Destruction of SyriaWorld Events and the Bible

(RT) – While the Obama administration pays lip service to the Russian solution, there is no reason to believe that Washington will take its finger off the trigger.

In a recent interview with CBS, Syrian President Bashar Assad warned that the United States should “expect everything” if it launches a military strike against Damascus, insinuating that the already highly combustible situation could genuinely spiral out of control if Washington escalated this war. Continue reading “‘Expect everything’: A new pretext to justify bombing Syria?”

Update: Fox News

‘Shelter in Place’ order given to DC Navy Yard personnel.

A gunman has fired three shots at the Washington Navy Yard, U.S. Navy officials announced Monday.

The shooting is still active, a public information officer for the Metropolitan Police Department said. Police officers are currently on the scene.   Continue reading “Shooting at Navy Yard Reports of Multiple Victims”

Common Dreams – by Matthew Rothschild

1. “I possess the authority to order military strikes.”

No you don’t, Mr. President. Only Congress has the authority to declare war, and ordering military strikes would be a clear act of war, thus violating the Constitution. It would also violate the War Powers Act, which says that the President can’t engage in hostilities without a declaration of war or specific Congressional authorization unless there is “a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.” And Syria has done no such thing.   Continue reading “The 5 Most Ludicrous War Claims in Obama’s Syria Speech”

An employee of Christie's auction house manoeuvres a Lehman Brothers corporate logo, which is estimated to sell for 1500 GBP and is featured in the sale of art owned by the collapsed investment bank Lehman BrothersTelegraph – by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

The Swiss-based `bank of central banks’ said a hunt for yield was luring investors en masse into high-risk instruments, “a phenomenon reminiscent of exuberance prior to the global financial crisis”.

This is happening just as the US Federal Reserve prepares to wind down stimulus and starts to drain dollar liquidity from global markets, an inflexion point that is fraught with danger and could go badly wrong.   Continue reading “BIS veteran says global credit excess worse than pre-Lehman”

Wired – by Kevin Poulsen

It wasn’t ever seriously in doubt, but the FBI yesterday acknowledged that it secretly took control of Freedom Hosting last July, days before the servers of the largest provider of ultra-anonymous hosting were found to be serving custom malware designed to identify visitors.

Freedom Hosting’s operator, Eric Eoin Marques, had rented the servers from an unnamed commercial hosting provider in France, and paid for them from a bank account in Las Vegas. It’s not clear how the FBI took over the servers in late July, but the bureau was temporarily thwarted when Marques somehow regained access and changed the passwords, briefly locking out the FBI until it gained back control.   Continue reading “FBI Admits It Controlled Tor Servers Behind Mass Malware Attack”

christians endangered speciesThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

It is becoming apparent that Christians, and American Christians, in particular, will soon become the most hunted people on the face of the earth. The coming persecution will make the Romans persecution of the Christians seem tame compared to what is coming. DHS policies and their subsequent actions have become an effective barometer from which to judge the direction of the tyrannical takeover of our government by the central bankers and what it will ultimately mean for Christians.   Continue reading “They Will Be the Most Hunted People On the Planet”

grahamheartwarTruthstream Media – by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

Forget Syria; Lindsey Graham is going straight for Iran.

The Republican Senator from South Carolina announced on Saturday that he is going to officially approach Congress to seek military authorization for a strike on Iran to destroy the nation’s nuclear program.   Continue reading “Sen. Lindsey Graham to Congress: ‘Let’s Just Blow Up Iran’”

Dissident Voice – by Ron Jacobs

This week, the Vermont news media published stories stating that the Pentagon is considering building a Ground-based Midcourse Defense base in Jericho, Vermont, a small town near Burlington and Montpelier. When people think about Vermont, Jericho is what people think of; wooded lands, dairy farms, older houses and a blend of Yankee families whose roots go back generations and newer residents looking for tranquility, beauty and a good place to raise their kids. There is no reasonable argument for a missile base in Jericho, Vermont. Indeed, there is no reasonable argument for this missile base to be built anywhere.   Continue reading “A Missile Base in Vermont… Really?”

The Onion

ARLINGTON, TX—Marking the Cowboys’ season opener against the Giants in traditional fashion, Dallas fans were reportedly treated to a thrilling halftime show Sunday night that featured the execution of a Texas state prisoner.

“That was the best halftime show I’ve seen in years—there was this awesome light show with Toby Keith’s ‘American Ride’ playing over the sound system while a priest administered the last rites,” said 46-year-old Cowboys fan Alan Kierstead, adding that he especially enjoyed when Cowboys cheerleaders formed the shape of a skull around the stage and performed an elaborate dance routine before the convicted felon was injected with a lethal dose of pentobarbital.   Continue reading “Satire: Dallas Cowboys Halftime Show Features Execution Of Texas Prisoner”

Common Dreams – by Glenn Greenwald

It has been previously reported that the mentality of NSA chief Gen. Keith Alexander is captured by his motto “Collect it All”. It’s a get-everything approach he pioneered first when aimed at an enemy population in the middle of a war zone in Iraq, and has now imported onto US soil, aimed at the domestic population and everyone else.   Continue reading “Inside the Mind of NSA Chief Gen. Keith Alexander”

Making waves: High waves crash into a breakwater in Kumano, Mie Prefecture, Sunday afternoon as Typhoon Man-yi made its way toward Honshu.  | KYODOThe Japan Times

Typhoon Man-yi advanced toward central Japan on Sunday, bringing heavy rains as officials warned of floods and strong winds, the Meteorological Agency said.

The season’s 18th storm, swirling in Pacific waters south of the archipelago, was packing gusts up to 108 kph and moving north-northwest, the agency said.

It was on a direct course to hit Monday morning, possibly around 9 a.m. in Shizuoka Prefecture, the agency said.   Continue reading “Typhoon Man-yi heads for Chubu”

Fly Agaric MushroomCBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A magazine in Arizona has decided to pull its October issue from newsstands, after mistakenly advising that a mushroom that can cause hallucinations is edible.

Arizona Highways Magazine announced Friday that in its October 2013 issue, it mistakenly included an item advising that the fly agaric mushroom is edible.   Continue reading “Magazine Mistakenly Advises Eating Dangerous Mushroom”

img/photos/2013/09/15/Charlotte_Police_Shoo_Fisa.jpgYahoo News – by  Dylan Stableford

A North Carolina police officer was charged with voluntary manslaughter on Saturday after police say he fatally shot an unarmed man who had apparently just survived a car crash in Charlotte and was looking for help.

The victim, Jonathan Ferrell, a 24-year-old former Florida A&M University football player, was shot multiple times and pronounced dead at the scene early Saturday morning.   Continue reading “Police officer charged in fatal shooting of unarmed man who had just survived car accident”

Activist Post – by Tony Cartalucci

In Reuters’ “Syrian Rebels Slam U.S.-Russia Deal, Say Assad Is Moving Chemical Weapons To Lebanon And Iraq,” Qassim Saadeddine of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” rejected the recent Syrian-Russian proposal to turn over Syria’s chemical weapons for independent verification and destruction, vowing to block UN inspectors should they enter Syria to carry out the task.    Continue reading “Syria’s “Rebels” Threaten UN – Will Use US Weapons”

Washington Post – by Zachary A. Goldfarb

President Obama declared that the United States is still prepared to act militarily to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons despite the decision to pursue a diplomatic deal and not strike Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons.He also acknowledged that his approach to the Syria crisis has been uneven, but defended it as producing the right results.   Continue reading “Obama says Iran shouldn’t misinterpret U.S. response to Syria”