World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Thousands of U.S. soldiers have been killed in combat fighting the Taliban and al-Qaeda yet those same enemies are receiving your tax dollars. With all of the recent news it should be obvious to you all of this is staged and a part of a much larger plan.

(Bloomberg) – Supporters of the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan have been getting U.S. military contracts, and American officials are citing “due process rights” as a reason not to cancel the agreements, according to an independent agency monitoring spending.   Continue reading “Al-Qaeda, Taliban Receive U.S. Government Contracts Despite Being Sworn Enemy”

Lynwood YatesAP – The Big Story – by MICHAEL KUNZELMAN

MORVEN, Ga. (AP) — Small-town police departments across the country have been gobbling up tons of equipment discarded by a downsizing military — bicycles, bed sheets, bowling pins, French horns, dog collars, even a colonoscopy machine — regardless of whether the items are needed or will ever be used.

In the tiny farming community of Morven, Ga., the police chief has grabbed three boats, scuba gear, rescue rafts and a couple of dozen life preservers. The town’s deepest body of water: an ankle-deep creek.   Continue reading “Little Restraint in Military Giveaways”

Tech Dirt – by Glyn Moody

Two massive trade agreements currently being negotiated — TPP and TAFTA/TTIP — could potentially affect most people on this planet, either directly or indirectly through the knock-on effects. Like all such agreements, they have been justified on the grounds that everyone wins: trade is boosted, prices drop, profits rise and jobs are created. That’s why it’s been hard to argue against TPP or TAFTA — after all, who doesn’t want all those things?   Continue reading “Trade Agreements With Mexico And South Korea Turned Out To Be Disasters For US: So Why Pursue TPP And TAFTA/TTIP?”

EDITORS' NOTE: Reuters and other foreign media are subject to Iranian restrictions on leaving the office to report, film or take pictures in Tehran. A general view of an oil dock is seen from a ship at the port of Kalantari in the city of Chabahar, 300km (186 miles) east of the Strait of Hormuz January 17, 2012. REUTERS/Raheb HomavandiReuters – by Timothy Gardner

The House of Representatives easily passed a bill on Wednesday to tighten sanctions on Iran, showing a strong message to Tehran over its disputed nuclear program days before President-elect Hassan Rouhani is sworn in.

The vote also highlighted a growing divide between Congress and the Obama administration on Iran policy ahead of international talks on the nuclear program in coming months. Iran insists the nuclear program is purely for civilian purposes.   Continue reading “U.S. House passes Iran sanctions bill to slash oil exports” Watchblog

WASHINGTON — American intelligence analysts have concluded that a recent Israeli airstrike on a warehouse in Syria did not succeed in destroying all of the Russian-made antiship cruise missiles that were its target, American officials said on Wednesday, and that further Israeli strikes are likely. 

Israel carried out an attack on July 5 near Latakia to destroy the missiles, which Russia had sold to Syria. While the warehouse was destroyed, American intelligence analysts have now concluded that at least some of the Yakhont missiles had been removed from their launchers and moved from the warehouse before the attack.   Continue reading “Syrian Missiles Were Moved Before Israeli Strike, Officials Say-More Strikes Coming”

National Defense Magazine- by Sarah Sicard

A recent survey showed that most Americans oppose the use of robotic weaponry without humans in the decision loop.

Fifty-five percent of the respondents in a survey conducted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst said they were either “strongly opposed” or “somewhat opposed” to nations employing fully autonomous weapons, said a report released June 19.   Continue reading “Poll: Americans Opposed to Autonomous ‘Killer Robots’”

The Oakland Press

GRAND BLANC TOWNSHIP (AP) — The FBI says it arrested a man who appeared at a Flint-area movie theater wearing body armor, possessing a gun and carrying 34 rounds of ammunition.

Cassidy Delavergne was charged Wednesday with possessing a phony card that identified him as an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency.   Continue reading “FBI: Man at Grand Blanc Township theater had armor, gun, fake CIA ID”

President Barack ObamaCincinnati News – by Jim Hannah

COVINGTON — A 53-year-old Eastern Kentucky man has received a four-year prison term after trying to run though a presidential security barricade in a car loaded with guns during Barack Obama’s visit to the region last September.

