RATS! Your guide to protecting yourself against snitches, informers, informants, agents provocateurs, narcs, finks, and similar vermin

Rats – by Claire Wolfe

These days, law enforcement at all levels — from the local cop shop to obscure federal agencies — uses snitches to trap ordinary people. Snitches tell lies that send their friends to jail. Paid agents provocateurs talk or trick otherwise harmless people into committing crimes. In many places, Snitch culture has virtually replaced real investigation of real crimes. 

Don’t think you’re exempt if you’re a “law-abiding citizen.” The most trusting, naive, innocent people often make the easiest targets for these weaselly, lying, opportunistic vermin. Snitches specialize in targeting the vulnerable.

You may be in danger if you are:

  • A political activist
  • A recreational drug user
  • A hobbyist or business person who works with “sensitive” materials
  • A member of an unpopular religion
  • A gun owner or dealer
  • A participant in the underground economy
  • A photographer or videographer
  • A controversial thinker or writer
  • Or you just happen to hang out with the wrong people

Snitches are everywhere and they’re hard to detect. This brief, FREE ebook, Rats, can help you:

  • Identify a snitch
  • Protect yourself against snitches and agents provocateurs
  • Protect your friends or colleagues
  • Know how to handle yourself if you get arrested

It could even help you avoid being pressured into becoming a snitch, yourself.

Rats is the work of ex-cops, lawyers, security experts, experienced activists, outlaws, former outlaws, trained interrogators, and more. In the hour or so it takes you to read their information, you’ll gain a lifetime’s worth of armor against snitches, informers, informants, agents provocateurs, narcs, finks, and similar vermin.

Download the Rats ebook now. Five electronic formats. All absolutely FREE. 

Share it with your friends. Spread it around. Offer copies for download you your own site or mirror this entire page. All we ask is that you provide a link back to http://rats-nosnitch.com/. Information is power — the power of free people against a growing police state.

If you want to read the book in one of the ereader formats but don’t own a Kindle or a Nook, you can download free reader software for phones, Windows and Mac computers, and other devices. Free Kindle apps from Amazon.com. Free Nook apps from Barnes & Noble.

Download here: http://www.rats-nosnitch.com/

7 thoughts on “RATS! Your guide to protecting yourself against snitches, informers, informants, agents provocateurs, narcs, finks, and similar vermin

  1. This very snitch culture is the reason why the murderer of my nephew is still wandering around, free as a bird. The Sheriff’s department says to hold tight, they are working on it. My nephew’s girlfriend knows who did it, but under threat of police action, she has been told to stay out of it.
    I’ll be visiting my brother-in-law, father of the victim, and perhaps we can figure it out. It has been nearly 2 years since the viscious weaponless murder, and the cops sre busy writing traffic tickets.

  2. That is why I tend to be an introvert and “blurt” very little about myself. Why I infiltrate (but not as some FBI or CIA would…I seek the truth only, and why I don’t join “groups” if you know what I mean) to find the truth of it. I trust God, not men. (Psalm 118).

    I repeat–I am NO SNITCH! And God help the “nosey neighbor” who snitches on me!

  3. I would also include azzholes on that list.

    I would know.

    How to protect yourself from them.

    1.) Don’t answer the phone.

    2.) Don’t go to the post office or mailbox.

    3.) Don’t shop at Wal-Mart on the first of the month.

    4.) Don’t answer the door.


    5.) …..Drum roll pulleazzzz….thank you.

    Act like you can’t understand English.

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