Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

On Saturday morning, during the heatwave that swept the East Coast, a new electrically powered public transportation bus caught on fire as it sat in the bus parking lot, according to fire officials. Continue reading “Electric Bus Burst Into Flames During East Coast Heatwave – One Day After Connecticut Gov. Requires All Future State Vehicles to Run On Electric Power”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While Blackstone may be preparing to snap up some $50 billion in real estate during the coming crash, a constellation of out-of-state institutional investors, led by private equity firms and real estate investment trusts, have been swooping in to buy mobile home parks – where they’ve been raising rents and neglecting to perform necessary repairs. Continue reading “Private Equity Vultures Target Trailer Parks, Hiking Rents And Neglecting Repairs”

Daily Mail

Several people were killed in a mass shooting early in the British Columbia city of Langley on Monday and a suspect was arrested, according to police.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police confirmed that officers responded to shooting scenes in multiple locations around the city of Langley and one location in nearby Langley Township beginning just after 6 a.m. Continue reading “‘Several’ homeless people are shot dead in ‘targeted’ mass shooting at multiple locations in British Columbia: Suspect arrested”

National File – by Frankie Stockes

Another non-violent January 6th demonstrator charged with trumped-up misdemeanors by the Department of Justice has committed suicide while awaiting sentencing on federal charges of “parading” without a permit, a charge the DOJ wanted to throw him in federal prison over. Continue reading “Another Non-Violent J6 Defendant Commits Suicide After Federal ‘Parading’ Conviction”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Kenly, NC — This month, without warning, the taxpayers of Kenly, N.C. found out that the police department they have been paying for “protection,” no longer wished to serve them. The entire department, including the police chief and every single officer on the force, turned in their resignation letters and abandoned their positions.  Continue reading “Entire Police Dept Abandons Their Posts and Quits and the Town is Not Devolving Into Lawlessness”

Gateway Pundit – by Julian Conradson

This week, the internet got a glimpse of the Globalist’s vision for Agenda Dystopia 2030, and, unsurprisingly, it’s nothing short of a “Black Mirror“-style nightmare. Continue reading “Nothing to See Here, Move Along… Robo Dog Outfitted With Machine Gun Autonomously Lights Up Targets On Firing Range”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

So this happened…

Michigan News Channel 3 published the results to the Republican primary election. RINO Tudor Dixon won!! Continue reading “CAUGHT: Michigan News Channel Posts Results to Republican Primary Election — That’s Not Until Next Week!!”

Epoch Times – by Hannah Ng

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is giving money to the Chinese regime amid the regime’s bid to tempt foreign scientists into the country.

Bill Gates’s foundation issued a $100,000 grant in June to the Foreign Talent Research Center (FTRC) of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology, according to the Gates Foundation’s website, the National Pulse first reportedContinue reading “Bill Gates Funds China’s Scientist Recruitment Project”

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

Los Angeles, California – At least five people are wounded and two are dead in a mass shooting at a car show in San Pedro at Peck Park Sunday afternoon.

The shooter (may be more than one suspect) is still at large.  Continue reading “Five People Wounded, Two Dead in Mass Shooting at Car Show in Los Angeles – Shooter(s) at Large”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Irish leaders joined The Netherlands and Canada in cracking down on farmers with grueling carbon emissions cuts.

Farmers in The Netherlands have been protesting for weeks after the government instituted a new plan to bankrupt them and disrupt food supplies in Europe. Continue reading “What’s Going On? Ireland Joins Canada and Netherlands and Targets Farmers with Carbon Emissions Cuts — Further Endangering Global Food Shortages”

Daily Mail

A member of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee warned that bio-weapons are being made that use a target’s DNA to only kill that person.

Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum on Friday, US Rep Jason Crow of Colorado warned Americans to not be so cavalier about sharing their DNA with private companies due to the coming of the new type of weapon.  Continue reading “House intelligence committee speaks about new DNA bio-weapons that can target a single person”


On paper, it looked like a fantastic deal. In 2017, the Chinese government was offering to spend $100 million to build an ornate Chinese garden at the National Arboretum in Washington DC. Complete with temples, pavilions and a 70-foot white pagoda, the project thrilled local officials, who hoped it would attract thousands of tourists every year.

Continue reading “FBI investigation determined Chinese-made Huawei equipment could disrupt US nuclear arsenal communications”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The demons at The New York Times have moved on eating grubs and bugs.

Their latest fetish is cannibalism – and they insist “The time is now.”  Continue reading “What’s for Dinner? – Demons at NY Times Are Now Pushing Cannibalism Insisting “The Time Is Now””

The Conservative Woman – by Laura Perrins

ONE thing I will say about Wednesday night’s BBC programme Unvaccinated  is that it had to be seen to believed. It managed to be patronising, ignorant, selective and abusive all at the same time. I doubt if even my extraordinary talents can quite convey the level of vaccine propaganda that the national broadcaster engaged in.  Continue reading “Patronising, selective, abusive – the vaccine propaganda machine at its worst”

Mint Press News – by Alan MacLeod

It is an uncomfortable job for anyone trying to draw the line between “harmful content and protecting freedom of speech. It’s a balance”, Aaron says. In this official Facebook video, Aaron identifies himself as the manager of “the team that writes the rules for Facebook”, determining “what is acceptable and what is not.” Thus, he and his team effectively decide what content the platform’s 2.9 billion active users see and what they don’t see.  Continue reading “Meet the Ex-CIA Agents Deciding Facebook’s Content Policy”