Obamas headed to Hawaii for 8th Christmas vacation: Here’s how much it will cost you


Aloha, President Obama.

The White House said President Obama and his family will spend their eighth straight Christmas in Hawaii. The first family will be leaving Dec. 18 and coming back after the New Year.  

Obama HawaiiEvents could delay the president’s trip, however, according to White House spokesperson Josh Earnest. The White House did not confirm if the Obamas would be staying at the so-called “Magnum P.I.” house, a $8.7 million beachside retreat once used in the ’80s television show. The estate on the east side of Oahu was purchased earlier this year by attorney Matt Nesbitt, chair of the Barack Obama Foundation, which is planning the president’s future library.

The president usually enjoys golf, snorkeling and family trips during his vacations. The president began the yearly tradition in 2008, before he took the oath of office. He generally meet with service members in Hawaii as well.

Local media reported Secret Service was already in the area and residents had received security information related to Kailua Bay. The Federal Aviation Administration has also issued temporary flight restrictions for the area from Dec. 19-Jan. 4.

How much does the trip cost?

Judicial Watch tracks costs related to presidential trips, including what it costs to operate Air Force One.

Three trips earlier this year – a Palm Springs golf trip in June, a trip to New York in July and a visit to Martha’s Vineyard in August – cost the U.S. $3.1 million in travel expenses alone. It costs about $206,000 per hour to operate the president’s private plane.

Last year’s Obama family Christmas trip cost $3.7 million in flight expensesalone, with 17.8 hours in the air round-trip. Housing and security costs are on top of that amount but not all that information is released to the public.

Those expenses don’t sit well with everyone.

“The Obamas’ travel is out of control.  They are treating the Air Force One like an Uber ride.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And President Obama seems oblivious to the burden he is placing on Americans with his continuous vacations, getaways, and political junkets at taxpayer expense.”


4 thoughts on “Obamas headed to Hawaii for 8th Christmas vacation: Here’s how much it will cost you

  1. Those poor people that have to deal with the upset of this clown and his full clown car

    What a drag that has to be

  2. The king must have his time of relaxation with his tranny bride every other month. He gets so stressed out over enforcing tyranny on the people he serves.

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