a female firefighter from Engine 38 in the Bronx and a firefighter from Engine 15 in the Lower East Side were among them.  Continue reading “Unvaccinated NYC firefighters are sent home as mandate takes effect”

Continue reading “NBC snitch Ken Dilanian calls Secret Service on gun manufacturer for using Let’s Go Brandon as marketing tool…”

Red Voice Media – by Jeremy Porter

With the New York City vaccine mandate taking effect today thanks to Mayor Bill de Blasio, government employees, including police officers, sanitation workers, and firefighters were mandated to get the COVID-19 vaccine. While the workers had until Friday to get the vaccine and claim their $500 cash bonus, more than 26,000 workers didn’t comply with the order. As the mandate states, unvaccinated city workers will be sent home without pay if they refuse to comply, leading some to worry about shortages of first responders and city services.   Continue reading “26,000 New York City Employees Miss Vaccine Deadline”

Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson

People in the UK who post “false information” about vaccines online could face two years in prison under a new law.

Yes, really.

The Online Safety Bill, described as “the flagship legislation to combat abuse and hatred on the internet” has faced fierce criticism from civil liberties groups for its broad overreach. Continue reading “People in UK Who Post “False Information” About Vaccines Could be Jailed For Two Years”