6 thoughts on “Displaced people ‘killed point-blank’ in Gaza school

  1. Looking at the faces of that family toward the end of the vid, it is as if this horror is making empty shells of them. And the children seem to be looking to the father for hope and understanding as he struggles to find those in himself.

    That ever present slogan of “Never Forget” is now ours, for who has witnessed a crueler or more ugly genocide than this?

    Yesterday I changed my answering machine message to something like: “We wish you peace this Christmas, and may this peace also come to the people of Palestine. Please leave us your message.”

    A very small act. But every day I’m looking for ways to bust up this game, but mostly to bust up the minds of those who do not give it the time of day, who seem to go on into the mundane madness of group-think. Television is the devil’s tongue.


    1. “…but mostly to bust up the minds of those who do not give it the time of day, who seem to go on into the mundane madness of group-think.”

      Those people, who I collectively call “the walking dead”, are in fact our biggest enemy. I actually hate to use that strong a term as many of those “enemy” are my own family members. However, it is the truth. They are the ones who through their compliance & inaction would drag everybody down with them into tyrannical, dystopian hell. They would also even defend their abusers if righteous people were to finally take up arms & physically attack them. For them realization mostly only comes on their deathbeds if at all unfortunately & even then I don’t think they are capable of ever understanding the scale of their disconnection & the severity of the impact their “traitorous” compliance & inaction has on others around them. “Busting up their minds” is what I’ve personally been attempting to do most of my adult life. It’s been a long process with very few “observed” personal successes & the techniques have swung from one extreme to another with everything in between. Giving up though has never been an option which has taught me a lot about what & who I am as well as others like me. We are driven by something deep & old & energetic & the more the evil ones try to eradicate that the stronger & more prevalent it becomes. Passing this on via genetic inheritance is obviously very important & obviously (to us anyway) why the real enemy is working very hard to destroy this possibility in no uncertain terms. Sometimes I used to wish I could just disconnect & live a happy life doing the simple things I desire & am passionate about but the reality is that evil seeks to f*ck with every single living being on this planet so it must be fought & defeated to obtain true balance.

      So yes, we go on galen (probably even long after we draw our last breath as “us” here & now!). We do what we can to assist the truth to reach into the psyche of the walking dead & possibly spark a necessary reconnection that will last & grow. Something that changes the apathetic “What can I do? I’m just one person.” into “What WILL I DO now today & the next day & the next to wound & then defeat my enemy FOR GOOD?!”

      1. Thanks, Nate. I’m sure there are MANY who can cite similar experience regarding “the walking dead” who are in our lives.

        I do remember a certain broadcast that ever stays in the back of my mind. There were words something like: “You may have to shoot those you have loved.”

        Could there be any more potent directive in this world?!! At first I couldn’t understand. “Never!!,” thought I. But as I reflected and reflected I had to see who was and was not serving the enemy, and I had to consider that freedom itself was at stake, and what legacy would I help to leave to both my progeny and to all future generations. I never knew I’d have to summon such a strength, something I still have to work on: “selling my coat to buy a sword.”

        The enemy does indeed walk beside us.


  2. This all started back in 1947 when the US and the Brits decided how it relocate all these people and the snowball effect was in full effect. This back and forth BS just escalated and got more brutal with every conflict and with all the joo politicians in OUR gov’t and dual citizenship with Israhell what did anyone think was going to happen. As long as the US sends money, weapons and support this is still going on so will all the madness. Everyone should back out and away and let them settle it and finally get it over with. If they are going to act like animals then settle this crap like animals, just between them – the natural order.

    1. I don’t see it as a “back and forth,” but as a progressive genocide, creeping over the decades and culminating in the horror we see today. Yes, we don’t want to meddle in foreign affairs unless (and that’s a very big “UNLESS”) those affairs are threatening a worldwide overtake, landing us in the brunt of their cruel and oppressive control. Just like Spartacus, I am Palestine.


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