“Netanyahu is our greatest, disastrous president of the 21st century, he ran American foreign policy for 20 years, and cost us trillions of dollars. Israel is using the U.S. as if our military is in their hands, and in effect it is.” – Jeffrey Sachs

One thought on ““Netanyahu is our greatest, disastrous president of the 21st century, he ran American foreign policy for 20 years, and cost us trillions of dollars. Israel is using the U.S. as if our military is in their hands, and in effect it is.” – Jeffrey Sachs

  1. Talking head. Why ain’t he calling Bibi the Arch Demon that he is? How casually crimes against humanity get tossed in as sound bites from men in suits who get big paychecks. Are they supporters of the status-quo? Supporters of genocide? Yeah, 4th Estate, guilty as charged.


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