Husband Store

A store that sells new husbands has opened in Toronto, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! 

There are six floors and the value of the products increases as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 – These men Have Jobs

She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 2 – These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

That’s nice,’ she thinks, ‘but I want more.’

So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.

‘Wow,’ she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 4 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.

‘Oh, mercy me!’ she exclaims, ‘I can hardly stand it!’

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 5 – These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 6 – You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.

PLEASE NOTE: To avoid gender bias charges, the store’s owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.

The first floor has wives that love sex.

The second floor has wives that love sex, have money, and like beer.

The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.

12 thoughts on “Husband Store



      1. On one of the broadcasts I used the nickle to present an analogy of truth verses lie.
        Take a nickle out of your pocket, show it to the person in front of you, then hold the nickle in your right hand as you put out your empty left hand. Tell the person to take the nickle out of your left hand and put it in their right hand pocket.
        “But there is no nickle there”, they will say.
        To which you reply, “I said, take the goddamn nickle out of my left hand and put it in your pocket.”
        They will become angry and say, “There is no goddamn nickle in your left hand”, and they would be correct because the assertion that the nickle is there is a lie.
        The lie can be affirmed by showing the physical proof by opening your right hand and showing the nickle.
        This is showing the physical substance of the truth and the lack thereof of a lie.
        The point was the same person who will refuse the obvious simple lie with clear understanding will accept just as obvious a lie on a huge magnitude that not only affects themselves, but others.
        In the microcosms, they would be offended that you would expect them to accept a blatant untruth. In the macrocosm, they would reach into that empty hand, take that non-existent nickle and put it in their right pocket, and thank you for it and the lie it represents.
        It is a quirk that has been instilled into the human psyche through the brainwashing and it is the frustration that we are dealing with.
        I think it was Goebbels who said if you are going to tell a lie, make it huge and outrageous and make it repetitive ad nauseam and people will accept it. It is a flaw in human thinking that has been nurtured and used over and over again to the point that too many people accept the big lie, even though they know it is a lie just because of the repetitiveness. They have been trained like dogs and the consequences of this manufactured quirk are at the heart of the destruction of this country and indeed this world, using nothing more than obvious lies that people tend to accept as a part of group think, political correctness, and the herd mentality.
        It is really quite amazing when you think about it, but this is the greatest obstacle to the truth setting us free.
        When I said I saw the nickle, I was saying I see the truth because it has substance, and I know that a lie has no substance. A lie does not exist in reality. Physics dictates that it cannot because it is mathematically incorrect.
        Hope this makes sense to you, have a wonderful weekend.

          1. The nickel was used to emphasize the smallness of the lie, and as a dollar isn’t even worth a nickel anymore, how much is a nickel worth? LOL
            Have a great day, Mark.

          2. God did I say a nickel was worth a 100 dollars? JESUS what the hell was I thinking! That’s what happens when your stuck in Dallas traffic!

            I meant to say $100 dollars buys you a nickles worth of groceries!

            See what this job does to you!

        1. Thanks, Henry. Yes, it makes sense. A lot of sense. I remember that broadcast. I remember thinking how easy it is to fool some, but not everyone. I thought to myself, fk the nickel, where’s the quarter? Ha!!

          You are right about “the greatest obstacle.” I look around and am astounded at what people are willing to believe, from science, to politics, to medicine – it’s t.v. mentality struttin’ its stuff. And then there’s the NPR crowd, the worst. Smiles and soft voices talkin’ carbon taxes and dangers of “hate-speech.” Talkin open borders and U.N. headquarters, etc. Hypnotic. But they know little of the camp that exists of those who simply CANNOT be hypnotized.

          How “The Husband Store” went from fun and folly to all this is amazing. I have to blame Paul.

          ps: There were some, days gone, who really understood the essence of the nickle:

  2. Hahahahaha, Paul. Good one!!

    Everything that makes us laugh always has a bit of truth in it. Or maybe more than a bit.


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