Kerry T. Prater was sentenced Tuesday by U.S. District Judge David Bunning. Prater, who has a history of mental illness, had pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm by a person committed to a mental institution. Prater was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital in 2001 and 2005 based on danger he posed to himself and others.   Continue reading “Man arrested with guns during Obama visit gets prison”

KS3Tech Crunch – by John Biggs

Further leaks have revealed an NSA project called XKeyscore that, with a few keystrokes, can give a data analyst access to nearly everything a user does on the Internet – from chat sessions to email to browsing habits.

The system requires an email because many behaviors online are completely anonymous and it is only via some sort of identifier — a username and domain — that the system can scour the database of collected Internet traffic and metadata.   Continue reading “NSA Project XKeyscore Collects Nearly Everything You Do On The Internet”

Continue reading “Foreclosure Solution! City “Condemns” Properties Under Eminent Domain & Gives them Back to Owners as Banks and Fed Govt Refuse to Help…”

Century Link

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal judge has scheduled a hearing on Sept. 19 for Halliburton Energy Services to plead guilty to destroying evidence after BP’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

The company was arraigned Wednesday in New Orleans on a misdemeanor charge. Although company attorneys entered a plea of not guilty during the arraignment, Halliburton has agreed to plead guilty to one count of destruction of evidence in a deal with the Justice Department.   Continue reading “Halliburton to plead guilty in Gulf oil spill”

The Common Sense Show

Most of you know the look you get when you honestly try and convince a member of the “Sheeple Nation” that America is on life support and that tens of millions are in grave danger.  Along these lines, I was recently speaking with a friend of mine from Tennessee and began to point out how bad things in this country have become. Inevitably, the discussion began to center around the subject of unwarranted detention centers called FEMA Camps. My friend rolled his eyes and repeated the national anthem of all sheep, “I didn’t know you were one of them conspiracy theorists.” He couldn’t hold back the laughter.   Continue reading “You Can Lead a Sheep to Knowledge, but You Can’t Make Them Think”

National Organization for MarriageNational Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Unprecedented, chilling, unconstitutional, and simply wrong.

Those were some of the words used to describe a San Antonio City Council ordinance that would ban from city government anyone who ever uttered a discriminatory word against same-sex marriage. Truth is stranger, and in this case more horrifying, than fiction.   Continue reading “Don’t Mess with Texas (Marriage Law)!”

Survival and Beyond – by Ed Corcoran

It seems lately that the mainstream media has been coming out with all kinds on reports that most of us “conspiracy theorists” (e.g. those of us who have been paying attention) have known for some time.  From Sean Hannity coming out on FOX hollering about the militarization of the police in America, to the following report from CNN correspondent Bruce Schneier declaring what most of  us have already known for ages.  Does this mean that the MSM is finally “coming around” and they’re not really controlled by the corporate power elite?  Or are they just trying to balance things out to make themselves appear more legitimate?   Continue reading “Well, it Must be “Official” Now that CNN Declares: “The Internet is a Surveillance State””

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

As soon as tomorrow afternoon votes are expected in the Uruguayan House of Representatives which will cast the country into the lead to become the first country to official end cannabis prohibition.

The country’s president, José Mujica, and the ruling party in the Uruguayan Senate, Frente Ampli, are also public supporters of replacing cannabis prohibition with a state monopoly on cannabis commerce.   Continue reading “Tomorrow Uruguay Legalizes Marijuana, First Nation In The World To End Marijuana Prohibition”

File photo of an employee working at a Goodwill in Toronto, Canada (© Steve Russell/Toronto Star via Getty Images)MSN – by Jason Notte

Is it still considered charity if Goodwill Industries only pays some of its employees 22 cents an hour? In Goodwill’s view, yes: They could be making nothing.

In a payroll decision that’s ideologically complex at best, Goodwill Industries outlets in Pennsylvania used a 75-year-old labor law loophole to pay disabled employees as little as 22, 38 and 41 cents per hour in 2011.    Continue reading “Goodwill pays disabled workers pennies an hour”

Bob Owens

“The plan we’ve been given in the past is ‘Well, lock your doors, turn off your lights and hope for the best,’” Superintendent David Hopkins said. But as deadly incidents continued to happen in schools, he explained, the district decided, “That’s not a plan.”

Home to an annual peach festival, the town isn’t known for having dangerous schools. But Hopkins said he faced a flood of calls from parents worried about safety after the attack last year at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn.   Continue reading ““That’s not a plan.” Arkansas school district trains armed faculty and staff to confront active shooters, refuses the “hide and die” mantra of those cowardly districts that won’t protect students”