Kerry Says UN Must Act Next Week on Syria Weapons

Boolmberg – by Nicole Gaouette

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry laid the groundwork for President Barack Obama’s speech at the United Nations tomorrow by meeting with Arab officials to discuss Syria, Egypt, and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Kerry is in New York this week to join diplomats and world leaders who are taking up issues from development and disease to global conflict at the annual opening of the UN General Assembly. The bulk of his time and attention may be focused on tensions between the U.S. and Russia over terms for Syria’s handover of its chemical weapons.   Continue reading “Kerry Sets Stage for Obama Visit to UN With Mideast Meetings”

Activist Post

In an effort to restore the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, 11th Ward Councilman Anton Konev of the Albany, NY Common Council, has introduced Resolution 80.92.13, the strongest resolution in the nation, designed to protect Albany’s citizens from any application of sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), or the Law of War in the City of Albany.   Continue reading “Albany, NY Introduces Strongest Resolution in America Against NDAA”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov speaks in Moscow, on 16 September, 2013.BBC News

Russia can send its military personnel to help in the proposed operation to eliminate Syria’s chemical arms, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says.

Mr Lavrov told Russian TV that military observers could help Syria destroy its stockpiles under a US-Russian deal.   Continue reading “Russian offers troops to help remove Syria chemical arms”

34 Ways to Use Duct Tape for Survival   Backdoor SurvivalBackdoor Suvival – by Gary Levy

I have always claimed – and not altogether jokingly – that you could build a house with Elmer’s glue and Duct Tape.  Both items are readily available, relatively inexpensive and easy to tote around.  I will set aside the Elmer’s for another time, though.  Today, I thought it would be fun to look as some of the practical uses of duct tape around the house, camping and of course, in a survival situation.   Continue reading “34 Ways to Use Duct Tape for Survival”

Vice President Joe Biden in Mexico CityCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffrey

Speaking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico City on Friday, Vice President Joe Biden said that the international partnerships he and President Barack Obama are seeking to build–including one between the United States and Mexico–are “literally going to shape the future for my country for the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years.”

Part of that future, Biden said, should involve letting “undocumented” people “out of the shadows” in the United States—terminology the administration and others  have used to describe a policy that would legalize illegal aliens and allow them to eventually become U.S. citizens.   Continue reading “Biden in Mexico: U.S. Needs ‘to Bring 11 Million Undocumented … Out of The Shadows’”

Obama EPA Climate Decrees Will Further Damage U.S. EconomyThe New American – by Alex Newman

The Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a series of far-reaching executive decrees on carbon dioxide Friday, supposedly aimed at dealing with “climate change” based on largely debunked United Nations theories about man-made “global warming.” Drawing a furious and immediate response from critics on both sides of the aisle, opponents slammed the proposed EPA regulations as everything from wildly unconstitutional overreach to another assault on the embattled U.S. economy and even a “war on coal.”    Continue reading “Obama EPA Climate Decrees Will Further Damage U.S. Economy”

illustration for Facebook deep learningMIT Technology Review- by Tom Simonite

Facebook is set to get an even better understanding of the 700 million people who share details of their personal lives using the social network each day.

A new research group within the company is working on an emerging and powerful approach to artificial intelligence known as deep learning, which uses simulated networks of brain cells to process data. Applying this method to data shared on Facebook could allow for novel features, and perhaps boost the company’s ad targeting.   Continue reading “Facebook Launches Advanced AI Effort to Find Meaning in Your Posts”

Buzz Feed – by Andrew Kaczynski

Several of the House Republicans who voted Thursday for a bill that slashed billions of dollars from the food stamp program personally received large farm subsidies for family farms. The bill cutting the food stamp program narrowly passed on a mostly party line 217 to 210 vote.

During the food stamp debate, GOP Rep. Stephen Fincher, who received thousands in farm subsidies, responded to a Democratic Congressman during the debate over the cuts by quoting the bible, saying “the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”   Continue reading “These Republicans Who Voted To Cut Food Stamps Personally Received Large Farm Subsidies”

1950s. Evil apple.Buzz Feed – by copyranter

Big Sugar

The Sugar Association was started in 1947, and its PR division, Sugar Information, soon followed.

And over the ensuing years, Big Sugar, through Sugar Information, didn’t just settle for “the treat” sell. They expanded their messaging to include “the energy” sell and “the weight loss” sell, until the FDA put a soft-stop to those ads. (They weren’t outright banned, but Big Sugar stopped them.)  Continue reading “One Of The Biggest Con Jobs In Advertising History, Part 2”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The United States continues to fund terrorism. August 1st we posted an article titled, “Al-Qaeda, Taliban Receive U.S. Government Contracts Despite Being Sworn Enemy.” Where is the outrage among my American brethren? The American people do not support this, yet our tax dollars do. Our prayers go out to those affected by this travesty.

(VideoCNN) – Choir members and children attending Sunday school were among 81 people killed in a suicide bombing at a Protestant church in northwest Pakistan.   Continue reading “Taliban Funded by U.S. Kills 81 in Suicide Attack at Church in Peshawar, Pakistan”

AFP Photo Things that make you wonder.  If the human body produces these flu-fighting cells on its own, why would anyone need a vaccine? 

RT News

Scientists have reached a breakthrough in their pursuit of a universal vaccine for flu, which includes even future deadly strains. The answer lay within the human body itself, after eluding specialists for decades.

The foundations for a possible revolutionary flu vaccine were discovered as part of a UK study following the 2009 swine flu pandemic.    Continue reading “Through with flu? Universal influenza vaccine on its way”

FALFURRIAS, Texas (AP) — By the time the woman perished, she had probably slogged 25 miles through dry ranch lands in her quest to enter the United States. She was found just feet from a highway where she might have been picked up and taken to Houston with other migrants making the same journey.

Not long ago, her body would have been taken to a funeral home for a cursory attempt at identification, then buried in this town an hour north of the Mexico border under a sign reading “unknown female.”   Continue reading “Rising immigrant deaths put burden on Texas county”