Truthstream Media – by Melissa Melton

A new article up at Forbes “Earth’s Future Forbidden Zones?” begins with all manner of coming world doom:

Science fiction is rife with planetary ‘forbidden zones’ — whole regions of a planet that have become virtually uninhabitable due to changes in climate; politics; nuclear, chemical or biological warfare; pollution; technology gone amok; or something even more exotic.   Continue reading “Future Earth: Agenda 21′s ‘Forbidden Zones’”

Public Intelligence

The following is a list of Twitter accounts followed by the official account of the Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center Media Monitoring Capability.  The document was obtained via FOIA request by Carlton Purvis using   Continue reading “List of Twitter Accounts Followed by DHS Media Monitoring Capability”

Infowars – by Alex Jones and Julie Wilson

In June, cited a report by revealing that the “FBI was aware of an organization, possibly a local police department or private security company, that had plans to assassinate peaceful protesters during the Occupy Movement.”

The classified document released by the FBI read:   Continue reading “Obama DHS Planned to Kill Peaceful Protesters in Sniper Attacks”

Video Rebel’s Blog

1) Why was the federal government allowed to kill the journalist Michael Hastings?

2) Why was DHS allowed to conspire to use snipers to kill leaders of the Occupy protests?

3) Why was there no media coverage when President Jimmy Carter said America was no longer a functioning democracy?   Continue reading “Questions For The Corporate Media And Politicians”

yogurtNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

Yogurt, fruit, and insect juice? This last ingredient might seem out of place, but it is precisely what global food giant Dannon is adding as a food coloring to many of its commercial yogurt products, unbeknownst to the majority of its customer base. And the non-profit consumer advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is calling on the company to immediately remove the ingredient from its product formulations in the interest of public safety.   Continue reading “You want some bug juice with that? Insect-based dye revealed in Dannon yogurt products”

AFP Photo / Kent Nishimura RT News

Hawaii is set to embark on an unusual new program for reducing the size of the state’s homeless population by offering them a one-way ticket back home.

Under a program dubbed ‘return to home’ the Aloha State is looking to cut back on the expenditures currently going to food, shelter and other services for its homeless population, currently numbering some 17,000.   Continue reading “Aloha! Hawaii to offer homeless one-way ticket out of state”

NBC News – by Michael Isikoff

In a major victory for the Justice Department over privacy advocates, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that government agencies can collect records showing the location of an individual’s cell phone without obtaining a warrant.

The 2-1 ruling by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans upheld the Justice Department’s argument that “historical” records showing the location of cell phones, gleaned from cell site location towers, are not protected by the Fourth Amendment.

A key basis for the ruling: The use of cell phones is “entirely voluntarily” and therefore individuals who use them have forfeited the right to constitutional protection for records showing where they have been used, the court held.   Continue reading “Government can grab cell phone location records without warrant, appeals court says”

Overpasses for ImpeachmentWhitehouse Dossier – by KEITH KOFFLER

A grassroots group with thousands of members is planning nationwide protests August 6 calling for President Obama’s impeachment.

The group, “Overpasses for Impeachment,” has gained steam since launching in mid-June and now appears to have a presence on all 50 states.

Scores of protests are on tap, with members taking to overpasses above major throughways during morning and afternoon rush hour brandishing signs calling for impeachment.   Continue reading “Nationwide “Impeach Obama” Protest Set for August 6”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

Hillary “what difference does it make” Clinton is set to receive the American Patriot Award from the National Defense University Foundation, according to a press release, to be presented on November 14, 2013 at a gala dinner hosted by the NDU Foundation at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC.

The award is given to “leaders who have strengthened America’s strategic interests and advanced global security.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton To Receive American Patriot Award From NDU Foundation For ‘Defending Our Nation””

Common Dreams – by Jon Queally

Jeffrey Toobin, the CNN legal analyst who spent most of Tuesday on the air of his cable network commending the decision of the military judge who found Pfc. Bradley Manning guilty of nineteen criminal counts for leaking classified information to Wikileaks, was taken to task for his “inside the beltway” position during a primetime segment on Anderson Cooper’s 360.   Continue reading “Greenwald Slams “Establishment” Double-Standard for Manning”

Harsh sentence: Editor Raif Badawi set up a liberal website in Saudi ArabiaDaily Mail

The editor of a Saudi Arabian social website has been sentenced to seven years in prison and 600 lashes for founding an Internet forum that violates Islamic values and propagates liberal thought, Saudi media reported on Tuesday.

Raif Badawi, who started the ‘Free Saudi Liberals’ website to discuss the role of religion in Saudi Arabia, has been held since June 2012 on charges of cyber crime and disobeying his father – a crime in the conservative kingdom and top U.S. ally.   Continue reading “Editor jailed for seven years and sentenced to 600 LASHES after starting ‘Free Saudi Liberals’ website”

german armyThe Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The Internal Revenue Service includes an estimated 106,000 agents and employees.
The Treasury Department allocated $11.522 billion to the agency for operations in 2009.

Thanks to Obamacare the agency is expected to hire from 11,800 to 16,500 new agents.
That means the IRS will have from 117,800 to 122,500 after Obamacare is implemented.   Continue reading “IRS Now Has More Agents Than German Army”

Mass Privatel

In the aftermath of the information sharing failures leading to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in a Pennsylvania field, States and localities across the United States established what are known today as State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers (fusion centers). Collectively known as the National Network of Fusion Centers, many of these – now numbering 78 – fusion centers are still in their infancy.   Continue reading “Seventy eight (National Network) fusion centers in America but we only have 50 states”

Detroit Michigan at Milwaukee Junction looking southwest at Russell Industrial Complex - Photo by no body atollEnd of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

Something very strange is happening to Detroit.  Once upon a time, it was the center of American manufacturing and it had the highest per capita income in the United States.  But now the city is dying and the Chinese are moving in to pick up the pieces.  Lured by news stories that proclaim that you can buy homes in Detroit for as little as one dollar, Chinese investors are eagerly gobbling up properties.  In some cases, this is happening dozens of properties at a time.  Not only that, according to the New York Times “dozes of companies from China” are investing in businesses and establishing a presence in the Detroit area.  If this continues, will Detroit eventually become a city that is heavily dominated by China?   Continue reading “Why Are The Chinese Gobbling Up Real Estate And Businesses In Detroit?”