388,000 more workers filed new unemployment claims this week and this is being hailed as a sure sign that we are in a recovery.  Question: What are we recovering from?  Remember we have been out of the recession since June of 2010.  Corporations have been and are making record profits.  Again, what are we recovering from?

Weren’t we in a recovery this time last year?  Has recovery become like a season?  Every fall during the harvest and Christmas commerce season we recover and then in the spring we have to pay for the recovery, you know, for all the Christmas gifts charged on credit cards.  And of course all the temporary jobs have ended and these people who will re-file for unemployment will have their numbers used to hide the fact that another million have lost their unemployment benefits at 99 weeks.
Continue reading “November Recovery Right on Schedule”

Today marks the two month anniversary of the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street protests.  Occupy protests will be held throughout our country and indeed around the world today.  Considering the corporate elite ordered attempts to shut down the protests for the Christmas season, every person who is able should be out on the streets today.  The corporate elite have flexed their money muscles, now it is time for us to flex our numbers.

I was amazed to see that every town in Oregon wherein I know somebody had a protest planned within fifty miles.  I will be marching on Wall Street and Esplanade in Klamath Falls, Oregon this afternoon and I am taking some people with me.  There is no excuse for anyone not doing something today.
Continue reading “Occupy Everywhere Today”

At 1:00 am EST Tuesday morning, New York Police attacked the Occupy Wall Street protesters at Zuccotti Park, acting on orders from Mayor Bloomberg.  The protesters were removed from the park and the police set up a perimeter.  The protesters’ possessions were removed.

At 6:30 am New York Supreme Court Judge Lucy Billings issued a restraining order against the owners of the park, the police, and Mayor Bloomberg, ordering the parties to cease and desist and allow the protesters back into the park with their tents and sleeping bags.

The order was ignored and the police held the park.  Mayor Bloomberg stated that our Constitution, though it allows freedom of speech, does not allow tents and sleeping bags as a part of that freedom of speech.
Continue reading “Lawless Actions of New York Mayor Bloomberg Sanctioned by Corporate Elitist Judge Stallman”

These petitions were sent to us by Angel.  She also reports that the arrests are still going on. NYPD seems to be keeping them out of all parks. They showed up in riot gear to keep them out of Trinity Park (private, but fenced off for renovations) and right now they’ve arrested dozen+ at a park in Tribeca. They’re trying to return to Liberty Park (major gathering @ 11am EST) but are still being kept out (more arrests).  Bloomberg canceled his trip to DC today in order to block the court order at the hearing this afternoon.
Continue reading “Petitions in Response to Bloomberg Evicting Zuccotti Park”

Mayors in cities across the nation are ordering crackdowns on the Occupy protesters.  One talking head in the mainstream media said, “The Oakland police are working to keep people off of the public grounds.” We need to look at this situation.  Under our Constitution we are all supposed to be equal.  This means the dirtiest, stinkiest protester is supposed to have every right and consideration that George Soros does.  But what we see occurring is the officials, who are supposed to represent all of us equally, are sending street thugs to abuse the 99% majority of us in enforcing the dictates of the 1%.

The propagandists are citing as cause for the actions against the protesters, health and security issues.  They say crime has gone up 10% in and around the protest zones.  Could it be that crime is rising naturally as a result of a million more citizens running out of unemployment benefits?
Continue reading “Occupy Wall Street Movement – Time for a Counter Attack”