Oregon bill would pay homeless people $1,000 a month By Houston Keene

The state of Oregon is weighing a bill to give homeless and low-income people $1,000 a month in universal basic income.

The Oregon legislature is considering a bill to establish a People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program through the state’s Department of Human Services.

Oregon’s bill is the latest in blue states looking to give handouts to people in universal basic income (UBI) programs.

According to Bill Track 50, the legislation would “provide 12 monthly payments of $1,000 to individuals who are experiencing homelessness, are at risk of homelessness, are severely rent burdened or earn at or below 60 percent of area median income.”

The bill would require a study on who is receiving the money broken down among a few demographics, including race, veteran status and risk of domestic violence.

Additionally, the bill sunsets in January 2026.

The $1,000 payments can be used at recipients’ discretion, but supporters say it will be used toward rent and other living expenses.

However, that discretion could backfire as some recipients could use the money for other costs like alcohol or drugs.

Oregon is not the first place to consider universal basic income payments.

3 thoughts on “Oregon bill would pay homeless people $1,000 a month By Houston Keene

  1. “The state of Oregon is weighing a bill to give …” This fictitious entity can’t weigh or give anything. If the men and women want to give their own money that would be fine. But to dilute the value of others money by giving away digits on a computer causing inflation is pure theft. A crime they should be hung for.

    1. And you are very right Craig… They will not stop finding ways to take wind out of your sails!! Corruption is rampant…

  2. I want to move. I want to move so badly I can taste it, I have dreams about moving, if I never see Portland again or the delightful color of my neighborhood it will be lifetimes too soon. It use to be a great place to live but that was 20 yrs ago. My husband has a job he loves, is nearly done with his apprenticeship & isn’t vested in the pension yet so he said we need to stay with in a hour of his shop but my desire to leave has been made more urgent by having my first child last week. I patently refuse to raise our son there, then there are the taxes, how does the state plan to pay for this boondoggle you ask ironically? Oh, you know how. Ideas are always great if you don’t have to pay for them. God, I just want to move to Idaho or Montana so badly it makes my bones ache.

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