Eric Garner Protesters Shut Down West Side Highway

Reason – by Anthony L. Fisher

The NYPD has responded to the recent assassination of 2 of its officers by engaging in a “work slowdown,” which Reason‘s Scott Shackford noted has resulted in “a 94 percent drop in citations for traffic violations, a 92 percent drop in parking violation citations, and a 66 percent drop in overall arrests.”

New York cops already felt they lacked the support of Mayor Bill de Blasio based in part on the statement he made on December 3, 2014, hours after a Staten Island grand jury declined to indict the NYPD officer who placed Eric Garner in a banned chokehold, wherein he described talking to his biracial son about “how to take special care in any encounter he has with the police officers.”

Rank and file officers are also reportedly upset with the mayor’s tolerance for the nightly protests which erupted the night of the non-indictment, resulting in thousands of people taking to the streets and eventually blocking off Manhattan’s West Side Highway. Reason TV was on hand to report on the civil disobedience.

2 thoughts on “Eric Garner Protesters Shut Down West Side Highway

  1. With people out on the street keeping a eye on the police. It does seem there behavor is improving. Maybe they are not the mental cases we all thought they were. Just a people who need strong work job supervision while out on the job. Neihborhood patrols keeping a eye on the police does seem to work. Good for the people of N.Y.C. taking resposability over them.

    1. The people should not have to be out in the streets watching the police. The police should not exist. These are international corporate enforcement troops, no way sanctioned under our law. They are in fact a running violation of our Bill of Rights and the very structure our founders put in place. We the people have never granted any authority for their existence, and it is our power. The fact is we can grant no such authority as none of us has the authority to deny another’s his or her rights.
      These pigs put their international brotherhood ahead of our country’s sovereignty and they despise our Bill of Rights.
      Any one who supports this unconstitutional organization/collective of power and force is a traitor to this nation and our people.
      Get it through your heads, if police exist, our Bill of Rights and self-governess cannot. We are supposed to be self-governing and hence, self-policing. A sheriff and his deputies are an elected office and can always be removed through the people’s initiative process.
      These international corporate police work for labor unions that contract their diabolical services out to corporations (the state). Their allegiance lies with the shareholders in that corporation (the state) and their prosperity. They don’t give a monk’s f#@k about our rights or about our sovereignty.
      All the good stupid asses supporting these bastards are supporting the confiscation of our weapons and the takeover of our country. The POLICE are unconstitutional and cannot exist on the same plane as a constitutional republic with an emphasis on the rights of the individual. When you side with the international collective known as POLICE, you side against the Republic and our people’s Bill of Rights. There is no grey area. There is no middle ground. Our law is absolute and inalienable. So choose and prepare to fight for your decision, because anyone who thinks this shit is just going to turn around and go the other way has completely lost touch with reality.

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