swatThe Organic Prepper

Be careful what you Google….you never know when it might get you a visit from the  federal anti-terrorism task force, despite the government’s claims that information about average Americans is not being analyzed.

What shows up in your search history?  I just checked mine.   Continue reading “Feds Visit Family Who Googled Backpacks & Pressure Cookers…But the NSA Isn’t Watching You”

The Seattle Times – by Dominic Gates

Local Boeing workers who’ve lost their jobs will receive substantial additional federal unemployment benefits after two unions at the company sought aid under a program for employees laid off due to outsourcing and foreign trade.

Thanks to a federal program lined up by their unions, local workers laid off during the current dip in employment at Boeing Commercial Airplanes will enjoy a financial cushion that’s much, much plumper than what the average unemployed state resident gets.   Continue reading “Feds give laid-off Boeing workers a big helping hand”

CNN – by Leslie Bentz

A Kansas company is recalling about 50,000 pounds of ground beef products over fears of E. coli contamination.

The National Beef Packing Co. products, which were shipped nationwide, may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Wednesday.   Continue reading “Kansas company recalls 50,000 pounds of ground beef products”

The Telegraph – by Rhiannon Williams

A string of code from iOS 7 revealing ‘a fingerprint that changes colour during the setup process’ was posted online yesterday, sparking rumours that the new iPhone could contain a fingerprint sensor.

If the rumours are true, the latest iPhone will be the first Apple product to feature such a sensor, which could be used for unlocking the homescreen or confirming identity for payment from the App Store or other outlets. Any sensor would likely be embedded into the physical home button.   Continue reading “Apple’s new iPhone ‘has fingerprint sensor’”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

A Virginia State Police trooper hitting a kid on a skateboard and captured on a cell phone approximately nine months ago, went viral on the internet after famous professional skateboarder Tony Hawk, threw up a link to the video on his Twitter account On July 31.

The video now has over 300,000 hits on YouTube, showing the power of social media in driving news and traffic.   Continue reading “VA Trooper Car Hitting Skateboarder Video, Goes Viral 9 Months Later”

McCain_lovingly_HillarySeeing Red AZ

Opining that “rock star” Hillary Clinton did a “fine job” as secretary of state, Arizona’s disgrace John McCain says it would be a “tough choice” between supporting the liberal snake oil saleswoman who orchestrated the shameful Benghazi deception and conservative U.S. Sen. Rand Paul in 2016.

That statement should rankle every party stalwart who expects those who run as Republicans to act as Republicans as well as support the GOP Platform.     Continue reading “McCain may support “rock star” Hillary in 2016”

Press TV

The sole path to liberate the land of Palestine is for the regional countries to join efforts to strengthen the existing model of resistance against Zionism, a political analyst tells Press TV.

“The Palestinians need the people and the states and the countries of the region to build capacity [for] resistance [against] Zionism and imperialism,” said Sukant Chandan in a Thursday interview.    Continue reading “Anti-Israeli resistance must span entire Middle East: Analyst”

Cop Block

Two weeks ago, animal shelter employee Ray Schulze was working in the barn at the Society of St. Francis on the Kenosha-Illinois border when a swarm of squad cars arrived and officers unloaded with a search warrant.

There were nine DNR agents and four deputy sheriffs, and they were all armed to the teeth; Schulze said, “It was like a SWAT team.”   Continue reading “Armed Agents Raid Animal Shelter to Execute Baby Deer”

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

The Russian military recently dispatched a guided-missile warship to Cuba as part of what U.S. officials say are growing military, intelligence and economic ties between Moscow and Havana.

After Havana, the warship will visit Caracas, Venezuela; Managua, Nicaragua; and Praia Port in the Cape Verde Islands off eastern Africa.   Continue reading “Russia Sends Warships To Cuba, Venezuela”

SnowdenRussia.jpgFox News

U.S. lawmakers fumed Thursday after NSA leaker Edward Snowden apparently was allowed to leave the Moscow airport and enter Russian territory on temporary refugee status.

