Democrat Corruption Is OUT OF CONTROL

By Wall Street Apes

Illinois attempt to raise taxes failed 2 Votes

Their law only allows a maximum of 2 Votes

Here are Democrats meeting at 4:30AM illegally taking a 3RD VOTE attempting to “ram a tax increase down the throats of the citizens of Illinois. At 4:30 in the morning” Floor Leader Patrick Windhorst called out Democrats on the House Floor: “Madam speaker, I don’t believe you took the record on the prior vote when we had the verification. I believe that was inappropriate. I think it’s clear to everybody what’s going on here. It takes the super the super majority. How many times to get this, well, right in your mind, You pass these rules. These are your rules. I think you’re wrong with the motion to reconsider. That’s not the appropriate process. Rule 72 is clear about what’s to occur with concurrences. It says you get 2 votes on a concurrence. Both of those failed. I think it should be clear to everyone in this state what this super majority is willing to do to ram a tax increase down the throats of the citizens of Illinois. At 4:30 in the morning, 3 votes. 3 votes. 3 votes. Request a verification.”

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