Ga. TA now says gun-toting ‘white country’ people are ‘terrorists’

Campus Reform – by Jon Street

UPDATE: The University of Georgia released a statement Sunday with regard to Frimpong’s comments.  

Original story below:

The University of Georgia teaching assistant under scrutiny for racially charged comments about white people is back at it.

After Campus Reform reported Thursday on Irami Osei-Frimpong saying that “some white people may have to die for black communities to be made whole in this struggle to advance to freedom,” Frimpong took to his YouTube channel on Friday. At the beginning of his 45-minute long video, he addressed how he had gotten himself into “hot water.” Minutes later, he made even more racially charged comments.

Specifically, Frimpong said that white people in the country who pose with their guns on social media are “terrorists.”

“Make no mistake. If you think I’m going on to say, ‘well, just kill all white people,’ no I’m not saying that. I’m saying that the person on your Facebook who has, who’s posing with a gun in their profile picture, that person’s a terrorist,” Frimpong said. “And that works with a lot of black people. That’s why we don’t say anything and I will tell you a few things. I will tell you there are more white people posing with guns on their social media then there have been in every single hip-hop video in the history of hip-hop.”

Frimpong’s comments came just days after he tweeted that “fighting white people is a skill.”

“So they say, they’re like, black hip-hop culture, it’s violent. No,  you look at white country culture like that. Everyone’s got a gun and posing with it and that gun is to shoot you,” Frimpong said, just before going on to mock white people.

“Make no mistake, if you think the ghetto youth are violent gent like Cletus and JimBob and Jackson, like no, they name their kids out of like Confederate generals,  so you have to understand that yes fighting white people is a skill and it’s a skill that we don’t take seriously and every single black institution in these United States is shaped by the fear of white people,” Frimpong added.

Frimpong has previously compared Southern white people with “sociopaths” and “autistic kids.”

12 thoughts on “Ga. TA now says gun-toting ‘white country’ people are ‘terrorists’

  1. I’m supposed to worry about a chuck that uses Frimpong as his screen name ?

    Oh Please

    This baby gets all worked up over pictures of people with their guns ?
    Sounds like a mental affliction


  2. Im confused.
    Because (allegedly)more whites pose with guns on facebook than blacks in all rap videos…ever! Whites are terrorists?
    So if more cops pose with guns are they terrorists? If more arabs they are? If more men are they? If more military are they terrorists?
    The logic seems a fools errand.
    So if more blacks pose with gold chains and gold teeth does that make blacks financially elite?
    If more asians pose with more fish does that make them pescatarians?
    If more hispanics pose with low riders does that make them short?
    If more joos pose with Palestinians does that make them humanitarians?

    Id like to see the date.
    And by the way all americans should be terrorists at this point. Defending their rights from the foreign erosion and the mentally incapable.

    People who vote are terrorists.
    Where is that bumbersticker?

  3. “So they say, they’re like, black hip-hop culture, it’s violent. No, you look at white country culture like that. Everyone’s got a gun and posing with it and that gun is to shoot you,”

    No… that gun they’re posing with isn’t to shoot black people with, it’s to protect them from stupid f%&king NIGGERS like you who are nothing more than brain-dead commie TOOLS… blaming the white man for their past slavery when it was the stinking jews who were the main perpetrators behind it. Ignorance is your stock-in-trade, you’re a worthless POS who needs to stop breathing DECENT people’s air.

    Hope someone shoots you right in that commie piehole of yours soon.

    It would be poetic justice if it was a stinking jew, too (a fake-@ss
    ‘white’ man, NIGGER!)

  4. I think this guy smoked way too much crack and got his head dropped on the ground one too many times as a child.

    What a MAROON!!!!!

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