“If these reports are accurate, Americans in Washington should consider this a game changer in our relationship with Russia,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement, calling Russia’s decision “provocative” and “a sign of Vladimir Putin’s clear lack of respect for President Obama.”   Continue reading “US lawmakers fume over Russia granting asylum to Snowden”

Fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden (C) talks with Russian lawyer Anatoly Kucherena (2nd R) in front of a car at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport August 1, 2013 in this still handout image broadcasted by Rossiya 24 TV Channel. REUTERS-Rossiya 24-Handout via ReutersReuters – by Timothy Heritage and Alissa de Carbonnel

Fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden slipped quietly out of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport on Thursday after being granted a year’s asylum in Russia, ending more than five weeks in limbo in the transit area.

Russia’s decision to help the American, and ignore U.S. requests to send him home to face trial for leaking details of government surveillance programs, is sure to anger Washington and increase doubts that a summit between presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin will go ahead in Moscow in September.   Continue reading “Fugitive Snowden granted a year’s asylum in Russia, leaves airport”

Infowars – by Steve Watson

The NSA head General Keith Alexander faced a hostile crowd Wednesday while attempting to defend mass surveillance programs at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas.

Around 30 minutes into his speech, Alexander claimed that the NSA had “stopped thirteen terrorist related activities in the United States,” flashing up a slide that stated the NSA had prevented fifty-four worldwide terrorist events. “Our nation takes stopping terrorism as one of the most important things.” Alexander stated, prompting a man in the crowd to shout “Freedom!”   Continue reading “Security Consultant Heckles NSA Head: Shouts “Freedom!”; “Read The Constitution!””

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. (photo: file)Reader Supported News – by Carl Gibson

“The right of the people, peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, and to petition their government, or any department thereof, shall never be abridged.”

– Wisconsin State Constitution, Article 1, Section 4

emember that part in the Bill of Rights where Free Speech and Free Assembly are guaranteed provided the citizen requesting those freedoms does so upon the approval of his or her permit request? I don’t remember that last part, either. Because if you have to ask your government for permission to protest it, then you never had the right to protest your government in the first place.   Continue reading “Scott Walker’s Crackdown on Free Speech Backfires”

The Kansas City Star – New York Times

Mistakes like a bounced check or a small overdraft have effectively blacklisted more than a million low-income Americans from the mainstream financial system for as long as seven years as a result of little-known private databases that are used by the nation’s major banks.

The problem is contributing to the growth of the roughly 10 million households in the United States that lack a banking account, a basic requirement of modern economic life.   Continue reading “Banks use databases to turn many customers away”

AFP Photo / Pedro ArmestreRT News

Thanks to new DNA evidence a Kansas City man was released from prison three decades after a wrongful rape conviction, though the 70-year-old clerk instrumental in his release was fired for insubordination.

Sharon Snyder, who was fired about nine months prior to her retirement after 34 years as a court employee, was let go by a Jackson County Circuit judge in Missouri for offering legal advice to 49-year-old Robert Nelson, convicted in 1984 to 50 years incarceration for a Kansas City rape the year prior.    Continue reading “Clerk who helped inmate exonerate himself with DNA evidence fired”

chemoNatural News – by Mike Adams

If you or someone you love is facing the possibility of cancer or chemotherapy, make sure they read this story. Breakthrough new science conducted at the University of Michigan and about to be published in the journal Nature reveals that intestinal health is the key to surviving chemotherapy.

The study itself is very difficult for laypeople to parse, however, so I’m going to translate into everyday language while also offering additional interpretations of the research that the original study author is likely unable to state due to the nutritional censorship of medical journals and universities, both of which have an anti-nutrition bias.   Continue reading “Cancer breakthrough: Probiotics may save patients from deadly chemotherapy; antibiotics may cause chemo to be fatal”